So whats that junk sticking out of his head, shrapnel?
Happy that they put Calling to the Night on it.I didn't know they released a new vocal soundtrack alongside the game, but apparently it came out September 2.
Do not stand on a crate as you extract it
How many gems does hand of jehuty cost? I've just been selling them all game but I heard jehuty costs them?
Side ops 144Where is the man on fire's remains? I've cleared the base of enemies and am just running around everywhere but still can't find him.
How do I unlock more skins for the buddies? Do I just keep using them more?
No new difficulty, but after Mission 30Do you unlock extra difficulty modes at some point? it seems like the game is getting easier because they keep giving you new tools to play with.
cargo container extractions are how I always try to leave mission areas, cheaper and quicker than the chopper + free resources. Press Y again to hold on.
Can I make Quiet... "quieter" during missions? Her constant humming is really annoying me now. Please no spoilers.
No. You can not use her or try and drown her out with music tapes.
I beat the game this was one hell of a ride.
Lv up your R&D. 40? I think is when got it.How do you get wormhole fulton?
How do you get wormhole fulton?
Has anyone else seen, like, flashing lights low in the sky at night while on Mother Base?
I was driving between platforms and saw what looked kind of like a football stadium light flash off to my left. I saved a video, I'll upload it and put it up later. It scared the shit out of me.
So Miller mentioned about a Fultonthat can extract children. Can you develop this?!It would make life a lot easier with some of the missions.
I've honestly never noticed the timers being a problem. You're never locked out of progress, so I guess all the side ops and taking over random outposts made me forget about the timers until "Development has completed" and I get stuff.
Holy damn I'm crying over mission. That song in the credits after that mission. Damn.45
By the way for those that don't want to do the hard missions in episode 2, repeating missions also counts to progressing. Just keep trying to s rank and completing s ranks.
Question for possible ending -is there an ending outside the mission 46 I'm about to do? Seems sudden. Any pre-requisites for a true ending?
Has anyone else seen, like, flashing lights low in the sky at night while on Mother Base?
I was driving between platforms and saw what looked kind of like a football stadium light flash off to my left. I saved a video, I'll upload it and put it up later. It scared the shit out of me.
Yeah.That legit felt like a real MGS kind of character-ending to me, especially because admittedly I grew quite attached to Quiet since I used her a lot, and was the only buddy in the game that actually did shit in cutscenes.
And she didn't even need to say a damn word except for those very few scenes in which she did.
Side Ops 154 - where the hell is the last target cutout? The other 34 are super easy to see.