Eh, while MH does have some downright horrible female armor designs, it also has some of the best in gaming IMO.
Yikes. Can't ever agree. You must really like excessive spikes and gaudy colours. The only one I ever really liked is the female Jhen Mohran set in Tri (haven't seen it in 3U yet), and even that one was ruined by having these silly exposed bits around the crotch. Why.
There is definitely a problem of trying to make the female armor cute and/or sexy. What is up with all of the metal skirts? Those can't be comfortable.
Not to mention the multiple boob windows, crotch windows, midriff windows, boobplates, etc. If there's a way for the armour to look ridiculous, it's guaranteed to have at least one of them, if not two or three. >_<
I have to give it to the Misty Peaks battle theme
starts out slow but it becomes incredible one minute onward.
Shoutouts to Jhen Mohran 2nd phase after dragonator and yeah, Brachydios theme
I actually prefer the song that starts during the "final showdown", right before the dragonator. So epic. But yeah when you activate the dragonator, it does get your blood pumping and you feel just so triumphant.
Out of all the new songs (from Tri, I mean) that I heard so far, Zinogre is probably my favourite, though. First time I heard it I went all "uh oh... shit's going down". And it did. We died.

There is something about trying to tackle a monster you're not ready for, haha. Whether you win by the skin of your teeth (and feel immense relief) or just get mercilessly slaughtered (and go "yeah yeah okay, understood xD").
This composer is talented at making you feel that way, here's another one of his songs, from Dragon's Dogma, one of my favourite theme in recent gaming: