My world doesn't have a village anywhere in it?Oh well. Also, did anyone else use the bonus chest option? It looks like the chest respawns every time you load up the file. Is that supposed to happen? A little annoying, but oh well. Loving the game overall.
My world doesn't have a village anywhere in it?Oh well.
Does anyone know if theres any kind of mic support for online play?
I'm actually this close to buying the game (Vita ver.). So tell me, how does the online work? And what happens at the offline mode? Can your game be opened to a network a-la Demon's Souls if you wish? How does connections with players go? Should I be invited or do I need to start a lobby?
I was playing the demo, and I'm seriously tempted to get back into this on Vita.
However, I was a bit overwhelmed by the entire castle and all those seemingly great items you can loot from the chests right at the start...
Is this the same for everyone, or was this a particular feature of the trial version?
Ah, I didn't know that worked. Nice one!You can just let it sit there for a while. You will eventually starve to death.
I do all of my mining at level 12. The Y in the center of your map is what you want to look at to find your depth. Lava usually spawns at that level so you'll be level with it instead of it pouring in on you. Level 12 is also a great level to mine diamonds. Be sure to have at least an iron pickaxe with you in order to mine it. The map is pretty much all you have to find your way home. You have to remember or build some kind of landmark to find your way.Looking for some advise - this is the first time playing the game,
I'm having real issues finding Iron Ore anywhere. I only have a few caves in my world. Had a good dig in them and just randomly diged is places in the game but nothing.
Aware that you need to mine it with a stone pickaxe or higher - but I not seen one of the mineral blocks.
Any advise? Its holding me back from progressing in the game.
Also, is there anyway to full screen / expand the map? Can only seem to view it in my hand and where I am in the world is located underneath the heart and amour icons - seems strange you can't expand it. Got massively lost and could not find my way back to my home - have now taken a note of where my house is located incase I get lost again.
Assume you can't add waypoints either? Just have to use the grid references?
Yes. Just make sure your mic is enabled by holding down the PS button to bring up the menu where you adjust the brightness and other things.
Wow, the map really is tiny. The first staircase I dug down took me straight to a stronghold library!
The technical compromises are so clear in this game, but it's still Minecraft and still awesome.
Weird, caves I've found have been mind bogglingly expansive. Think you just got lucky. Don't let the draw distance fool you, the maps are pretty damn big.
I have the exact same problem. The city and plastic pack transfer over fine but the fantasy pack is only usable on the PS4 but not PS3 and Vita. Try to contact Sony and I'll do the same.Is anyone else having issues with texture packs not showing as free when they should be due to cross buy? I bought the city and fantasy texture packs on PS4 and that enables cross buy. I can download the city texture pack on my Vita but the fantasy one wants to charge me. Any ideas?
Not sure, but I just sent ya a FR. I'm down for more friends also, for the little bit of time I get to play online. At the very least, I enjoy watching what other people play!!Is there a mine-gaf friends list floating around anywhere? Psn:midasmulligunn
Speaking of maps, is there a quick way to craft one if you lose it stuck down some godforsaken whole in the middle of nowhere?
It's really annoying that the player marker is always stuck behind the health bars too. Some really weird 'rough edges' to this game. I can tolerate 'em though.
Not sure, but I just sent ya a FR. I'm down for more friends also, for the little bit of time I get to play online. At the very least, I enjoy watching what other people play!!
I'm mainly on the Vita, I have yet to install this for PS3, but I will. MC, or any other game you can think of is good for me. GTA:O is my true passion, and I shall be returning to it soon, hopefully. I also enjoy long walks, and italian food... /end personal ad.
PSN : BaronVonBeans
Woah, cheers man. That is a bit of a pain. Right now I haven't got much in the way of resources because me and the missus are building a nice wooden house on a cliff overlooking the sea. I've only needed to gather wood and glass so far. Just finished building a huge column to help me locate the place when I'm away though, so I'll go for a wander and see what I can find. I do miss having a map.making one is kind of a pain, but if you've been playing in your world for a while, you will probably have these materials by now. you need:
- 4 iron ingots
- 1 redstone
- 9 sugarcane
turn the 9 sugarcane into paper on the crafting table. then, turn the 4 iron ingots and 1 redstone into 1 compass. then, use the paper and compass to create a map.
This is my most hated feature of the game. It is a black hole for time.It's so easy to sit down and sink an hour or three into this game. Dangerous stuff.
It's so easy to sit down and sink an hour or three into this game. Dangerous stuff.
This is my most hated feature of the game. It is a black hole for time.
Is anyone else having issues with texture packs not showing as free when they should be due to cross buy? I bought the city and fantasy texture packs on PS4 and that enables cross buy. I can download the city texture pack on my Vita but the fantasy one wants to charge me. Any ideas?
I have the exact same problem. The city and plastic pack transfer over fine but the fantasy pack is only usable on the PS4 but not PS3 and Vita. Try to contact Sony and I'll do the same.
Trying to join a friends game, it's giving me this.
When I started my game I downloaded an update, he says he doesn't have one. I have the EU version, his is US. Anyone experience this?
So... On my sister's account there is PS3 version of Minecraft... is there any chance I can download it to PS3 and then install it on my Vita with my account?
please say yes
Have you guys tried searching the texture via search in the PS Store? I had to claim the Vita version of some of the skin packs I previously purchased.
EU version got an update yesterday. NA hasn't yet
You can burn wood to get coal. But then again, you can also cook food with wood.Been playing this quite a bit the past couple of days, and am really enjoying it.
My first world created was a bitch, and I could barely find any coal. This in turn caused me to barely be able to cook food. I ended up dying like 4 times, basically from starvation before I gave up and started a new world. The second world has just been plentiful and I'm enjoying it a ton.
Performance overall is a bit stuttery, but I'd classify it as 'fine'. When you are standing on the peak of a mountain and the snow is coming down, it actually looks rather amazing for a vita game. The draw distance is kind of excellent (for Vita). This is Minecraft, the real deal, on a handheld, and it works great, plays great.
I haven't pushed the boundaries of map exploration, I'm curious how it compares to say X360.
You can burn wood to get coal. But then again, you can also cook food with wood.