12 hours to develop a platform? Ok you've gone too far Kojima.
so disappointing. beat the game, i guess. when i was finishing end of ch 1 and where they showed cutscenes of ch2 withpaz alive i expected much more than fetch quests and tape recordings. oh well.
Missionis worth watching, check it out.51
If you really want to know,after 31 the vast majority of the missions are repeats of older missions under conditions like higher difficulty or complete stealth only.
Chapter 1 ends in Missionand Chapter 2 goes to the number you say but out of those missions in Ch2 only a few are mandatory story mission while the rest are completely optional and noncanonical making the second chapter much much shorter than Ch1 so worry not.31
You're talking about an FOB platform right? AFAIK these get built in real time. Meaning that, unlike regular MB struts, the 12 hours pass even while the game's off. When constructing MB the time was only of actual gameplay.12 hours to develop a platform? Ok you've gone too far Kojima.
Continue playing. There's20 more missions to go. Do some Side Ops for missions to start popping up. There will be some repeat missions that can be skipped.
And yes, most of your questions will be answered.
65 hours
...just completed Ch.1
...I need a drink
Anyone know where I can get a "Transportation Specialist"? Currently on mission 13 if that makes any difference. Thanks,
I finished Traitor's Caravan. Those damned Skulls are tough.
The moment a cutscene started when I got near the truck, I fucking knew it was going to be the Skulls.
I initially tried shooting them directly, but that led me nowhere. I had Quiet covering me the whole time, so I had a brief moment of stealth before I fired my first few shots. I died.
Equipped myself with a rocket launcher and grenade launcher. This, along with using the tanks, I died again.
I tried the stealth approach, but was discovered pretty quickly anyway. Died again.
I tried using the tanks again. Died again.
Tried the tanks again, this time driving constantly in circles. When they destroyed both tanks, I just ran around in circles as I shot them up with both rocket and grenade launchers. Success.
Between all this, I called for air support. I knew it wasn't going to work, but I thought it was worth a shot anyway.
I finished Traitor's Caravan. Those damned Skulls are tough.
The moment a cutscene started when I got near the truck, I fucking knew it was going to be the Skulls.
I initially tried shooting them directly, but that led me nowhere. I had Quiet covering me the whole time, so I had a brief moment of stealth before I fired my first few shots. I died.
Equipped myself with a rocket launcher and grenade launcher. This, along with using the tanks, I died again.
I tried the stealth approach, but was discovered pretty quickly anyway. Died again.
I tried using the tanks again. Died again.
Tried the tanks again, this time driving constantly in circles. When they destroyed both tanks, I just ran around in circles as I shot them up with both rocket and grenade launchers. Success.
Between all this, I called for air support. I knew it wasn't going to work, but I thought it was worth a shot anyway.
I hope there are some crazy bastards out there that recreate MGS1-3, especially 3.The power of PC gaming.
If you didn't like chapter 1 you'll probably hate chapter 2.I'm 64 hours in and finished Chapter 1...What the fuck? This is so bad (in terms of story) I mean come on? Out of nothing Im fighting theand the no show off withMetal GearandSkullThis was such an dissapointment, I cant describe the feelinghis death, come one. What the fuck man? The reaction of Emmerich? WOW!
This has to be the worst Metal Gear I have ever playedIs it even made by Kojima ( I know the gameplay is amazing) I hope Chapter 2 will deliver
I'm 64 hours in and finished Chapter 1...What the fuck? This is so bad (in terms of story) I mean come on? Out of nothing Im fighting theand the no show off withMetal GearandSkullThis was such an dissapointment, I cant describe the feelinghis death, come one. What the fuck man? The reaction of Emmerich? WOW!
This has to be the worst Metal Gear I have ever playedIs it even made by Kojima ( I know the gameplay is amazing) I hope Chapter 2 will deliver
I finished Traitor's Caravan. Those damned Skulls are tough.
The moment a cutscene started when I got near the truck, I fucking knew it was going to be the Skulls.
I initially tried shooting them directly, but that led me nowhere. I had Quiet covering me the whole time, so I had a brief moment of stealth before I fired my first few shots. I died.
Equipped myself with a rocket launcher and grenade launcher. This, along with using the tanks, I died again.
I tried the stealth approach, but was discovered pretty quickly anyway. Died again.
I tried using the tanks again. Died again.
Tried the tanks again, this time driving constantly in circles. When they destroyed both tanks, I just ran around in circles as I shot them up with both rocket and grenade launchers. Success.
Between all this, I called for air support. I knew it wasn't going to work, but I thought it was worth a shot anyway.
I've had the AI freak out on me a few times.
Putting aside how confusing Quiet's actions can be a time, one mission the guy I'm tailing just holds up in a building after running around for no reason, with no alarm going off or anything. Guy was supposed to lead me to people to save.
I extracted him there, and managed to complete the mission by chance.
I stopped using Quiet after 2 missions because I can't figure out how she works. Sometimes she will randomly pick fights that I have to clean up, sometimes she will sit there and do fuck all while I take down an entire base by myself. The dog is way better.
I stopped using Quiet after 2 missions because I can't figure out how she works. Sometimes she will randomly pick fights that I have to clean up, sometimes she will sit there and do fuck all while I take down an entire base by myself. The dog is way better.
You can do it without engaging the skulls at all with the right loadout.
You will need:
- vehicle mine (the one that only vehicles trigger)
- C4
- vehicle-fulton capability.
- sniper rifle, or just good aim
1. Plant the vehicle mine on the road someplace the driver will run over it.
2. Plant 2-3 C4 around the mine (this amplifies the damage since the mine will detonate the C4
3. Plant 3-4 more C4 about 1.5 vehicle lengths behind the spot you mined. By "behind" I mean "closer to the approaching caravan." You want there to be enough room between the two that the mine doesn't trigger the second batch of C4, but not so much that the tail vehicle has gone past it by the time the lead vehicle hits the mine.
4. Find a spot where you have visibility on your trap, but where you have a lot of maneuverability. Preferably, you should have a line of sight to the driver's side of the convoy. You should also be far enough away to avoid triggering the Skulls' appearance.
5. Watch for the caravan from your hidey spot. The mine+c4 combo will take out the lead vehicle. Detonate the remaining C4 when the tail vehicle drives over it. This will leave your target vehicle undefended. It will stop, and the driver will get out. Take out the driver with your sniper rifle.
6. LOW CRAWL towards the truck until the Skulls are dispatched. Tag them and your target vehicle with your binos.
7. LOW CRAWL away from the truck. The skulls will follow you, slowly, so you'll have to make a really wide arc. I'd suggest pulling them out until there's at least 50-75 meters between the furthest Skull and the truck, then begin circling around.
8. Fulton extract the target vehicle.
9. Assuming you're far enough away from the Skulls that they can't spot you, stand up and beat feet out of the hotzone. If they're nearby still, low crawl until they're out of visual range, then beat feet.
Wow that's convoluted. I just
throw a decoy in front of the lead vehicle. When it stops I crawl forward to initiate the skulls. As soon as they spawn I Fulton the lead vehicle. Run around in a wide arc to the trailing vehicle and Fulton it. Then run back away about 100m from the truck. They will slowly follow you. Once they are within 60m I run around them again to the truck, throw a smoke grenade behind it then jump in and drive out of the hot zone.
I'm pretty sure once thethe armored vehicles will no longer fire at you. They never have for me.skulls spawn
I'm pretty sure once thethe armored vehicles will no longer fire at you. They never have for me.skulls spawn
I've been really enjoying the gameplay in mgsv but it has started to get a bit repetitive. I think the problem is I'm obsessively going after no kills perfect stealth which means I'm pretty much only using the tranq pistol and not getting a chance to experiment much with all the toys
I've been really enjoying the gameplay in mgsv but it has started to get a bit repetitive. I think the problem is I'm obsessively going after no kills perfect stealth which means I'm pretty much only using the tranq pistol and not getting a chance to experiment much with all the toys
Wow that's convoluted. I just
throw a decoy in front of the lead vehicle. When it stops I crawl forward to initiate the skulls. As soon as they spawn I Fulton the lead vehicle. Run around in a wide arc to the trailing vehicle and Fulton it. Then run back away about 100m from the truck. They will slowly follow you. Once they are within 60m I run around them again to the truck, throw a smoke grenade behind it then jump in and drive out of the hot zone.
I'm pretty sure once thethe armored vehicles will no longer fire at you. They never have for me.skulls spawn
I read you can drive them. Never tried since I realised you can just head straight for their destination instead.
I've been really enjoying the gameplay in mgsv but it has started to get a bit repetitive. I think the problem is I'm obsessively going after no kills perfect stealth which means I'm pretty much only using the tranq pistol and not getting a chance to experiment much with all the toys
New Game+ with new difficulty modes would be nice.I wish the was a New Game +, id like to start again but can be assed unlocking everything :-/
Also Quiet was my main buddy and i dont feel like replaying missions for the S rank without her.
Yep.The skulls cutscene neutralizes every other enemy in the whole area. When I did it I just rode my horse directly at the truck and smg'd the driver, which triggers the cutscene. I totally ignored all other enemies. Then I just drove out of the hotzone. Was very simple.
When you replay that mission, you can engage the truck in the airport and use D-walker to murder the skulls, which stuns every enemy in the airport and surrounding area. It's all-you-can-fulton buffet after that.
Funny to see all the different approaches to this mission. Mine was even more simple:I simply followed the truck to its final destination without engaging any enemy. When the vehicle stops at the pier near the water I enabled my stealth camo device a few times and just walked past the skulls, fultoned the vehicle and walked away without the skulls even noticing me.
I wish the was a New Game +, id like to start again but can be assed unlocking everything :-/
Also Quiet was my main buddy and i dont feel like replaying missions for the S rank without her.
Side Ops aren't ranked, so go nuts!
It's a god-send once you unlock either theorstealth camoparasite suit (with invisibility).
After being burnt out doing 107 side ops so far I now justsprint to my target then either kill or extract them.go invisible,