That's super exciting. I was supposed to be practicing DOTA, brushing up my Starcraft, building a Hearthstone deck and playing Diablo III with my wee brother's guild but I've played nothing but MH3U for a month. This game.
I wish I was in to more disposable games.
Heh, the grass is always greener!
I seem to have a love it or hate it reaction to games. I just spent a year as a noob to Steam and like so many suddenly found myself with a backlog of 200 odd games. Most of them I would start up and dump very quickly. Some of them I would start up, fall in love with and then play
obsessively enthusiastically for hundreds of hours. XCOM EU and FTL say hi!
I only picked up MH3U as my Mario Kart free game as it was the best 'bang for my buck' in terms of what it would cost me to actually buy of those I was interested in. I had no real intention of firing it up anytime soon but all the discussion about it in the new to Wii U threads got my hunting and gathering juices flowing. After wanting to kill the CPU in Mario Kart 150 cc for its cheaty cheating spam item tactics on the final few yards of the last race I needed to get all three stars, thus giving me no chance to recover in time, yet again, I decided to fire up Mon Hun. Less than ten days later and it is already my most played Wii U game at over 80 hours. It even made me go and buy the bigger battery for the gamepad :/.
Not that I'm complaining you understand

. I'm still yet to get to where I was in Tri before I put it down from game overload but hunting and gathering is as enjoyable as I remember it. Our ancestors had a great life!