Rare pirate tomb drop apparently. Or wait for upcoming granny inventory DLC update. Allegedly. I need some too, for the same reason.So guys, Armor Stones..... where the hell are they!?
I've read that you can grab them at The Tower but no joy.
Rare pirate tomb drop apparently. Or wait for upcoming granny inventory DLC update. Allegedly. I need some too, for the same reason.So guys, Armor Stones..... where the hell are they!?
I've read that you can grab them at The Tower but no joy.
I think I found mine at the volcano, but IIRC they're extremely rare. You should fill out your combo list by taking your armor stones plus other materials to a quest, combine, and then abandon. Because there are so many armor stones combinations, this is pretty much as tedious as it sounds, but it's less tedious than mining for armor stones.So guys, Armor Stones..... where the hell are they!?
Whe he starts rolling around. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Whe he starts rolling around. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Is there a good way to get your resource points up outside of hunting Moga Woods? Also, how do I get more monster in Moga woods? So far, I only have Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Lagiacrus and Rathian.
Is there a good way to get your resource points up outside of hunting Moga Woods? Also, how do I get more monster in Moga woods? So far, I only have Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Lagiacrus and Rathian.
Your item pouch space never changes, you just have to learn to be frugal in your collecting.Man I'm about 5 hours in and just killed that great jaggiAfter 30 minutes of chasing his ass I was all out of potions and about 2 hits from death when he finally fell over and died. I wanted to yell =] Man these no health bars really adds suspense to the hunt. Question, is there a way to increase my bag space when I'm out? I've been putting everything into my item box in town but when I'm on a quest my bags fill up extremely fast.
Man I'm about 5 hours in and just killed that great jaggiAfter 30 minutes of chasing his ass I was all out of potions and about 2 hits from death when he finally fell over and died. I wanted to yell =] Man these no health bars really adds suspense to the hunt. Question, is there a way to increase my bag space when I'm out? I've been putting everything into my item box in town but when I'm on a quest my bags fill up extremely fast.
Where are you guys seeing the info for the new quests and stuff that are coming? I guess I'm out of the loop. I've been loosing my desire to play lately as the game is starting to feel kinda "samey," but I didn't realize there were new "updates" coming on the horizon. Will they be fairly regular?
That sucks about bag space, I guess I'll learn whats worth keeping to take to town as I play more. My other problem, I spent forever to get charm table 1 since I was planning to play with bows.. However when I tried the bow the controls were horrible, it was like hold down y or whatever, use the right stick at the same time to slowly aim if you can even catch up to a target then actually shoot. Is there some trick to bows? lol
Weekly DLC quests. Check the DLC option, it gives a preview of what is to come.
Use the D-Pad to aim. Sounds crazy, but it works.
I'm guessing accumulated, but I think by the time you're seriously farming for that award, you're not going to be doing anything with the farm or fishing boats other than an occasional 4 star fishing boat foray.Cumulated across your game time or...
you actually need to have your resource points at 1 million?
whats this about?
I'm late responding, but I find L/R on the GamePad really uncomfortable for running and camera control. MH3U lets you use ZL/ZR instead, but it bizarrely only does so by providing the option to mirror L/R functionality (rather than simply offering proper button remapping). When you use off-TV play with ZL/ZR replicating L/R, you no longer have access to the target cam.Wait, what? It's the 3DS version that does this wrong. I want to be able to tap ZL to target monsters instead of having to use the fucking touch screen. Stupid ass 3DS.
I'm guessing accumulated, but I think by the time you're seriously farming for that award, you're not going to be doing anything with the farm or fishing boats other than an occasional 4 star fishing boat foray.
My plan for that award is to mine the hell out of low rank uragaans using a gathering armor set and turn lavastones into resource points.
Damn that Lagi. Also, I need a new armor. It 2hkos me on the Gold Rath armor...
Yeah, I ate something and it turned +3. But still it beat me. One supercharge and one electric dash and Felynes cart me...if you have massive negative resist, you can just eat food that cancels it out. I think it's vegetable + milk. No matter how bad the resistance is it'll set it to 8.
lolololI'll wait gaffers to do the Ivory Lagiacrus event quest,people are getting so mad with the massive one shots that happens,you can literally feel how furious the hunters are. :/
honestly probably faster just to charm hunt in the volcano and convert ore/firestones/whatever.
the game is being brutal with me now. I mean i need two Lagiacus horn+ to finish the Ivory set but i can't get one from the 10 lagia i've slayed so far... wtf
Are you actually breaking his horns during the fights?
oh yes i am, It keeps giving me plates and regular horns(which you can only get by breaking the horn so I'm doing it fine) and I only need 2 horn+
Just making sure! I don't assume everyone knows the mechanics, with a lot of new players joining in. Tri drops rates were torture for me, but Ultimate has been amazing. Just balancing out for me. I hope your fortune turns around soon.
What's this? I need his goddam blood too!I've been hunting Savage Jho for a few days and gosh its spawn rate is abysmal, only found one every 2-3 hours or so and that's from using the "save trick". Luckily it dropped plenty of black blood though.
Oh he's gonna get it. This weekend at the latest.But even if we've failed,it's an awesome quest!Teamwork required?so cool.![]()
What's this? I need his goddam blood too!
I think it involves spawning him, abandoning and exiting without saving. Or something.
Also, download the Legendary Athena's Armor Set. It's the best MH tool I have ever seen in my life. I'm creating all sorts of sets, Alatreon, Moga Village, Jhen, the fucking Gigginox, I mean, ain't nobody got time for that stupid monster, the faster you kill it the better.
Also I'm curious, what is the Monster Hunter game with the most unique monsters? Including and excluding sub-species. (Let's say the MMO doesn't count.)