First, welcome back Mik
Second, how did the shaders affect your FPS rates, even n the new PC? I'm upgrading to a new beast soon and I was wondering that myself.
Hey there! The shaders barely affected my FPS rates. Everything goes really smooth, but on my PC at work it drops to about 15fps or so, and there's a lot of mouse lag so it makes things a bit annoying.. and my PC at work isn't THAT bad...
Oh man, I know my laptop would explode with those shaders, but DAMN.
Yeah, it seems like if your PC is above a certain line, adding this does almost nothing to your FPS (even default Minecraft jitters once every few minutes when loading chunks on my new PC). But things look so nice...
Awesome stuff!
Also, surprise! I commandeered your cathedral! (still not done yet)
Hahahaha! Yeah, I was showing this to a friend a few days ago and I was like "yeah man, so there's also this Cathedral I'm working on, but everybody left the area and I have yet to finish it..." and then I saw all the roofs and everything and was like "Damn! :O That's not how I left it!" hahaha ;P But glad you continued on it. It looks really nice!!!
Damn Mik, that runs really nicely for you it seems. For me it only runs that smoothly if I'm barely above default resolution lol.
I actually don't like the water from the Sonic Ether shader pack though. Maybe there is a way and I just don't know it yet, but I wish there was a way to disable just the water. I'd rather use default water or a different water shader mod.
Yeah, not a fan of the water myself either... with the normal water you can easily spot it and even jump down from a cliff in a few seconds just by noticing the blue area. Now you go walking around and it's like "uhm... is that water... or some light issue?"
Same here. Love the lighting and the way the trees and grass sway, but the water is too clear. Normal water would have been fine.
Don't suppose you have that vid on YouTube? Can't view twitch on my iPad, and the twitch app keeps crashing on me (and never seems to let you find people anyway)

Not on Youtube... I was streaming it via and I don't know if I can export the video and upload it to Youtube... :/