So I've just been moving along at my own pace in this game, got Wyrm Lord unlocked the other day. What are some of the best skill page 8 unlocks? I'm quite happy with Wyrm Lord, but I need something else to grind seeds for. I have everything except assassin and dancer, for reference.
Also, is there a picture of all the jobs at the page 8 upgrades? I was able to find the dancer, assasssin, and knight pictures, but nothing else.
Do you mean a picture of the page 8 stat upgrades or the character model once panel 8 is complete (with the cape)? I only have Black Mage, White Mage and Dragoon maxed, though I have enough seeds for another one or two if I pull more jobs. The mages are great for MP and the Dragoon is a SP monster, although I don't have many warrior cards. Was hoping one of the Dissidia cards would be good for Dragoon, but I may just skip on all of them.
Sorry, I meant the actual character model. If I don't have a job to level up for stats purposes, I was just going to pick one that looks cool, haha.
Ah, that would've been too easy, yes? Thanks.Unfortunately not, the sicarius cards only give money back upon selling them. I would probably save your tickets for when you augment support abilities to 5*, since most of them are from gold enemies. It costs 45 tickets to go from ability level 5 to 6.
I'm a little confused. I saw some videos and there is a FFVII Remake event going on in Japan. You can pull Remake Cloud. Are they already using assets from FFVII in Mobius even though it hasn't been released yet?
The new area coming out next week sounds like the Daily Dungeon easy stamina burner I've been wanting for this game for a while.
It feels kind of weird that I wasn't really interested in Mobius Day today. I feel the main draw of the additional seed gain has been replaced by the gigantaur map.
I was hyped about it being on a weekend, but I was so drained from not sleeping that I barely did anything with it; basically lazily took advantage of the ability boost.It feels kind of weird that I wasn't really interested in Mobius Day today. I feel the main draw of the additional seed gain has been replaced by the gigantaur map.
All I really see is people upset at the game being horribly mismanaged. Between the unresolved hacking, the crazy paywalls, the absurdly out of touch marketing promotions through Twitter and Facebook, and now the game down for half a day without a word, I'd say Mobius is lucky to have anyone playing it at this point. Square certainly doesn't seem to really care much.
Wait... What?It's really amusing to watch the raging entitlement unfold over a free phone game.
The toddlers over at Reddit are suggesting defrauding and stealing from Square-Enix because the game was down for a day.
There's a whole thread on buying large quantities of magicite and issuing chargebacks with Apple or Google.Wait... What?
There's a whole thread on buying large quantities of magicite and issuing chargebacks with Apple or Google.
Because the game was offline for a few hours.
Free gifts from tomorrow
Also free daily draw for 8 days.
I bet secret santa would be crazy with everyone having the same name lolMerry Christmas, blanks!
Dahaka is the boss of the Fire Lagoon -_-
Why can't you just stay in your tower?
It's more that it's the only pneuma node that requires more than a one element setup.What are you trying to say, that Mobius REUSES MODELS?!?!?!!
It's more that it's the only pneuma node that requires more than a one element setup.
It's more that it's the only pneuma node that requires more than a one element setup.
Bad luck? I've gotten four so far (plus the one in the multiplayer shop).Wind was the only tricky one for me because the only class I have that has wind and earth is black mage. The boss isn't hard, but getting two Ochu fights in a row before it with not enough pink orbs is rough, had to use one of my 100+ phoenix downs! Scholar is wrecking the fire boss though. Gonna burn lots of elixirs tomorrow, I've put all my energy into the 60 maps all week and only got one pneuma.
It will go nicely with my warrior/fire and mage/water versions (which I got from the FFX-2 4★ draws).Wow, congrats! Nothing but Celestriads for me yet.