She's not that good though...All I want is an Amimari and I'll stop rolling...
all characters that need wish particles: DONE!
i don't know what happened, but i did one tin parade and got 33 items, of which 1/4 were nothing but particles .
in fact, 3 whole wish particles dropped willy nilly. finally done with all characters except leviathan, orichalcum is proving particularly annoying to obtain.
I don't see any lightning attacks in 21-7, but there are a few sites with enemy spawn positions, such as terrabattlex:21-7 helpp. Should I just memorize where the mobs spawn and place my guys to be ready immediately? The lightning attacks destroy me...
My bad I meant 22-7I don't see any lightning attacks in 21-7, but there are a few sites with enemy spawn positions, such as terrabattlex:
5mil coins to get everything... wow.Plopping this here as some may like spreadsheeting their Pact of Fellowship completion:
I'm not seeing any item drop bonus today, only monster drop bonus... And that doesn't sound very useful.Anything of worth to get in the chapters with the item drop rate bonus?
I got two slime slugs on my run yesterday, so it seems to work. It might be worth it considering it saves you money for coin pacts.
Is it only me or Alika and Samantha look like twins?
So apparently Orichalcum drops pretty often with the 2x drop rate at stage 15-6.
If you need some, farm it today.
thx for tips!
EDIT: hold on, im not seeing the 2x drop rate bonus....
are bonuses on individual players?
My bad guys.I don't see any bonuses at all. Odd.
We just got CO-OP, which is pretty big.What do you all think could add to the gameplay to really deepen it? I think the game is in desperate need of some new features asap
No I mean to the core gameplay, not the promised features we've known about since the beginning that while are fantastic, don't change much about the way TB playsWe just got CO-OP, which is pretty big.
Also PVP incoming.
I think wishing for weekly updates is asking too much for a mobile game, especially if you play hardcore.
What do you all think could add to the gameplay to really deepen it? I think the game is in desperate need of some new features asap
That's a great idea. I'd seriously pay for that feature (while I won't buy energy or stamina).-implement a roguelike dungeon with like 100 floors that is randomized and gradually gets harder and harder.
That's a great idea. I'd seriously pay for that feature (while I won't buy energy or stamina).
I've already voiced it several times in this thread but here's my current wish list:
-turn the world map into an actual world and offer more than one path to go along.
-give characters accessory/card slots and give each monster a card with some kind of special effect or ability to allow customizing your character.
-implement a roguelike dungeon with like 100 floors that is randomized and gradually gets harder and harder.
Zuzu, Levitate + Other peepsSpeaking of 100 floor dungeons. What team would you guys build that would be able to take you through all 26 chapters in a row?
Ranks are D to SS.just started this game, havent really played any mobile games before so i'm looking through the guides to see what i should do and whatnot, just got this person named sheena which was a SS class, is there an SSS class or just e or D(lowest i got) to SS/SSS?
Ranks are D to SS.
So i got lucky, unless sheena sucks as an SS class but yeah looking through wikis to learn about this game.
have you gotten a friend code for 5 extra energy? that can help attempt to get 1 more character
no i havent done the friend code thing yet.
Seems the strategy guide is coming out at the end of the month. Only jp though.
About 14$, and comes with a code for a SS unit and the item to upgrade it.
(no info or pic yet)
I doubt we'll see an english version.