Does the water pistol work on the Man on Fire? I'm getting conflicting info.
I'm about to face him in
. Anything I should know going in?
I'm about to face him in
Chapter 20
We passed upon the stair,
We spoke of was and when,
Although I wasn't there,
He said I was his friend,
Which came as some surprise.
I spoke into his eyes,
"I thought you died alone
A long long time ago."
"Oh no, not me,
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world."
I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home,
I searched for form and land,
For years and years I roamed.
I gazed a gazley stare
At all the millions here:
"We must have died alone,
A long long time ago."
Love how the songgoes hand in hand with the game.The Man Who Sold the World
After you finish the game you realize that:the lyrics basically tell you the plot
hmmm, i played pitch dark (perfect stealth) yesterday and i turned off the oil transfer pump first and then blew the tank while i was in the big pipe and when i did it warped me to a different place
but when i first did that optional objective a few weeks ago i turned off the oil transfer pump first then planted the c-4 then got out of the base completely and then blew up the tank from a vantage point over looking the oil field and remained there once the cutscene played out, weird that you cannot detonate the c-4 from far away because i could, if you are still having trouble i can post that video tomorrow
Does the water pistol work on the Man on Fire? I'm getting conflicting info.
I'm about to face him in. Anything I should know going in?Chapter 20
Does the water pistol work on the Man on Fire? I'm getting conflicting info.
I'm about to face him in. Anything I should know going in?Chapter 20
This game badly needs a briefing section where it list all your current weapon developments and other updates. The scrolling info on the screen goes by too quick. I just had over 10 updates at once and I have no idea what they were about.
I just got the, man its so hard to be a kojima fan much cringe.quiet rain scene
How do I get to customizing weapons in the first place? At mission 43.
Get one? Haha jk. That's awesome. I don't think I will come close.Finished this today after 5 long weeks.
100% GET!
Platinum trophy GET!!!!!
Umm...213 hours of playtime get!
What do I do with my life now?![]()
Its all over the place. It goes from 'creepy erotic' to 'playful' to 'awkward romance'. Im pretty sure it was the first cutscene after she gets tortured for me so it felt strange as hell.I thought it was a nice moment where they just goof off, which was really needed after all the heavy stuff before it.
Yesterday, I chuckled as I saw some umbrellas called Fulton Umbrellas :lolMy brother was playing GTAV, he went to the docks and the first thing I could think about was to steal all the crates.
So, I just realized that you can take other characters on Side Op missions (I only bothered to change camo gear when in the Character tab previously). Is there a particular reason to take someone else on missions besides Snake? Do other characters have the same "stats" (accuracy with weapons, ability to tag, etc.)? I imagine the roboarm and its abilities are gone.
Go throughthere are usually 2 or no guardsthe back
I just got the, man its so hard to be a kojima fan much cringe.quiet rain scene
Question about unlocking further story missions (I am aware of the KEEP PLAYING SIDE OPS)
I finished Mission 43 (Quarantine Platform) and listened to the tapes revealing Emmerich's shit. I have all yellow stuff done (tapes, side ops, main ops) so I'm going to continue playing the side ops.
1) How many story missions left? (45 is a quiet mission for not the main story?) Is it mission 46?
2) I read somewhere you need Mother Base fully upgraded. They're kidding, right?
Also hate how some narrative is being handled."I was right. I win." - It makes it seem like huge foreshadowing, a plot twist or a return of some character, and it turns out it was some stupid scientist that wasn't a snail. Man.
Do you mean the Log in your iDroid or something else?
Didn't notice that at all. It seems to fit perfectly. Nice find.
I wonder how Kojima chose the song in the first place. Was the twist inspired by the song or did he write the twist first and then looked for a song with lyrics similar to the twist?
I haven't got episode45, I have got episode 46 though, which is meant to be the true ending, is it meant to be like this or should I have received episode 45?
So, how many regions are in this. So far I've seen Afghanistan and.Zaire
Are there more?
Nah thats it unless you count Motherbase and a certain platform that only is accessible on one mission.
Well shit. Kinda disappointed!
So I'm on missionand this is pretty much far and away my GOTY.41Hope it keeps up!I'm pretty sure I have the twist figured out (but no spoilers pls), but I'm honestly just enthralled with the whole thing. I definitely see why people expecting something more like MGS4 would be disappointed, but I'm loving how much the game nails the feel of these characters all developing into something that we as the player come to know as antagonists. I think the approach towards more player-involved storytelling is an interesting one too, and one that really supports the design choices enforced by the more open gameplay. I do wanna see what I think of the ending and twist, since I think Kojima is typically one of the only developers to be able to incorporate plot and gameplay design into a cohesive theme, but so far I'm pretty thrilled.
Looking forward to your final impressions
Would be very surprised if MGSV gets dethroned as my GOTG.
I thought it was a nice moment where they just goof off, which was really needed after all the heavy stuff before it.
Holy shit. I finished it.
I..... I need the spoiler thread.
It would have been touching if Quiet had some clothes on, just too hard to take the character seriously in that attire. I usually let Kojima have a pass on the wacky stuff but was taken back once i realized we are seeing this stuff in 2015..
Also, it sucks that you have to play previous episodes on extreme difficulty for the story to move on. Not liking it one bit.
You can ignore those, just do sideops instead.Also, it sucks that you have to play previous episodes on extreme difficulty for the story to move on. Not liking it one bit.
I'll definitely post at length here once I finish it; was really surprised to see a lot of the negative impressions here and in the community thread, but I can definitely understand why some people might be disappointed. Metal Gear is kind of an interesting series in there are a lot of different entry points for any given person, and naturally this difference sort of reflects what people "expect" from the series. For example, someone who started the series with MGS4 might be more interested in and expectant of those larger, more exposition-heavy cutscenes, while someone who started with 2 might have a fondness for the "artsy" side of the series.
It's a really great series for that too, since no two iterations ever really feel the same; in that way, I think the series' diversity in the midst of a few unifying factors and design elements is really its most interesting strength. MGSV contributes to that pretty effectively, while still iteration on and calling back to elements and themes explored in previous games (which is fitting, given its role as the presumed last "proper" entry).
tl;dr I think I really like MGSV so far because it's not exactly what I expected or wanted, but that's what Metal Gear really should be, in my opinion.
and the hospital (but come on, the hospital?)
Do you think the 5th would have been the island in episode 51? There is something about this game that just makes me wish there was more to it. It would have been so great to revisit Camp Omega in MGSV. Even just one more zone would have elevated the game by a huge margin.
Hmmm... D-horse just died(like, extracted and went to the MB, and was confirmed dead), and I completed the mission. Anyway for me to get another horse, or am I fucked?