Woo, my best score by far.
Woo, my best score by far.
Yes. It was already confirmed as a Feb 6 release.
Downloaded Mobius on Steam.
Start it up.
"A new version is available. Please update your game."
Nothing happens.
Off to a great start!
Also, it looks like the Cloud Job is summonable this time. No $75 magicite purchase required. http://information.mobiusfinalfanta...daf1baebb412fcc8d6932cb7cbfa2b296ee4d4b8.html
That's awesome news. Would rather they did this for Gabranth, but still a great bit of news. I'll have to remember to DL the steam version later today when I get home. Isn't there some freebie you get for logging in on Steam at least once?
Also, I've had voices off since launch, so I find all of the Warrior of Light's edgy quips during battle to be so adorable.
Is the Steam version finally functioning properly, or did you have to do a bizarre series of workarounds? If it's the former, I might try it - I'd like to be able to do background autobattling without melting my phone on a regular basis.
It has fullscreen for me, I'm pretty sure. It's under the resolution options for whatever reason, and I'm pretty sure it's borderless.It works great now! It's extremely fast and fluid, but it still doesn't have native borderless fullscreen and the default control scheme for controllers isn't very good. I cobbled up something as a steam controller config that I feel pretty good about, though I can't say it's super great for menus.
It is so weird seeing this game running smoothly.
Skillseeds are way easier to get!Should I come back
What did I miss
Gacha is predominantly for early access cards at this point and there's usually a bonus for drawing gacha (the FF VII cards right now, for example).I didn't have problems with Skillseeds prior to Gigantuars anyway!
Just felt that the changes to gacha were a little sour, but Mobius still makes an excellent idle-in-background time waster, which wasn't really possible with a phone and much more suited to desktop.
Pull for jobs until you have a good spread between elements and job types. Buy ability cards with ability tickets once you have a job (matching job/element type).So complete new player to this. Just started on steam. I just unlocked teleport. Haven't pulled anything and have 5 summon tickets, like 20 ability tickets, 2200 materia give or take and some other odd stuff through these rewards.
What the heck should I be pulling? It looks like using 6 summon tickets to pull a job is a good idea? Materia save for that Mobius box so I can do another 6 summon ticket job pull?
Should I buy some abilities with the ability ticket?
I don't quite follow the gatcha system here.![]()
Pull for jobs until you have a good spread between elements and job types. Buy ability cards with ability tickets once you have a job (matching job/element type).
Maaaybe pull a few times on the 3★ summon in between jobs; a few maxed cards will keep you going for a while right at the start.
Gacha is as follows:
Greater Summon: Six unleveled cards. I wouldn't pull here until you are deep in the game, its main purpose is the chance (albeit low) to get 4★ cards or early access cards (card not yet in the ability shop).
3★ Summon: Maxed 3★ card; level, ability level and extra skills. Useful a couple of times early on as noted above or if you want to "force" a new card out (takes four summons of dupes).
4★ Summon: Maxed 4★ card; expensive, but cheaper than two Growstars (which is the cost to take a 3★ card to 4★. Pretty amazing to pull here if you have the means, main downsides is that dupes here REALLY hurt and you can pull cards that may not be useful to you (depending on jobs you have).
I *think* the 3★/4★ summons slightly favor newer cards, but I forgot where I read this.
Dang, yeah that's rough. Turns out most of the AOE BDD cards are in the shop now, so I actually only got one EA card in my 3(ranger dark AOE bdd).I did four Greater Summons this morning to get the special cards, but did not return happy; only one new 4★ card, two early access cards and no job card.
Job cards are only obtained from job summon EXCEPT for Solider, which is a special case; it's obtained as a bonus when you pull on any of the other summons.OK. So skip the greater summon for now. Save summon tickets for job pulls. Grab a few abilities with ability tickets and maybe do a 3* summon.
Looks like greater summon can be anything from ability to job right? Does the job pull include the newest jobs like soldier?
Heh, that's one of the new cards I was hoping to get.Dang, yeah that's rough. Turns out most of the AOE BDD cards are in the shop now, so I actually only got one EA card in my 3(ranger dark AOE bdd).
Anyone else have a weird issue with the steam version not accepting clicks on a part of the screen? Like when I'm managing cards, I can't click on stuff right in the middle of the menu. The game does do the little tap effect, so it registers the clicking.
It's the little area I highlighted in red that's acting off.
I haven't had that problem, but my menus are "left handed", so that might be why.
Huh. I managed to fix it by making the icons large... but now the icons are flipping huge. I'll try left handed menus and see if that helps.
Also I noticed, those giant turtle enemies are totally lifted from Final Fantasy XIV!
I have to dedicate all weekend to this game but before getting through the tutorial is there any rerolling I would be wise to do? What should I be going for?
I have to dedicate all weekend to this game but before getting through the tutorial is there any rerolling I would be wise to do? What should I be going for?
Devout is tank mage, he's at a slight disadvantage right now since light cards are brand new, but there's a really good one in the Final Fantasy VII bonus summon right now if you want to start pulling on the 4★ summon for it (the bonus cards don't repeat, so you'll have it on the fourth pull at worst).I just got my 6th summon ticket and did my first job pull... Devout. I guess that's good? Mage type. I have no light abilities thoughbought a few fire and water abilities from the ability store but the 20 tickets wasn't going to get me far.. need 33 for a light ability.
Devout is tank mage, he's at a slight disadvantage right now since light cards are brand new, but there's a really good one in the Final Fantasy VII bonus summon right now if you want to start pulling on the 4★ summon for it (the bonus cards don't repeat, so you'll have it on the fourth pull at worst).
Hmm, it's definitely a tough call if you only have one job, especially since you can whiff a couple of times.This it's wiser than pulling more jobs? my plan was to pull a second job once I could afford it.
Hmm, it's definitely a tough call if you only have one job, especially since you can whiff a couple of times.
If you feel like you would want to main Devout (for single player), I would maybe try going for it. The bonus card is an area attack that adds slow (which halves every enemy's turns, rounded down, which is generally very good). It also only costs one Growstar to augment and has fodder in the event so you can max it out after augmenting.
Job card aren't going anywhere, so you can always go back to that.
The only hard stop I can think of is is if you wanted to really get into multiplayer, although Devout is a healer so he can fit into most battles.
Well, you could get it on the first try! Four is worst case.Hmm. It's a tough one then. It'll be hard to save up that many summon tickets to even do one pull, let alone the 4 for the card I need.