I'm close. These fucking deployment missions.
Just finished Mission 19 andbut I couldn't find it. Do I need to visit this at any point? I really can't be bothering spending any mroe time in mother base than absolutely necessary/we started developing a metal gear battle tank or some shit that's supposed to be on the R&D platform
How many hours?Finallyyyyyyyyyyy I am done.
Finallyyyyyyyyyyy I am done.
Also struggling with Mission 45.Getting one shot by the tiniest amount of splash damage is not good. Also it feels like its punishing me for not paying major attention to the mother base stuff as I have not researched powerful rockets and I can't quit the mission to do so.
I'm close. These fucking deployment missions.
How many hours?
"Hurry I need to blame Kojima on internet boards instead of using my imagination" Nobody knows how to play this game I swear
mission 45use decoys... they're huge for distracting all the APCs so you can just focus on the tanks the second they appear.
and use the fully upgrade non-locking rocket launcher... the other ones are not as good.... Honey Bee takes 2-3x more hits to destroy a heli and it's lock-on range is horrid anyhow. seriously, it should have been basically fully upgraded every chance you get since basically mission 8-9 anyhow.
45 is awesome ;( i enjoyed it so much"Hurry, I need to rush to the defense of a poorly-designed mission".
you can manually choose your soldiers and usually get an extra 3-9% success rate because it doesn't always choose the very best soldiers for a given 'grade'Is there some trick to the key dispatch missions or do I just have to choke down a 50-60 percent chance of winning with a 20 percent loss rate? I just lost two long term soldiers beating one and I'm slightly miffed. Also how many are there? I'm on the s rank difficulty ones and they just keep coming.
45 is awesome ;( i enjoyed it so much
So 46 and 48-50 all unlocked at once, as well as side op 150, but I still don't have 45. Any particular order to play these in, or doesn't really matter?
Gotcha, thanks.Doesn't matter, but side opwill150force you into mission 45
Doesn't matter, but side opwill150force you into mission 45
Finallyyyyyyyyyyy I am done.
Throw A+ troops or basically your inconsequential troops that don't cause a major dip in success rating. I always sent A+ with the necessary vehicles and it would be a 50% chance of winning. I was lucky enough to get through all of them without losing more than twice.
Question about the Skulls: does it matter whether they are defeated lethally or non-lethally?
Second chapter is clearly rushed, forcing gamers to replay a bunch of old missions at a high difficulty setting is a cheap thing that I didn't expect from a game director like Kojima.
About 250? Although tbh at least 30 of those hours were just the game idling while I watched stuff on YouTube or whatnot. So I'd say 200 hours is the actual ballpark for Platinum trophy. Give or take depending on how much you fuck around with FOB mode and other stuff.
You don't have to do the repeat missions at all, you can actually do other activities to get cutscenes to trigger.
I did missiona while back. I saw some people complaining about it, but honestly,40 [Extreme] Cloaked in SilenceI thought it was actually a really good boss fight, much better than the original version since you can't "cheat" with supply drops or tank her shots and retaliate. Knowing she will one-hit kill you if you make a mistake makes for a very tense and high stakes battle. I had to use a lot of distractions in my arsenal to draw away her attention, carefully sneak to a good position where I could shoot her and then immediately run to a new vantage point while trying to keep track of her position. Made for a very stealthy and intense fight. I'm not sure why some people consider this to be the worst sniper fight of the series, imo it only really loses agains The End, which isn't even a bad thing anyway considering The End is possibly the best boss fight of the entire franchise.
I think boss fights in this game are entirely underrated. Between Quiet, Sahelanthropus, the female Skulls and Eli, I'd say they're good. I'll admit that the male Skulls can be quite frustrating and the man on fire was disappointing, but it's not like previous entries didn't have disappointing boss fights either. My only big gripe is that it didn't have more bosses with cool personalities and backstories.
...wow, screw 45.
Have yet to do FOB's
what's the general feeling yay or nay I really don't want to have to stop doing everything because Im being attacked every 2 seconds
Is 45 the last mission? No new mission has come up since
Edit: I should say I haven't gotten a new story progression story. Obviously it's not the last one
...wow, screw 45.
Didn't work for me. I did other activities, all important side missions (yellow ones) but certain new key missions in chapter 2 simply weren't unlocked until I completed those at the hard difficulty.
And defeating theStill the point about chapter 2 remains, it's clearly undercooked with just a bunch of missions to end the story...and then I've also read about the missing and unfinished episode 51 :/skulls at the airport at extreme....was....extreme
They could finish it and make it available through DLC but they won't, the dev team at this point is all but disbanded.
FINALLY, I got the platinum.
Damn, thatwas ass, extracting all the vehicles ANDQuiet Missionwas painful.not letting her get hit
EDIT: Why is my completion still 99%?
My mission 45 strategy was to use theanti-material automatic sniper rifle. It killed most vehicles in a single clip or less. I honestly thought the mission was pretty rad, except for the how quickly you can get killed. Even using the battle dress stuff could take you out fairly swiftly. It was frustrating but I still enjoyed it.
Question about the Skulls: does it matter whether they are defeated lethally or non-lethally?
Have yet to do FOB's
what's the general feeling yay or nay I really don't want to have to stop doing everything because Im being attacked every 2 seconds
If it wasn't forthe one hit kills from red tanks, I wouldn't have a real problem with it. It's just makes it annoying when an errant shot can end the mission.
Anyone else play with no reflex? I basically refuse to haha.