The story so far (still in act 1) seems fucking confusing and eh? My wife is a lotr fan and she was like. This makes no fucking sense. Is it set before the hobbit?
The story so far (still in act 1) seems fucking confusing and eh? My wife is a lotr fan and she was like. This makes no fucking sense. Is it set before the hobbit?
Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War aren't part of main continuity and canon, afaik.
The story so far (still in act 1) seems fucking confusing and eh? My wife is a lotr fan and she was like. This makes no fucking sense. Is it set before the hobbit?
Man, could buying this game be more confusing? 3 different versions, a $100 gamble if you want all the expansions.
Is the gold $40 more worth?
Has the combat been improved since the first?
So, is there any reason why the Windows Store version doesn't include the Hi-res textures and 4K cinematics? I want it for PC and I just so happen to have $60 credit with Microsoft, but if this version is gimped, I'm better off just buying it from Steam and saving my Microsoft credit.
All the loot box stuff really killed this forum's enthusiasm for the game. First real day of release and a it has already dropped off the first page. Reading the impressions so far it doesn't sound like they put in much effort to fix the flaws of the original.
it has hi res texture packSo, is there any reason why the Windows Store version doesn't include the Hi-res textures and 4K cinematics? I want it for PC and I just so happen to have $60 credit with Microsoft, but if this version is gimped, I'm better off just buying it from Steam and saving my Microsoft credit.
I don't really understand why you have to play that stupid search mini-game everytime you unlock a new tower. It feels like a huge waste of time. What's wrong with having the icons pop up on the map like the last game?
As GB said, this game needed an editor.
Do I lose opportunity to do sidequests in the area I'm in if I push the story to act 2 (where I read it opens up)
Looks and performs well but I cant shake the feeling that theres some input lag.What's the verdict on the Ps4 Pro version?
Might hold off on the Xbox one x version. The temptation is strong though.Looks and performs well but I cant shake the feeling that theres some input lag.
Nothing is missable even if you beat the game. I'd even advise people to not linger on side quests and try to push to Act 2 because that's when the skills Dominate and Dominate Captain unlock.
The pre-rendered cutscenes are especially weird in this considering there is loot and your outfit changes constantly. To see it suddenly switch back to the default outfit constantly is so jarring.
I'll be honest, I hadn't even noticed it until reading the previous comment that mentioned it. Knowing it now, seems a bit odd, but I've paid so little attention to what Talion has been wearing that I legit couldn't tell you whats different between the gameplay sections and cutscenes without looking at stills of both back to back.
The pre-rendered cutscenes are especially weird in this considering there is loot and your outfit changes constantly. To see it suddenly switch back to the default outfit constantly is so jarring.
Yeah it's super rough. Crowd control is a huge issue in the early going as you're constantly ganged up on and your execution mechanic doesn't work like it used to so thinning the herd can be very troublesome. That being said, I think I'm level 19 now and I've gotten some good upgrades that make dealing with crowds a bit better.Nemesis difficulty already kicked my ass in the first two hours. Combat is so shit in the beginning without any good upgrades :/
I don't really understand why you have to play that stupid search mini-game everytime you unlock a new tower. It feels like a huge waste of time. What's wrong with having the icons pop up on the map like the last game?
I stopped my session yesterday after unlocking it. Can I use the down-state-execution (RT + X on Xbox) during combat after a successful blue counter?Yeah it's super rough. Crowd control is a huge issue in the early going as you're constantly ganged up on and your execution mechanic doesn't work like it used to so thinning the herd can be very troublesome. That being said, I think I'm level 19 now and I've gotten some good upgrades that make dealing with crowds a bit better.
Looks and performs well but I cant shake the feeling that theres some input lag.
When do I start recruiting the generals for my stronghold?
Act 2.
Nothing is missable even if you beat the game. I'd even advise people to not linger on side quests and try to push to Act 2 because that's when the skills Dominate and Dominate Captain unlock.
My nemesis from Shadow of Mordor showed up and was looking haggard and beat to hell, I guess I really did a number on him in the first game, the Orc personalities and little quips are so good, really funny and unique stuff so far. I'm enjoying this game just as much as the first one if not more, there is so much to do and it all plays really well. It doesn't take long to start feeling like a real badass and just tearing through the Orc ranks.
Can I skip Mordor? Cuz this game looks much more interesting. I gave up on Mordor an hour in.
Seeing as this is published by WB, they probably lifted that exact concept from Mad Max.