Finally 100%, damn it took awhile.
I should get there in a week and a half I reckon. Going for S ranks and all the mission objectives is a lot of fun.
Finally 100%, damn it took awhile.
How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
How do you boost your combat deployment soldiers? the highest win percentage i can get is 75 percent, which in this game is a guaranteed failure.
I think i cheated on this mission lol.
I first zerged it with a Sniper and got a S ranking, then i went back to get that objective ( non-lethal, no guns blah blah)
What i did, was spawn with the Shield, right at the start mark her with the binos then drop a crate on her head. About 10seconds after i order it in, i then order in a Rain support strike to make it rain. Quiet starts dancing and the box will hit her everytime.
So, mark, call in box ON her, call in rain, box hits her and she moves. After the box hits here turn the weather to clear, then rinse and repeat. I felt like i was cheating, but i was getting annoyed at the 1 shot kills hahaha
How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
Rocket punch with d dog to find her after every attack.How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
MGSV PC question: the game has frozen when I'm 2/3 of the way through a mission (had 3 targets and have extracted 2 of them). It's not the FOB thing as I haven't gotten that far yet, and the whole computer hasn't crashed as I can alt-tab out. Is there any way to recover or will I have to start this mission again?
You'll go back to your checkpoint, which is when the yellow icon appears in the top right. Some missions don't save at all tho..
I got close enough and used sleep grenades from cover.How can you beat Quiet Extreme with non-lethal weapons and close quarter combat?
The crate trick doesn't work anymore (I know it works but I can't make it work apparently, even forcing her to shoot me while the timer is 10 or so).
Rocket punch with d dog to find her after every attack.
Get near her, rocket punch, after her. If she stop in ground level, ounch her in the face. If she's far, hide and rocket punch.
Guys, those of you who have Collectors edition. There is a making off documentary in it right? If yes, is it worth it?
Nope, it's not worth, honestly.
It's the same one you can find for free on Steam, the Legacy video, if you own the PC version. Otherwise, just go with Youtube. It's not even a making of, but a "how Kojima is great" video, I'm not kidding.
thanks for the heads up.
Was really wondering how they included a making off with all the shit that happened between konami/kojima. And was interested if it really was a proper documentary a la MGS4.
Episode 30:
Got to Ep: 30 yesterday which seems just like a build up for what I assume is the boss battle in EP: 31. Pretty funny how when "Sins of the Father" starts playing, my wife looks up expecting some grandiose moment and she basically goes "this music is really dramatic for a car ride."
Episode 30:
Got to Ep: 30 yesterday which seems just like a build up for what I assume is the boss battle in EP: 31. Pretty funny how when "Sins of the Father" starts playing, my wife looks up expecting some grandiose moment and she basically goes "this music is really dramatic for a car ride."
really spot on, tbh that scene was not so well handled, because of the pacing of the music in tone with the event and because of howSnake reacts to that well made speech of skull face, he basically ignores him ha ha ha
really spot on, tbh that scene was not so well handled, because of the pacing of the music in tone with the event and because of howSnake reacts to that well made speech of skull face, he basically ignores him ha ha ha
I thought the use of music during the jeep ride was perfect.To me that was nothing short of awesome.He tells you about his plan to use language as weapon and a song about "Words that Kill" kicks in.
I thought the use of music during the jeep ride was perfect.To me that was nothing short of awesome.He tells you about his plan to use language as weapon and a song about "Words that Kill" kicks in.
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FINALLY got the damn interrogation side objective in Lingua Franca done. I don't know what I did differently, but at least it triggered. Now I just have to wait for the materials containers to respawn...
Whew, what a ride.
It's been a month, but I finally finished this game. 80 hours and 55%.
Loved the ending and how it connects the series. But did not like the final mission. Anyway, the game is still a GOTY of his own, 80 hours of fun, and I still want to keep playing.
Ugh don't get me started on that bull crap objective haha, I don't even want to know how many times i had to re-do it.
Nope, it's not worth, honestly.
It's the same one you can find for free on Steam, the Legacy video, if you own the PC version. Otherwise, just go with Youtube. It's not even a making of, but a "how Kojima is great" video, I'm not kidding.
Episode 30:
Got to Ep: 30 yesterday which seems just like a build up for what I assume is the boss battle in EP: 31. Pretty funny how when "Sins of the Father" starts playing, my wife looks up expecting some grandiose moment and she basically goes "this music is really dramatic for a car ride."
I liked it. Would have been more profound if we didn't already know what the "master plan" was though. If at that moment everything was pieced together instead of doing so throughWhat?
I thought the use of music during the jeep ride was perfect.To me that was nothing short of awesome.He tells you about his plan to use language as weapon and a song about "Words that Kill" kicks in.
Holy shit I just read about a meta-game going on relating to a possible super-secret ending. Apparently fans have found in the game files a scene that saya thatSounds impossible if you ask me, but also super coolthe world is free from nukes. No one has managed to get this scene but there is speculation that it would unlock if no player were in possession of a nuke. So some players have banded together, trying to steal all the nukes they can from other players so they can dismantle them.
Holy shit I just read about a meta-game going on relating to a possible super-secret ending. Apparently fans have found in the game files a scene that saya thatSounds impossible if you ask me, but also super coolthe world is free from nukes. No one has managed to get this scene but there is speculation that it would unlock if no player were in possession of a nuke. So some players have banded together, trying to steal all the nukes they can from other players so they can dismantle them.
You know... If we hadn't had P.T. I'd write this entirely off as another inane fan conspiracy theory.
Having had P.T., I think there's a modicum of possible truth to it
Where is this info at?
The scene in question is out there on youtube, so it definitely exists. Whether that's how you have to unlock it though (or whether it is at all possible) is another question.