Deeply regret not buying a maxed out Hades as he seems fairly core for DK at the moment, might buy some molten cores to augment Grudge Generals to 3*
If you have the ability tickets you can use them to do a Boost Fusion on Hades to max him out.
Also i feel your pain War. I pulled 3 times also and got DK/Knight/Thief. This is after i maxed the ice mage abilities of course. But it's not too bad, I unlocked the first 3 panels on DK and started farming PuPus with a strat from reddit, getting anywhere from 500k to 1m score on hard. Supposedly this strat can get up to 1.7m score but I have yet to get that high.
What are the jobs that you pull like? Are they more specialized versions of the upgrades of the defaults?
Sadly too low on ability tickets for the moment. Is that 500K to 1M on manual or auto? Apparently lvl 32 is another "break point", which might explain why I'm back to getting randomly rocked by PuPu's on Hard (Auto)
There are no more updates scheduled for this month (going off the in game calendar) so likely next month, though we won't see exactly when until the calendar updates (presumably on the 1st)Do we have any idea when new jobs will be released? I have enough for another summon (only have Mage so far) but figured I could just wait until better ones come out, unless it's not for a while or there's a good reason to try a different class.
Has anyone here played the JP version and know about card effectiveness in the fututre?
I remember reading that, although cone cards and Hades are great now, they get worse later on, and ST/AoE cards become more valuable due to damage from ST and fighting more than 6 monsters in later fights. Just wanted to confirm this.
E: as for Hades, I've heard it's because you hit the healing cap really quickly later on, and it isnt comparable to the burst heal from other stuff like cait sith.
Only pulled Mage and Warrior so far (wanted a knight dammit) but just playing with Onion Knight - Knight class. Got to 70 on adamanterrapin and think I can go a bit higher before the one shots come in (havent even maxed out 4th panel yet). Also augmented my Ares as my first four star.
Yeah, there's no point worrying about 2-3 months down the road when some good 4*s will help you autobattle for like 1200 skillseeds per 5 stam right now.
I typo'd - I meant x12, not 1200. That's around 1000 skillseeds, I believe.
But yeah, basically Knight is perfect for Ultimate spam and/or autobattle since warrior classes are less dependent on using the right abilities at the right time (hi ATK, low MAG) and knight takes less damage in general.
In contrast my mage only consistently autobattles in some of the interiors of Ch2 for x9.
Still think going deep into gachas jobs that start with *** speed are a bad idea.
At this point, anyway.
Yeah they give the passives. On the deck edit menu hit the auto button and it tells you all the passives you have (from cards and skillseeds).I just thought of something. Do cards that your class "can't use" (wrong element) still give you the passives, or are they just completely blanked? I was thinking the PuPu cards might still be good in some situations if your mainly using them for the defense even if you can't draw the element.
Earth and Wind Pupus done (two level 5 cards, four level 4s and two level 3s), now for water and fire (which are both at two level 5).
I suppose I should take a break and go back to that tower event as I stopped at 51 wins (10 more until I make it into top 10k).
At least as far as weekly rankings go I'm getting ability tickets this time...unless 700k points (got while 100%ing chapter 2) puts me out of the top 30k. Not sure I'll still hang in the top 10k though...
Yeah they give the passives. On the deck edit menu hit the auto button and it tells you all the passives you have (from cards and skillseeds).
It is worth noting that cards which come out in the future that also have en*element* will resist the opposite element.
Yep., that's good to know.
What are you referring to with the above? Future proofing the ability for later or something like that?
I want a spare level 5 for collections sake hence why I have two.2x Lv 3 Earth Pupus to get Lamorak from from Lv 1 -> 3
1x Lv 4 Earth Pupu to get Lamorak from Lv 3-> 4
1x Lv 5 Earth Pupu to get Lamorak from Lv 4 -> 5
3x Lv 4 Earth Pupus to get Lamorak from Lv 5 -> 6
Still learning this game, and something I've been wondering:
Why does my rank always go down after I beat a stage? It's pretty much happening every time. Is my score that awful? It seems to go down whether I manually control or just let it auto. I mean I don't really care, I just don't understand what I'm doing to go down after every single encounter.
So I'm trying to be a serious player in the game. Anyone have any tips? I'm playing as an apprentice mage Any tips how to improve and get strong. Tips on how to get magicite to buy Jobs and better Ability cards, and what is the difference between summoning ability cards and buying from the shop?
I'm in a similar position, I have so many questions about how to get stronger that I don't know where to begin. I was using the 1* drop cards in my deck for a while, but I could only get so far with them so I bought a couple 3*s from the ability shop. Should I augment everything I can to 4*? Is there a good reliable source of materials for augmenting to 4*? If so, where do I get all the gil for augmenting?So I'm trying to be a serious player in the game. Anyone have any tips? I'm playing as an apprentice mage Any tips how to improve and get strong. Tips on how to get magicite to buy Jobs and better Ability cards, and what is the difference between summoning ability cards and buying from the shop?
What are the best rewards from the Mobius box? It looks like it gives you 1 new job per month, enough to buy a few abilities, and a steady stream of XP cards.Summoning functions more like regular gacha mechanics if you've played any other gacha games. What you get is completely random but they're tricked out, so it's a crapshoot where you could end up with something that lets you plow through the game or something worthless for your deck.
Ability Ticket functions more like a shop. You can get stuff at lv1 Skillseed/Ability or maxed out 3*, at different ticket costs
The first and foremost advice is to save up 3000 Magicite for the Gift Box. Yes, it makes going slower to begin with, but the Gift Box is by far best value for magicite. You don't *really* need to summon abilities at all, and summoning Jobs only when you have 6 cards will still let you get by, as the 3 starter Job cards are pretty versatile.
Welp, I accidentally made a second 2* upgrade to a Grudge Shaman which I forgot I'd stowed in the bank. Those augment mats are already aggravating enough to farm.
That's it.
I'm making a spreadsheet to help me keep track of which units I've upgraded.
That's right, a mobile game made me make a spreadsheet.
it's the second time, after FFRK
It's not much better but you can open up the card catalog and sort by "kind" and that will show you each card grouped up with all the augments you own.Welp, I accidentally made a second 2* upgrade to a Grudge Shaman which I forgot I'd stowed in the bank. Those augment mats are already aggravating enough to farm.
That's it.
I'm making a spreadsheet to help me keep track of which units I've upgraded.
That's right, a mobile game made me make a spreadsheet.
it's the second time, after FFRK
It's not much better but you can open up the card catalog and sort by "kind" and that will show you each card grouped up with all the augments you own.
That's... A good idea ._.
Finish chapter 2. That ups the level cap on cards.Edit: Oh I guess it says White Mage there, haha! How are your 3* cards level 26 though? Mine only get to 21.
I feel better about being knocked down to position 10.5k now.![]()
I knew I was forgetting something
(Can easily push 800k with Autobattle turned off. Derp)
What job are you Falk? I've only been able to get 275k as my highest... not sure if Mage is bad at score or I'm still not understanding the system entirely.