Works on foot or on D-Horse at the cost of reduced movement speed, IIRC.
Really? I've done it before many times.
How do I unlock mission 43? Also, does anything come out of visitingPaz? I've shown her a few photos, but now everytime I see her, she's just reading the same book that she drops everytime.
I'm thinking about giving this game a second chance.
Should I ?
What caused you to lose interest the first time?
The big barren maps between camps /villages and how long it took me to get to them.
Getting killed and having to do it all again.
The big barren maps between camps /villages and how long it took me to get to them.
Getting killed and having to do it all again.
Keep giving the photo's you get by doing the wandering Motherbase soldiers sideops. There's 10 photo's in total IIRC.
With two FOBs and a good amount of effort / legendary recruits, I can get to level 92? 93? I imagine you'll want a third FOB, for the very last weapons...with my second FOB, should that be enough to (eventually) get my team rankings high enough for the new weapons?
Finally got to 1000 MB coins! Thank you, daily rewards.
So with my second FOB, should that be enough to (eventually) get my team rankings high enough for the new weapons?
Increasing staff morale and doing missions with other soldiers will eventually increase your MB staff moraleFor all of them? Unlikely unless you've managed to take every opportunity to get S+(+) rank soldier from event bonuses and other sources and put them on direct contract. The only other way seems to be stealing them from other player's FOBs. I only managed 91-92 after weeks of a maxed out 2nd FOB, and several pieces require 95.
With two FOBs and a good amount of effort / legendary recruits, I can get to level 92? 93? I imagine you'll want a third FOB, for the very last weapons...
So.... fuck those weapons then. Is there anything truly special anyhow?For all of them? Unlikely unless you've managed to take every opportunity to get S+(+) rank soldier from event bonuses and other sources and put them on direct contract. The only other way seems to be stealing them from other player's FOBs. I only managed 91-92 after weeks of a maxed out 2nd FOB, and several pieces require 95.
In a few hours, I'll have more S+ / S++ soldiers than I can put under direct contract (so please stop attacking me and stealing my guys, people, thanks!), and as I said above, I feel like I'm hitting a wall at around level 92/93.For all of them? Unlikely unless you've managed to take every opportunity to get S+(+) rank soldier from event bonuses and other sources and put them on direct contract.
The deployment costs of those last weapons are so prohibitive I don't imagine they'll get much use. I want everything though, so I'll develop them anyway, god damn it.So.... fuck those weapons then. Is there anything truly special anyhow?
So.... fuck those weapons then. Is there anything truly special anyhow?
In a few hours, I'll have more S+ / S++ soldiers than I can put under direct contract (so please stop attacking me and stealing my guys, people, thanks!), and as I said above, I feel like I'm hitting a wall at around level 92/93.
There's still some grinding room (medals, mostly) so, after dozens of hours, I could see myself getting to level 94, maybe 95... but yeah, I'm going to need that third FOB, for the last few pieces of equipment.!
I was wondering about that, actually... Is that entirely foolproof?I set my FOB limit to A++ so people stop stealing my S++/S+/S rank units.
I was wondering about that, actually... Is that entirely foolproof?
I mean, I figured that would limit the ranks of the soldiers patrolling the platforms, but what about those the invader gets as a reward for reaching the core? Or are those simply not from your pool of soldiers, maybe? Just newborn volunteers?
Also, if setting a lower FOB limit is enough to make sure your best soldiers don't get stolen, doesn't that mean there's actually no point in putting those under direct contract?
(I don't think I have enough sub-S soldiers left to guard my FOBs anyway... still, being able to keep my S+ and S++ guys out of harm's way would be great)
Is the only real point to lifting guns/vehicles to sell them if you don't plan on using them in the field?
Is the only real point to lifting guns/vehicles to sell them if you don't plan on using them in the field?
Hmm. What kinds of advantages?In a few hours, I'll have more S+ / S++ soldiers than I can put under direct contract (so please stop attacking me and stealing my guys, people, thanks!), and as I said above, I feel like I'm hitting a wall at around level 92/93.
There's still some grinding room (medals, mostly) so, after dozens of hours, I could see myself getting to level 94, maybe 95... but yeah, I'm going to need that third FOB, for the last few pieces of equipment.
The deployment costs of those last weapons are so prohibitive I don't imagine they'll get much use. I want everything though, so I'll develop them anyway, god damn it.
On the other hand, there's some interesting stuff to improve security on your FOBs.
Also, it's not just about the weapons: high level units provide all kinds of advantages. Gotta aim for that level 99!
Better support, enemy detection, etc. Those functions are listed in the staff management section.Hmm. What kinds of advantages?
You would think there is a way to get through, especially with a side op right over the whole middle of it, but NOOOOOOO. Instead, you have to run all the way around this.
Complete and total bullshit. I've had this experience in several games now. What would have been completely reasonable travel blocked and what looks like a passage on the map not being at all. It's like they are deliberately trying to make you waste 20 minutes running around looking for the way through. Dear game industry: RUNNING AROUND FOR NO GODDAMN REASON IN A WASTED EFFORT JUST TO FUCKING GET SOMEWHERE IS NOT FUN. STOP MAKING YOUR GAMES LIKE THIS.
This shit just pissed me off so much I stopped playing.
You would think there is a way to get through, especially with a side op right over the whole middle of it, but NOOOOOOO. Instead, you have to run all the way around this.
Complete and total bullshit. I've had this experience in several games now. What would have been completely reasonable travel blocked and what looks like a passage on the map not being at all. It's like they are deliberately trying to make you waste 20 minutes running around looking for the way through. Dear game industry: RUNNING AROUND FOR NO GODDAMN REASON IN A WASTED EFFORT JUST TO FUCKING GET SOMEWHERE IS NOT FUN. STOP MAKING YOUR GAMES LIKE THIS.
I'm pretty sure there is, actually. If I remember well, there are cracks you can use to climb.You would think there is a way to get through, especially with a side op right over the whole middle of it, but NOOOOOOO.
I have made it to chapter 30 or 31, do I stick it out at this point, or are there any major plot or story portions worth playing towards still? No spoilers if so, just really debating is all.
Alright, I was really in love with this game through mission 20 or so... Right around this time is when everything with the updates and all the Kojima:/Konami bs started happening and it has really soured me on this whole game (Especially all the micro transactions and development time requirements) have really slowed and almost impeded my enjoyment.
I have made it to chapter 30 or 31, do I stick it out at this point, or are there any major plot or story portions worth playing towards still? No spoilers if so, just really debating is all.
If you're not enjoying it much, give up after chapter 1 which you should be right at.
So... You are suggesting that I do not tryagainlater...
The story is fairly useless from this point on. Just a bunch of random crap thrown together without much connection and then it suddenly ends for no reason. There is a moment that a lot of people like that I didn't think was particularly great so your mileage may vary on that. I understand the desire to finish it just out of a sense of closure but there really is no closure.Had to, and yes I am just starting chapter 2, I really want to try and finish it, but all I hear is the micro trans bull and that the story drops it once chapter 2 starts, is the story nonsense I have heard not true and still some good stuff in there? Or is it mostly filler until the end, I have done every side op until now.
The story is fairly useless from this point on. Just a bunch of random crap thrown together without much connection and then it suddenly ends for no reason. There is a moment that a lot of people like that I didn't think was particularly great so your mileage may vary on that. I understand the desire to finish it just out of a sense of closure but there really is no closure.
The no closure aspect sorta, scratch the sorta, has me very apprehensive about dedicating the time.
Agree tbhMGSV closes the loop on the MGS series extremely well.
If you want closure and an overall ending to the series then look to MGS4, that is the final entry of the story. This is not what MGSV is about.
Could someone be kind enough to tell me what today's daily reward was?
5k common metal I think. It may have been 5k of something else. I know It wasn't fuel or coins.
Well I've gotta hand it to this game, I never fires a missile at a tank from horseback in any other game, nor have I ever before this decked a goat to send it off on a balloon. However, it seems to be increasingly less stealthy. I mean, you can still do stealth if you want to do a lot of running around surveying and picking the right entrance and crawling on your belly and slowly taking out the few guys you need to take care of to clear the way, but it's really super slow since it's so easy to get caught just once and then everybody is tipped off. Plus if you die then you wasted like 40 minutes with that slow process compared to like 5-10 if you fuck up an action style handling. That and the fact you get to develop like 500 weapons, many without suppressors (tho I did just get modding ability), as well as an attack helicopter, and it just doesn't seem like stealth is what it wants.
As for that action, it's pretty good. I've had a lot of fun playing around with different approaches and mix of weapons. I'd say its close-to-mid range fighting isn't as good as RE6, but still pretty good. It has nice diverse loadout options to make up for some lack of flow. The only weird thing is how good guys are at shooting at long range. One time I was peeking over a rock with a sniper rifle to hit guys waaaay far away. With my 4X scope on the sniper rifle they were pretty small and it was hard to get it to line up with their head or know when it did. As I'm doing this, one guy is shooting at me with his basic ass soviet rifle with no scope at all and pretty much tags me once every 3-round burst, disrupting my aiming process. I mean, I get they can't just miss you all the time for it to be challenging at all, but that kind of accuracy at such a distance with a shit gun was just ridiculous. Reminded me of the old Goldeneye and Medal of Honor Frontline days.
So yeah, this is turning out kind of weird. The whole build an army thing results in a lot of spam missions and it just doesn't feel really Metal Gear to me. Even less than the very action-oriented MGS4, which was as least very directed. Ah well, at least with this they get more creative with having different types of missions compared to AC or Batman, but this is really going to drive me away from open world games for a while.
I'm amazed. How the hell is this possible. This guy sounds just like the original.
Yeah I've considered that but if there isn't too much damage done to my base I'd prefer to use it online. The problem is I suspect checking will mean I'm stuffed if it's bad.