Well I'm starting to get burnt out in Chapter 2 now. The more I play it the less I like it. I guess I will give Mad Max a shot now.
I took them out with a sniper, didn't even try getting up close. I had D-Dog with me to help spot them, but you can also trace their laser sights back to them. Take cover, line up your shot so you can pop out quickly, and fire. You have a few seconds before they fire on you.. But only a few. Two headshots will do, or 3-4 body shots.
I've at least not heard anyone say "Nanomachines" and "Peace" 50,000 times though, so there's always that. If it's just the ending of MGSV that sucks, that's still better than the shit MGS4 and PW gave us.
I got a few questions;
1. Has anyone been able to try out the FOB content? I keep getting disconnected from the online mode after about half an hour. I haven't had any of the characters mention it at all.
2. Is it possible to visit Ocelot, Huey, or Miller while on Mother Base? I went to the infirmary and met that special character, and I was wondering if there was anything like that on the other sections of MB.
3. I cleared through a few missions in Africa, and I just remembered there werein the first mission. I went around them when I did the mission, but I realize now that fultoning them would give me a bonus. Should I go back and do the mission? I'm wondering if any special cutscenes or events happen if I do so. I recall seeing a scene with one of them during one of the trailers..Child Soldiers
4. Is there a specific thing to do to build the bond level for buddy characters? I assumed that the main missions were the big bonuses, but I realize that doing anything seems to boost it. It mostly time based or just being active. Not looking for a way to cheese it, but just curious how it works exactly.
Don't worry. There will be another word to replace nanomachines. Just you wait. You will love this.
Exactly, look guys at the end of the day, this game hasn't got Mount Snakemore -_-
I think i know the word already.
I've at least not heard anyone say "Nanomachines" and "Peace" 50,000 times though, so there's always that. If it's just the ending of MGSV that sucks, that's still better than the shit MGS4 and PW gave us.
I still don't know the proper way to play this mission lol. Are you supposed to just sprint to theand get I'm the truck or what?airport
, son!!Parasites
nah, just stupidMGS 4 was stupid but it at least was entertaining.
Eh so far I would rate it 10/10, too. If I wanted a game with good story I wouldn't play MGS in the first place![]()
MGS 4 was stupid but it at least was entertaining. It also had some really great moments like Shadow Moses and the fight on top of Outer Haven.
The story here while it does have a clear theme, is just utterly middling throughout.
I asked this in the other OT, so I'll ask it here too.
This game is a trillion times more 'entertaining' as you put it because I'm actually doing awesome shit while I play it rather than watching horribly written and directed cutscenes for fourty hours.MGS 4 was stupid but it at least was entertaining. It also had some really great moments like Shadow Moses and the fight on top of Outer Haven.
The story here while it does have a clear theme, is just utterly middling throughout.
You can alsojust wait along the road and place some C4, as I did. But the long wait for the convoy is pretty annoying.
You can alsojust wait along the road and place some C4, as I did. But the long wait for the convoy is pretty annoying.
I still don't know the proper way to play this mission lol. Are you supposed to just sprint to theand get I'm the truck or what?airport
nah, just stupid
and it sacrificed gameplay so you could watch cutscenes of stupidity
The game is called "The Phantom Pain".
The phantom pain is about missing a limb but can still feel the pain.
MGSV is missing an ending and seems "unfinished".
It all makes sense, Kojima is a genius, he wants us to feel that phantom pain.
nah, just stupid
and it sacrificed gameplay so you could watch cutscenes of stupidity
I tried doing this to the first escort vehicle to stop the whole convoy, but it just veered off the road and the others kept on going
Isn't it lovely?
I'm talking about the story. MGS ever since 2 has always been over the top and stupid to a degree. Here the story is dead serious and it's pretty boring as a result.
I'm talking about the story. MGS ever since 2 has always been over the top and stupid to a degree. Here the story is dead serious and it's pretty boring as a result.
No, just numb lol
Well i'm not finished yet but does that word start with a?P
I was laying in ambush at the street with the three extra soldiers. Had a decoy on the street and crouched then to get the vehicles on after another from behind, but as I got into a range of the target the Skulls appeared. Got them killed easily though tith the teo strangely empty tanks.
Kojima is far from being a genius in this particular game. And this comes from someone who absolutely loves Metal Gear shenanigans.
When it comes to the plot/ending, Kojima went full retard on this one.
It's trying to play super stupid shit as super serious.
Parasites killing you because they recognize the vibrations of a certain language, that makes no sense at all. Thematically it's a good idea but when it actually translates to the execution its really bad
I haven't played much but how is anything from the intro "dead serious"?
The game is called "The Phantom Pain".
The phantom pain is about missing a limb but can still feel the pain.
MGSV is missing an ending and seems "unfinished".
It all makes sense, Kojima is a genius, he wants us to feel that phantom pain.
********* son.
Where are you up to in the game?
Most things in this series doesn't make any damn sense lol. It's amazing that people are drawing the line here.
It's trying to play super stupid shit as super serious.
Parasites killing you because they recognize the vibrations of a certain language, that makes no sense at all. Thematically it's a good idea but when it actually translates to the execution its really bad
I asked this in the other OT, so I'll ask it here too.
It's trying to play super stupid shit as super serious.
Parasites killing you because they recognize the vibrations of a certain language, that makes no sense at all. Thematically it's a good idea but when it actually translates to the execution its really bad
fighting against the skulls sucks. Does anyone have tips for fighting against thesniper skulls?