Go Yankees!
Let's Go Yankees!!!
The thread title is disrespectful btw
Already preloaded and ready to go
I think I've owned the Show in one form or another every year since 09. It's gone from something I just wanted to try out to my single most coveted annualized franchise every year
The thread title is disrespectful btw
Mods, please ban these Spankee fans....
LOL, it's not even a rivalry right now, lol
How is it disrespectful?
Mods, please ban these Spankee fans....
LOL, it's not even a rivalry right now, lol
My friend, we all must handle mourning in our own way....
I miss the early 2000's when the rivalry was more heated and Zimmer was getting thrown to the ground.
LOL! The fighting is now just between fans. The on-field rivalry may be dead for now, but look in the stands and you're bound to see fans of the two teams fist fighting when the game is in Boston. They used to do that in New York as well, but the Yankees have priced the fans who would get drunk and fight out of the newer stadium, so they can't afford to go there to fight. LOL.
If the Yankees were only available via a DLC which the Yankees controlled the pricing on in this game, I'd have to play as some other team. #Greedy. Also, the game isn't representative of the experience at the new Yankee Stadium at all. The game shows lots of fans in their seats. When I go to games, most are up shopping somewhere, and the area behind home plate is nearly empty. LOL. Love the game though.
So which team am I allowed to like in here?![]()
Is there a GAF league this year?
The game is great, I typically buy every other year. I feel like it's definitely gotten stale visually though. I was really excited about the PS4 versions and have bought two of them but I find my playtime goes down with every release.Just curious, what needs to change for you to buy back in? This is a real question, and I am not questioning your decision at all.
Shorter list to ask which not to like. Pretty sure it's just the Yankees. That said, Go Yankees!
As somebody that's not super in to baseball, but I enjoy sitting back and playing a few games or playing with my son, are there good reasons for me to buy this if the last one I had was The Show 14?
Honestly, probably not unless you play Road to the Show or online, or if Retro mode appeals to you.
Graphics will be sightly better than 14 (huge improvements if you have a PS4 Pro) but otherwise most changes since then are ones that you'd need to be a baseball fan to notice (updated rosters, more hit variation due to improved physics etc)
So true:
Time to be "that guy" again.
Any word on dreads for the character creator? I know they got ditched last game since McCutchen cut his hair.
It's been a few years, maybe the first or second Bautista cover, since I last played The Show. I still have a PSN 20% off coupon to use. It might be time to jump back in.
Time to be "that guy" again.
Any word on dreads for the character creator? I know they got ditched last game since McCutchen cut his hair.
Asked this in another thread but figured OT was better.
Picked up last year's edition and really enjoyed it. Only dug into the Road to the Show mode but was enjoying my 2nd season in the majors after getting called up from AAA. Will i be able to carry on with that character in the new game?
Also, I'd love to get this digitally now that PS4 supports external HD's so it's always at my fingertips. Would I be able to load a bunch of music on their to use to customize the game?
Wasn't thinking I'd upgrade as I didn't play last year's titled as much as expected, but now I may have to.
There is no way I can associate this game or series with anything other than that glitch. It's forever carved into my head.
I'm so glad they fixed it, I want to pay this game tonight at midnight and if that glitch happened. Good lord my PS Pro would have gone out the window.
Yes you can continue with your RTTS.
Im pretty sure music customization is not in.
Yes you can continue with your RTTS.
Im pretty sure music customization is not in.
I believe music customization returned last year and has increased options this year. Sounds of the Show I belive it is called.
Yaaas, that's what I wanted to hear.
Makes such a huge difference to me. With other games I'll turn off the in-game music, run the video game sounds out of my tv speaker and my own music through the stereo, but official support is so much better.
I usually liked the Yankees. They are on the east coast, so it makes it easier to watch games from them. They are also usually pretty good.
I know the Twins have German guy this season, Max Kepler, which is kinda cool. The Twins are not especially good though.
I believe music customization returned last year and has increased options this year. Sounds of the Show I believe it is called.
Honestly, probably not unless you play Road to the Show or online, or if Retro mode appeals to you.
Graphics will be sightly better than 14 (huge improvements if you have a PS4 Pro) but otherwise most changes since then are ones that you'd need to be a baseball fan to notice (updated rosters, more realistic hit variations due to improved physics etc)
I've got a Pro and a 4k TV. Would that make a difference?
Big Papi is at a loss and doesn't know what to do after Pedro destroyed Bald Bull.
So true:
my favorite part about this was always that pedro didn't throw him down, but rather just redirected his momentum straight into the ground. so good.
my favorite part about this was always that pedro didn't throw him down, but rather just redirected his momentum straight into the ground. so good.