That mission 45, jeezus.Took me 2 hrs and went in totally unprepared. I swear some of those later APC had some invincibility time or something. Took like 8 rockets instead of 3 to destroy them.
The game gives you an awful rocket launcher during the mission, so it was probably that.
So, I've just done mission 31 can anyone confirm ifYou actually find out who Skull Face is at some point? Have I missed it? A simple yes or no will suffice.
There was already a long ass tape explaining his backstory in GZ
Though his military involvement is certainly made clearer in later tapes
Hint:Just finished mission 25, but now I'm stumped.I need to identify infected MB soldiers, but I have no idea how. I've tried watching them from a distance, see if they cough, sneeze, twitch, or exhibit any kind of weird behavior. I've tried walking up to them to see whether they react differently (stuttering, maybe?). Nothing so far. I must be completely off-base. Could someone give me a hint, please? Just a hint, not the solution.
I noticed most soldiers on the Combat platform and the Medical platform are wearing gas masks, while no one on the Command platform does. Not sure whether that means anything.
So, in the grand scheme of things in MGS Story terms, he's a no one? I will admit, I didnt really gather all the tapes in GZ but I have been in TPP.
So, in the grand scheme of things in MGS Story terms, he's a no one? I will admit, I didnt really gather all the tapes in GZ but I have been in TPP.
Yeah I just made it harder for myself I think. They gave me a rank 2 launcher when I have rank 4s researched already. Didn't want to give up my midway checkpoint so I slogged through it, lol.
Just finished mission 25, but now I'm stumped.I need to identify infected MB soldiers, but I have no idea how. I've tried watching them from a distance, see if they cough, sneeze, twitch, or exhibit any kind of weird behavior. I've tried walking up to them to see whether they react differently (stuttering, maybe?). Nothing so far. I must be completely off-base. Could someone give me a hint, please? Just a hint, not the solution.
I noticed most soldiers on the Combat platform and the Medical platform are wearing gas masks, while no one on the Command platform does. Not sure whether that means anything.
I never had, or have a problem with the camera, controls or shooting of the first 3 games, but okay, then compared to MGS 4.
None of those things actually bother me. The lack of a health bar and not knowing how much screen damage results in death just really messes with how confident I am in running in and gunning in this game.Yes, this is my main issue with this game. You become OP very fast simply by doing busy-work (see Skyrim, Witcher 3, Assassins Creed,...)
An extreme difficulty from the beginnig with special unlocks tied to it could have helped.
As it is now Reflex, Auto-marking, buddies, Regen-health, supply-drops make the game far to easy and ruin the stealth aspect, so I'm making it harder for me by playing "my game". If the ai was able to call enourmous amounts of reinforcement from main base (trucks with 10 soldiers, 2-3 tanks, helis) it would change things drastically, but I guess this is too much for PS4/One to keep the 60fps.
Something that feels insanely satisfying in this game is running. The heavy feeling, the thumping sound, you really get a sense of speed.
I noticed today that when you run and surpass a tree or something you hear the "wooosh" on your side.Something that feels insanely satisfying in this game is running. The heavy feeling, the thumping sound, you really get a sense of speed. Running up along-side a retreating enemy and stunning them before you extract them is seriously awesome feeling.
Seriously? I'm going to look for little subtle details like this next time I'm playing and just looking for animals to save and enemies to, uh... "save".I noticed today that when you run and surpass a tree or something you hear the "wooosh" on your side.
Okay, I'm going to say it: I like Quiet's humming.
Jesus, DD can be awesome.
Going through now S-ranking each level via complete stealth.
2 people rushing towards the room I'm in because I fultoned 2 prisoners.
Right before they open the door, 'Bark'
I make my escape once they're lured away.
Okay, I'm going to say it: I like Quiet's humming.
I've noticed this too (about 20hrs in). And I don't mean to crap on this game, since it does so much very well.Yes, this is my main issue with this game. You become OP very fast simply by doing busy-work (see Skyrim, Witcher 3, Assassins Creed,...)
An extreme difficulty from the beginnig with special unlocks tied to it could have helped.
As it is now Reflex, Auto-marking, buddies, Regen-health, supply-drops make the game far to easy and ruin the stealth aspect, so I'm making it harder for me by playing "my game". If the ai was able to call enourmous amounts of reinforcement from main base (trucks with 10 soldiers, 2-3 tanks, helis) it would change things drastically, but I guess this is too much for PS4/One to keep the 60fps.
Okay, I'm going to say it: I like Quiet's humming.
You could've used a supply drop. I think I used it to get the Battle Dress during that mission. I ended up going inside the building and calling in bombardments to take out most of the tanks in end. I'm sure you got greater satisfaction from your method though![]()
I've noticed this too (about 20hrs in). And I don't mean to crap on this game, since it does so much very well.
But in line with what you're saying, something that still sets a game like Far Cry 2 above and apart from MGSV is that in FC2 when shit goes wrong, you barely scrape by (and half the time you stumble into an even worse situation immediately afterward!). In contrast, in MGSV when shit goes wrong, you never run the risk of actually dying or losing anything. There are too many "nets" to catch you when you fail at stealth, then there are more "nets" to catch you if you fail at run-and-gun, and so on. I just never feel like I stand to lose anything, so now the missions are starting to get boring and repetitive (I'm at main story mission 12 and I've done a dozen or more side ops). I haven't needed to switch up my loadouts, my tactics, or much of anything. Every mission gets solved in the same way. But like I said, I don't mean to shit on the game. It gave me a solid 15 hours of fun (other than the tedious base management). I just wish it let players have more freedom sooner. There are too many progression gates. And I wish there was a way to feel a greater sense of "risk" during the missions. I can see what this game might have been with more time and money, but in some ways, I think it might have been a victim of its own already lofty ambitions and big budget.
It's both the best game I've played this year and the worst.
what do you think is better here?
wasn't so good in the older games?
Endgame spoilers:Should I do episode 46 first or Sideops 150? I know Sideops 150 is meant to be really hard, what sort of prep do I need? Is 45 hard too? Oh and what about Paz's story. Can I finish that afterwards? I've got 2 more photos to show her I think.
The stealth game here is better than it has ever been. You have so many ways into places, to complete objectives, and a lot of tools. The controls are the best they have ever been in the series and allows you to flow from stealth to Rambo and back again easy.
So I just got the end credits,, and am I understanding this correctly.....after beating Sal... blahblah and Skull Face dying? Not sure if I need to tag that but whatever, I will just incase.chapter 2 is mostly chapter 1 missions just on harder difficulties
Endgame spoilers:Should I do episode 46 first or Sideops 150? I know Sideops 150 is meant to be really hard, what sort of prep do I need? Is 45 hard too? Oh and what about Paz's story. Can I finish that afterwards? I've got 2 more photos to show her I think.
So if I start some projects and somebody get's sent to sickbay, bringing my R&D level down, that money's gone.
Metal gear isn't a game you play for the story. You play it for the game play and the flashy cut scenes. Fallout 1 and 2, Pillars of Eternity and the Witcher series, Vampire the Masquerade are the type of games you play for the story, not the MGS series.
Words that kill.
aka language
He apparently played a substantial role in Snake Eater
It's not someone you physically see on the people. Just look for a common element in the quarantine staff management section. Press triangle a few times so you can see their details.
Wait until you try to develop your 4th command platofrm :lol
I like the sentiment. Gives it an X-Com vibe. Similar to your suggestions:I know what you mean. I had the perfect idea for this:
1. If you chose MB-Staff for side missions or replaying main-missions you will get more GMP whilst using Snake is extremely expensive.
2. If the MB-staff member dies - he stays dead.If he finishes the mission his stats will be increased.
3. Using Snake for too long will also exhaust him. Showering won't help and will only be a cosmetic thing.
What do you think?![]()
Unpopular but true opinion. The "story" is a ton on twists, retcons and bullshit shoe horned fan service that these mgs fans brainwash to love, just like ocelotMetal gear isn't a game you play for the story. You play it for the game play and the flashy cut scenes. Fallout 1 and 2, Pillars of Eternity and the Witcher series, Vampire the Masquerade are the type of games you play for the story, not the MGS series. MGS story has never been good. Its always been hokey and mediocre at best.
No, you just completed the first part of the game.So I just got the end credits,, and am I understanding this correctly.....after beating Sal... blahblah and Skull Face dying? Not sure if I need to tag that but whatever, I will just incase.chapter 2 is mostly chapter 1 missions just on harder difficulties
You're right that the AI can sometimes be a little too keyed in. But at least the AI is interesting, even if it isn't always realistic.I like the ideas around making the game harder.
But first, they'd need to fix the fucking AI that can magically sense you two football fields away because Quiet fired a single unsuppressed shot. Got shot by a tank from across a village because I stood up during a firefight which I wasn't even involved in. Their awareness levels in combat are excessive.
You're right that the AI can sometimes be a little too keyed in. But at least the AI is interesting, even if it isn't always realistic.
Also btw I think a single unsuppressed rifle shot at 200 yards would be PLENTY loud. No magical senses necessary!![]()
Unpopular but true opinion. The "story" is a ton on twists, retcons and bullshit shoe horned fan service that these mgs fans brainwash to love, just like ocelot