It's Reyn Time!
I'm getting there but damn, some of the remaining ones are going to be a drag.
It just took me 27 minutes to kill normal caedeus in the village. I was using G rank gear.
Wow nobody in free c lobby 9... Made a room if anybody wants to play!
Pretty much the same here, I don't have the Max Level award though.I'm getting there but damn, some of the remaining ones are going to be a drag.
:0uuuugh I guess I'll reveal a secret.
if you take a slickaxe/armor stone into a quest, combine an item, and then abandon the quest, you get your original items back, but the combo list still logs it.
I only used two slickaxe and two armor stone while completing my whole combo list
I'm getting there but damn, some of the remaining ones are going to be a drag.
uuuugh I guess I'll reveal a secret.
if you take a slickaxe/armor stone into a quest, combine an item, and then abandon the quest, you get your original items back, but the combo list still logs it.
I only used two slickaxe and two armor stone while completing my whole combo list
Yall better start making notes.Award said:Gather and trade many Rare Commodites by hunting large monsters in Moga Woods.
Got room for one more! Mario bailed out on us!
Got room for one more! Mario bailed out on us!
Next time I return, I will be HR137.
I can't tell, but I think one of those awards is for getting an S-Rank once on each arena quest. What did you use against P. Ludroth? I can't get sub-5 min.
Damn, that's how long it took me in LR gear my first kill.It just took me 27 minutes to kill normal caedeus in the village. I was using G rank gear.
I can't get sub ten minutes against him. Thankfully you only need to beat each arena quest for one of the awards, and get an A (not S) rating on each one for the other.
I used the light bowgun against purple Luddy, just hopped around him and rapid fired him down... very, very slowly.
It just took me 27 minutes to kill normal caedeus in the village. I was using G rank gear.
A price drop might come in the near future, and given the disappointing physical sales of this game I'm sure you'll find it at a great price by bored now, 120 hours in and finished almost all the quests besides Alateron, really wish I had some online play to break the monotony of going through low HR by yourself
if only I could get a Wii U
one day..
A price drop might come in the near future, and given the disappointing physical sales of this game I'm sure you'll find it at a great price by then.
A price drop might come in the near future, and given the disappointing physical sales of this game I'm sure you'll find it at a great price by then.
Finally on Caedeus, heard this is a long fight so I'll do it tomorrow.
In a related note Uragaan went down like a little bitch, which was totally unexpected since I thought he'd be a total badass, and I upgraded my switch-axe again. I'd upgrade it again before Caedeus but it looks like I need a high rank Barroth kill to do it.
Caedeus is going to take forever isn't it? I'm used to everything going down in under 15 minutes tops so this will be interesting.
I'm so proud of myself, I got a 3:03 time on the Lagombi arena fight. Maybe I'm actually getting good at this game? :-O
Damn, that's how long it took me in LR gear my first kill.
They're addicting just because of the Demon Dance. SLASHSLASHSLASHSLASHSLASHSLASH
2 things:
1) Sales weren't disappointing, unless Capcom had some crazy expectations.
2) Niche games rarely go down in price. It would be best to get the game in a buy 1 get the other half price kinda thing.
It may take you from 25 to 35 min.
Stop, you're gonna make Sammy cry![]()
Thank god, from all of the monsters I've faced so far, P. Ludroth seems impossible to get an S-Rank with. So do you need to get an A-rank with all weapons or at least one weapon?
Just one weapon, thankfully. I'm hopeless with LS and DS so couldn't even begin to imagine having to use those against every monster.
Arena quest question: if it says "max 4" for the quest, but only I enter, will it scale the monster, or am I on a fool's errand?
Alright now I need 99 Earth Crystals. What's the best place to farm them?
This is going to be a long day '_'
Alright now I need 99 Earth Crystals. What's the best place to farm them?
This is going to be a long day '_'
Arena quest question: if it says "max 4" for the quest, but only I enter, will it scale the monster, or am I on a fool's errand?
I've been having good luck getting them from Moga Woods/Deserted Island and Volcano a lot.
Literally everywhere
Alright now I need 99 Earth Crystals. What's the best place to farm them?
This is going to be a long day '_'
Low/High Rank, I presume?
Go on a daytime free hunt (best to go in the day as you don't collect higher rank materials, just the basics), go to the underground cave area and run in circles mining until you run out of picks. With a set of gathering armour I usually get 20-40 earth crystals per run.
Is Lagiacrus U a good GS set or should I wait for something else? What did you guys use for Mark of the Hero?
I got an A-rank with all weapons on the first 3 monsters so far... Well this saves a lot of time lol.
Go on a daytime free hunt (best to go in the day as you don't collect higher rank materials, just the basics), go to the underground cave area and run in circles mining until you run out of picks. Nodes respawn really quickly in there. With a set of gathering armour I usually get 20-40 earth crystals per run.
It replaces the normal one, it looks like the Ninja Gaiden 2 dash. But A+X is a dashing attack so I can use that to move then dash out to double my evasion distance and avoid attacks I wouldn't be able to with other weapons.I assume it does. And you can cancel Demon Dash into dashes?