Awesome.No, there aren't.
Dont have the container fulton yetwhy the fuck my Medical level is still 6 ?
Not really, even with S+ soldiers it's like 60% tops. The missions are tough. No such thing as a low risk/high reward mission.
Just opened up Quiet and I don't know how to use her and give her orders, she just do whatever she wants, tried to play side ops with her and most of the time she wasn't even with me, she just stuck at some random point in the map.
People said she is very useful, so what do i do wrong?
Not really, even with S+ soldiers it's like 60% tops. The missions are tough. No such thing as a low risk/high reward mission.
Holy fucking shit. I just spent an 40 minutes trying to complete theI get seen and then shot dead, continue from checkpoint, and I have to do EVERYTHING OVER? Why the hell aren't there any checkpoints? Holy shit. This is by far the most annoying mission in the game.Back up, Back Down mission and all of its objectives. I basically did everything, and was just looking for the last prisoners.
There are only checkpoints when you travel a certain distanceHoly fucking shit. I just spent an 40 minutes trying to complete theI get seen and then shot dead, continue from checkpoint, and I have to do EVERYTHING OVER? Why the hell aren't there any checkpoints? Holy shit. This is by far the most annoying mission in the game.Back up, Back Down mission and all of its objectives. I basically did everything, and was just looking for the last prisoners.
So do you get the two soldiers near the containers with the Hellbound trick if you continue to fulton them after restarting?
You dont have to do it all in one go tho. I fultoned one vehicle then went to rescue prisoners, mission accomplished.Oh yeah. Doing all the objectives for that mission was a huge pain.
Any good tactics for episode 40?
Any good tactics for episode 40?
yeah if the soldiers have good stats, i fulton them, then the containers, then get the intel for a checkpoint
works everytime
Dont have the container fulton yetwhy the fuck my Medical level is still 6 ?
by the time I gather thedont have time to do any thing or I m missing somthingIntel the truck is at kazyba camp and I have to run across the whole map to catch the thing just before it reaches oil field
While this game is goofy, I think Peace Walker nailed the side missions. They were unique compaired to this game. Going on a date with Paz? Snake in a tux? Monster hunter? I mean what the hell happened to that? Why is it only 4 repeating things? Blah.
While this game is goofy, I think Peace Walker nailed the side missions. They were unique compaired to this game. Going on a date with Paz? Snake in a tux? Monster hunter? I mean what the hell happened to that? Why is it only 4 repeating things? Blah.
So do you get the two soldiers near the containers with the Hellbound trick if you continue to fulton them after restarting?
And missionfilled me with feels.45
You get to keep on extracting two soldiers each time, but their stats are random because they are not "key soldiers" (i.e., neither mission rewards, objectives nor special NPCs).
So, yeah, you can skip the lower ranked ones and keep the good ones.
I wonder when will Konami patch this out. All they have to do is remove or change some checkpoint save triggers.
You dont have to do it all in one go tho. I fultoned one vehicle then went to rescue prisoners, mission accomplished.
In Ground Zeroes I always played with reflex and markings off. For TPP I leave both on. I rarely use the "see enemies through walls" setting for other games but because it's open world it doesn't feel like cheating. Same thing with reflex. I've finished everything so when I replay missions to improve my score and time I restart if I trigger reflex. I just don't feel like going into the settings between missions and free roam.Do you guys play with markers on or off?
I've always had reflex off and tried to turn markers off but that not only turns marking soldiers off (which is what I wanted) but also turns off the mission objective indicators (even the markers you place manually on the map) and the helicopter LZ marker. So I had to keep bringing up the idroid for the map :/
Really love the way her story and relationship withwere handled, all without pretty much any words being spokeVenom.until the very end
In Ground Zeroes I always played with reflex and markings off. For TPP I leave both on. I rarely use the "see enemies through walls" setting for other games but because it's open world it doesn't feel like cheating. Same thing with reflex. I've finished everything so when I replay missions to improve my score and time I restart if I trigger reflex. I just don't feel like going into the settings between missions and free roam.
This player has completely broken the Quiet Extreme fight in any way you could possibly break it.
Some here have already seen his Stun grenade method but this shows like 6 others.
I just did this last week and I love it. I love walking/driving/riding in first person while watching the idroid. Plus during missions, having to check the idroid for soldiers makes things really tense. Someone else said it, but I noticed I was playing the triangles instead of the soldiers. Now quiet and ddog aren't op either. And it makes you notice the music changes and soldier animations a lot more.Do you guys play with markers on or off?
I've always had reflex off and tried to turn markers off but that not only turns marking soldiers off (which is what I wanted) but also turns off the mission objective indicators (even the markers you place manually on the map) and the helicopter LZ marker. So I had to keep bringing up the idroid for the map :/
What is the fastest way to get resources to complete MB? Now that fuel, common, and biological need 48k per upgrade it's a little much. lol
This player has completely broken the Quiet Extreme fight in any way you could possibly break it.
Some here have already seen his Stun grenade method but this shows like 6 others.
I just did this last week and I love it. I love walking/driving/riding in first person while watching the idroid. Plus during missions, having to check the idroid for soldiers makes things really tense. Someone else said it, but I noticed I was playing the triangles instead of the soldiers. Now quiet and ddog aren't op either. And it makes you notice the music changes and soldier animations a lot more.
You can get 7.5k unprocessed fuel farming mission 12, processing all that fuel is another story
Really love the way her story and relationship withwere handled, all without pretty much any words being spokeVenom.until the very end
The way she hesitates to speak English, but did so anyway to save him was amazing. Definitely my favorite character in MGS.
Really sad.Yeah, the acting was really well done in that scene, it was so powerful and full of emotion. You could feel the struggle Quiet was feeling. The best scene in the whole game IMO.
Any good tactics for episode 40?
This player has completely broken the Quiet Extreme fight in any way you could possibly break it.
Some here have already seen his Stun grenade method but this shows like 6 others.
I feel I'm hitting a wall with some of these late missions. 'Extreme' missions, etc. Do I need to complete these to get more Story scenes? Not a big fan of redoing these missions with different conditions/limits.
Is processing just random over time or is there a way to speed it up?
you need that blueprint and you need to finish all the dispatch missions.Random question but maybe someone here can help.. What do I need to do to get 100%?
Finished all missions with s rank and all mission tasks
Finished all side ops
Captured all animals
Have all key items and I'm missing a blueprint(from a dispatch mission). Still need to unlock a few dispatch missions but the loss rate is like 20% so I'd rather get higher level soldiers before having a go
But I'm only at 97%
It seems to be based on the player activating checkpoints that save the game, which happens during normal play, but not when sitting in the ACC doing nothing, or standing in the field doing nothing. One strategy involves the truck near the mansion in Africa, it regularly seems to pass checkpoints (though in my latest session, it didn't seem to be working)
you need that blueprint and you need finish all the dispatch missions.
It seems to be based on the player activating checkpoints that save the game, which happens during normal play, but not when sitting in the ACC doing nothing, or standing in the field doing nothing. One strategy involves the truck near the mansion in Africa, it regularly seems to pass checkpoints (though in my latest session, it didn't seem to be working)