so what's the best way to earn xp for talion once you have completed most of the quests?
A quick question
What happens if you dominate a warchief before you begin your siege of the fortress?
I don't know if just dominate his bodyguards and have they backstab him during the siege or dominate him beforehand.
Would you say I finished the game (as in just the Story, no post game content) if I don't finish Shadow Wars? I keep track of all the games I finished. I tracked other games without finishing post game, but this one doesn't have credits so I'm really not sure if it "counts".
(I know it's just my own list and my own decision, but I'm interested in your Opinion)
Act 3 beaten...holy cow they went there.
Onto act 4 but im not sure i want this grind.
Why does Angry Joe get his own post?
While Combat in general has been improved from the first game, has anyone else found the finishing moves to be underwhelming compared to Shadow of Mordor? They dont seem to be nearly as spectacular or as satisfying as they used to be.
that's not been an issue for me, more that I find myself dodging and running all the time because it's too chaotic and animation priority means my first instinct to dodge is being carried through over all other options.While Combat in general has been improved from the first game, has anyone else found the finishing moves to be underwhelming compared to Shadow of Mordor? They dont seem to be nearly as spectacular or as satisfying as they used to be.
This game has way too much crap going on at any given time. They have gone and Ubisoft'd it, and I feel overwhelmed when playing it.
I really made an example out ofand now I almost feel bad.Bruz
His betrayal really infuriated me so after completing his quest line and unlocking the Shame - Worse than Death ability, Ive been stalking him and shaming him every time. At first he was begging me to stop, always screaming I DONT WANT THE FORT, ITS YOURS! JUST TAKE THE FORT AND LEAVE ME BE! whenever he saw me but I just shamed him again and now hes a level 1 and deranged. I guess Ill let him die now.
Dont fuck with the Bright Lord.
Just finished stage 6 of shadow wars and holy fuck are some of these later stages difficult
Haven't lost one yet, but pretty much all my level 48+ captains plus there bodyguards end up dying, it's like dynasty warriors level of death.
Almost lost one when I was up against a level 55 berserker . He was the final warchief and I had no second chances left, he got me down on the ground and was about to execute me, but then one of my level 33 saviours came out of knowhere and beat him to death and I defended the fort
i got mixed signals on online conquest and thought my orcs didn't get killed in my game if they died in a siege. i really wish that didn't happen and it's why i'm weary of doing them now. so what do i have to do to get past act 2? finish all the conquer missions? i have that and a few gondor missions to finish.Forums are in a bit of disarray right now but I'll ask anyway.
Should I not bother with Online Conquest until late game? I seem to always get matched up against fortresses with orcs 10-20 levels higher than me and then proceed to get my ass kicked.
Wondering if it's just a case of needing to work through more of the game and level up or if it's really supposed to be that difficult.
i got mixed signals on online conquest and thought my orcs didn't get killed in my game if they died in a siege. i really wish that didn't happen and it's why i'm weary of doing them now. so what do i have to do to get past act 2? finish all the conquer missions? i have that and a few gondor missions to finish.
i got mixed signals on online conquest and thought my orcs didn't get killed in my game if they died in a siege. i really wish that didn't happen and it's why i'm weary of doing them now. so what do i have to do to get past act 2? finish all the conquer missions? i have that and a few gondor missions to finish.
Quests that you send your orcs out on is viable, preferably against targets close to your level or above it. Send an orc to kill a fellow chieftain, send two other orcs to ambush the enemy orc. When done, and depending on your level, you'll get 3-5k xp for each kill and it should take you less than five minutes to do each one.
As soon as the orc captain is dead, go to the map and fast travel to a fast travel spot, and send out another batch of orcs and rinse and repeat.
fast travel or advance time?
When can I recruit? I've only done the first tutorial mission and have mostly been hunting captains and killing them. I want to know when I should stop that
It will make it very very obvious, just kill until the mission basically is a tutorial on the army
I think i'm done with the game now. I've gotten stuck on the main quest whereand i failed multiple times. I don't really care enough about the story to soldier through. Had fun with the game but enough is enough.i'm suppose to kill the necromancer
Have you lowered the difficulty?
Where are you fighting your enemy?The reason I ask is'll have to fight him multiple times
do you have the shadow pull technique? i pulled all the captains i could far away and killed them and then fought theI believe it'sthe last one. It's in the big round arena thingy with a bunch of captains.
do you have the shadow pull technique? i pulled all the captains i could far away and killed them and then fought the. he can be damaged by execution so i would fight him at a lower level and then climb and then execute from above until i hurt him long enough.necromancer
Really burnt out on this game.
The RNG makes certain quests absurdly difficult - replaying certain quests is hugely cumbersome because i have to listen to each captain's dialogue over and over again. (Zog's final quest has you fight in an area with 6-7 captains, so that's like ... 3 minutes of dialogue each attempt - one of those captains is of course a 'no chance' fucker)
The quests are boring, progression kinda stops once you got all relevant skills and subskills (i'm just filling up skillslots now).
I really enjoyed the first game. Sure, it was rather generic open world - but this game's so obviously balanced around the nemesis system / the marketplace ...
Meeting / fighting a captain doesn't feel special anymore ... it's just a chore.
ive actually found a couple. although he did die in one of my online sieges which is why i haven't attempted it again anymore. has anybody invaded any of your forts? one guy failed and another beat one of mine pretty easy it seems.I got through Zog by just running them around the arena away from their pillars then capping the pillars uncontested. Zog ends up alone in the final fight once you have the pillars. I don't think we're meant to fight all those captains. They're only alive because the pillars.
I was so bummed when I saw Angry Joe's review. I've never found a bard orc captain that sang to me!!
I got slightly further than I did with the first game but yeah the redundancies killed my long term enjoyment.Really burnt out on this game.
The RNG makes certain quests absurdly difficult - replaying certain quests is hugely cumbersome because i have to listen to each captain's dialogue over and over again. (Zog's final quest has you fight in an area with 6-7 captains, so that's like ... 3 minutes of dialogue each attempt - one of those captains is of course a 'no chance' fucker)
The quests are boring, progression kinda stops once you got all relevant skills and subskills (i'm just filling up skillslots now).
I really enjoyed the first game. Sure, it was rather generic open world - but this game's so obviously balanced around the nemesis system / the marketplace ...
Meeting / fighting a captain doesn't feel special anymore ... it's just a chore.
has anybody failed to shame an orc into going insane? i've shamed a bunch and they never go crazy.
I believe it'sthe last one. It's in the big round arena thingy with a bunch of captains.
has anybody failed to shame an orc into going insane? i've shamed a bunch and they never go crazy.
Do you have the skill unlocked for it to make them deranged? Not sure if that's necessary, but I never saw one till I had it on.
Managed to make a guy a maniac and he went from level 19 to 57 which was my current level. The guy had my hand marks all over his body.
After the fighting pit tutorial when do you do more stuff with Bruz? Feel like I haven't talked to him in forever.
I think i'm done with the game now. I've gotten stuck on the main quest whereand i failed multiple times. I don't really care enough about the story to soldier through. Had fun with the game but enough is enough.i'm suppose to kill the necromancer
i've hit that point myself. really enjoyed the first game, but, other than the funky orcs (the bruz stuff is great), there's nothing interesting going on here - it's all just sorta lifeless & tiresome. & the repeated exchanges between the 2 main characters are so damn boring!...