Needs to branch out for upward slash if behind LS user.
Needs to branch out for upward slash if behind LS user.
The Wii U version can host up to 3 other 3DS players in local multiplayer, or it can go online with up to 3 other Wii U players in online multiplayer, but the Wii U version can't be a local multiplayer guest or play online and local at the same time.I'm trying to set up some 4 player local multiplayer with some friends and I've got a question: Can I set up 2 WiiUs and 2 3DS' and have them all play together or is that a no go?
Needs to branch out for upward slash if behind LS user.![]()
Something feels so off about this one. I've been playing since the psp ones and the one one ps2. I like it, also got my friend to start playing and now he understands why me and my brother love it so much. He also mentioned that to the fans this is considered the worst one is that true?
Nothing against this one myself but I usually hate hardcore fans like that. Shouldn't really matter. I do like most monster designs more in this one.I've only ever heard this particular opinion expressed by die hard Sony fans myself who have an axe to grind.
Hmm, I don't think 2 Wii U's can LAN it up.
Something feels so off about this one. I've been playing since the psp ones and the one one ps2. I like it, also got my friend to start playing and now he understands why me and my brother love it so much. He also mentioned that to the fans this is considered the worst one is that true?
A monster eating tainted meat becomes paralyzed for free hits. Though it looks a lot like being caught in a shock trap, it's not actually capturable in that state. You absolutely need to catch it in a shock trap or pitfall trap. And if you happen to run out of traps on a capture quest, you're better off abandoning the quest from the menu and trying again.Well, put some decent time into this and having a great time. I checked around and think I answers my questions correctly, but just to be safe: The tainted meat that causes paralyze does not work like a trap, in that you can not tranq bomb the monster and capture it after it eats the meat? Had to hunt the g jaggi and capture him in my last quest and they gave me the meat to start, but ended up using normal trap anyway. Although if you can use the meat, that seems like it would be easier than the normal trap.
That's a great start, though I'd advise against forging too many low rank armors. Unlike weapons that can be upgraded to get more and more powerful, armor winds up becoming obsolete as pieces with better skills turn up. Just keep putting Armor Spheres into Jaggi armor for awhile and you'll be fine.At this point I'm decked out in Jaggi gear, lv3 armor pieces and Jaggi dual blades, guess that means it's time to move on to the next monster until I'm wearing him.
Well, put some decent time into this and having a great time. I checked around and think I answers my questions correctly, but just to be safe: The tainted meat that causes paralyze does not work like a trap, in that you can not tranq bomb the monster and capture it after it eats the meat? Had to hunt the g jaggi and capture him in my last quest and they gave me the meat to start, but ended up using normal trap anyway. Although if you can use the meat, that seems like it would be easier than the normal trap.
At this point I'm decked out in Jaggi gear, lv3 armor pieces and Jaggi dual blades, guess that means it's time to move on to the next monster until I'm wearing him.
You dont need many low ranks amour just get one every time you unlock new quest. .
You can if you know what youre doing, if you are new to the game I recommend to getting different amours like Rath.Actually jaggi armor can see you through to the end of low rank. Basically just go with the armor you have now until you can't win anymore but always upgrade weapons.
Actually jaggi armor can see you through to the end of low rank. Basically just go with the armor you have now until you can't win anymore but always upgrade weapons.
OK, I've just completed my first urgent quest, which was killing those yellow salamander type enemies, and while I'm enjoying the game I'm still unsure what weapon I'd like to use. I think I'm torn between Gunlance, Bow, and Hunting Horn, but I'm not sure which I'd sooner stick with. Gunlance seems a bit too slow for my liking, but I'm enjoying the shell use during combos, bow is fun but my shots keep flying over enemies like Jaggi, and horn is fun but I don't really get how I should be using it. I assume I'm supposed to play the song as a combo/attack sequence rather than stay off to the sides and play the song, right?
Do other Gunlances become quicker to use at all, or is there anyway I can speed myself up when using them?
Gunlance is a awesome, defensive and a power-house but fast it is not, lol. Bow takes some getting used to to get good with it and it's worth saying that they actually have trouble with the smaller monsters, lol. I don't play HH and I find it boring so someone else will have to help you there
Also, you haven't actually fought a big monster yet so I would wait till you do to get a better feel for the weapons.
Don't forget to download the DLC. You get a great Resource points boost as well as new stuff that Granny Go To sells.
You can talk to the felyne in your hut; can't remember if there was an option in the main menu.How do I download DLC? Is it in-game? Do I have to go through a specific part of the game until I'm able to?
Right, OK then. My only problem with Gunlance is that I keep holding the control stick towards the enemy when I attack them, and end up doing the up thrust instead.
You can talk to the felyne in your hut; can't remember if there was an option in the main menu.
OK, I've just completed my first urgent quest, which was killing those yellow salamander type enemies, and while I'm enjoying the game I'm still unsure what weapon I'd like to use. I think I'm torn between Gunlance, Bow, and Hunting Horn, but I'm not sure which I'd sooner stick with. Gunlance seems a bit too slow for my liking, but I'm enjoying the shell use during combos, bow is fun but my shots keep flying over enemies like Jaggi, and horn is fun but I don't really get how I should be using it. I assume I'm supposed to play the song as a combo/attack sequence rather than stay off to the sides and play the song, right?
Do other Gunlances become quicker to use at all, or is there anyway I can speed myself up when using them?
Thanks for the advice all, I'll hold off for a bit on armor then. I have two sets of dual blades now that are base power 154, but some of the upgrade materials for both I have never heard of, so guessing it's time to check out this new forest area.
How do I download DLC? Is it in-game? Do I have to go through a specific part of the game until I'm able to?
Needs to branch out for upward slash if behind LS user.![]()
I recently got to the High Rank Quests and have found to my dismay that the effectively complete armor set for the Low Rank Quests are now pretty much worthless, save for one or two. I can now understand why I see posters saying things like "you can get through the low rank quests with just jaggi armor". I'm not sure I'll bother doing all that again if I ever re-play it or get to my next Mon Hun. Still I enjoyed myself getting all the parts needed to craft the Low Rank Armor complete set so I'm not complaining.
And with this I say goodbye to MH3U!
So, what you are saying is it's a lot more complicated than I imagined. I suppose from what I know of the series so far, that shouldn't be surprising, haha.
Thanks though, that makes a lot of sense and will help me out a great deal when deciding which to bring. I think at this point, as long as ice does bonus damage, I'll bring the Snow Slicers, but when I take on something like Great Baggi, I'll go Jaggid.
I'm gonna jump in on this one I think. Is the 3DS version good? I'm buying it for a normal 3DS, not a 3DS XL.
I'm gonna jump in on this one I think. Is the 3DS version good? I'm buying it for a normal 3DS, not a 3DS XL.
I like Jhen's set: rocksteady, mind's eye, focus. Gem in crit draw and you're golden.Any greatsword users here? Can anyone recommend some armors I should aim for at G Rank?
With a 1 slot Handicraft +5 charm, it's possible to get Critical Draw, Sharpness +1, Rock Steady and Focus with mostly G Jhen parts and the (hideous) Diablos X helm, which only loses Mind's Eye from the full G Jhen set.Any greatsword users here? Can anyone recommend some armors I should aim for at G Rank?
With a 1 slot Handicraft +5 charm, it's possible to get Critical Draw, Sharpness +1, Rock Steady and Focus with mostly G Jhen parts and the (hideous) Diablos X helm, which only loses Mind's Eye from the full G Jhen set.
I've never gotten a lot of awesome charms myself, but even I managed to wind up with one of those so they're probably not too rare.Gods... That sounds like a pretty big if. All my charms tend to be trash. :\
That skill set looks so good though.
If you're still in HR6, something like the usual Helios mix might do. Or maybe Diablos X once you hit HR7.I'm still in HR6, I've been here for a while actually I might take a look at the key quests list since there are so many quests.
What is Rocksteady? I've currently been staying away from Focus but I suppose it'll be fun re-learning my GS timings with it.![]()
I think Wroggi is even better for learning the ropes.
1. There's a lot of poison in low rank.
2. You look like a cowboy/cowgirl.
3. Halving the amount of time you have to sharpen is very nifty.
I actually find Giggity easy. The worst part is his head-extending sweeping attack. The timing for dodging through it is tricky. His poison attacks aren't too bad.I had to because Gigginox whupped up on me so much.