Haha, I was playing with some gaffers last week, and I kicked a Sand Barioth in the teeth. He fell over and died. We laughed too hard at that.
Oh man that's awesome.
Haha, I was playing with some gaffers last week, and I kicked a Sand Barioth in the teeth. He fell over and died. We laughed too hard at that.
agreed 100%Arzuros X is the set for any serious volcano miner.
Well Moga Village is offline, online quests are in the harbor place and you can do the online quests offline as well.
I might just have to craft myself a set of this equipment. O_O
I have a Charmer+5 talisman, I hope that's good enough...
Manned up and starting farming Uragaan for Lava Nuggets. I keep getting Uragaan Rubies from rewards and everything but nuggets from mining.
Manned up and starting farming Uragaan for Lava Nuggets. I keep getting Uragaan Rubies from rewards and everything but nuggets from mining.
I'm not on a gunner table, and I get plenty of those too.Pretty sure I'm on a gunner table, I've never seen so many Useless Bullshit+ charms.
Pretty sure I'm on a gunner table, I've never seen so many Useless Bullshit+ charms.
Wow that sucks. I pretty much only get nuggets from mining - they're great for village resources points anyway.Manned up and starting farming Uragaan for Lava Nuggets. I keep getting Uragaan Rubies from rewards and everything but nuggets from mining.
Wow that sucks. I pretty much only get nuggets from mining - they're great for village resources points anyway.
I always take barrel bombs and drugged meat to fights with Jho. Also always take the bombs to fights with Nibelsnarf, if only because it makes it easy to fish him out and stun him.Got the complete Arzuros X set, fully gemmed. Now i just need a +4 Charmer talisman..
On a different note.. Do you guys use Barrel Bombs? Are they useful in G rank? I never used them and just read that Bounce Bombs will rocket forward (instead of upward) underwater making them pretty useful against Lagi and Plesioth.
Got the complete Arzuros X set, fully gemmed. Now i just need a +4 Charmer talisman..
On a different note.. Do you guys use Barrel Bombs? Are they useful in G rank? I never used them and just read that Bounce Bombs will rocket forward (instead of upward) underwater making them pretty useful against Lagi and Plesioth.
That Azuros set doesn't have Defense up though. Nice skills otherwise though.
I'm going through single player 6-7 star quests, Arzuros is my armor of choice because I get DefUp L plus food DefUp. It's probably not the ideal set I could use, and definitely won't be what I'll use in the future, but so far it works great.But it's for farming. Don't know why anyone would want defense up. If you need it get it from meals.
What's the best way to get fertile mud from a Barroth? I tried googling it but it just says break the mud on its body. Is there an easy way to do this? Like using a weapon with a certain element or using traps to reach it easier? Every time it drops a shiny it's always a wyvern tear.
I'm going through single player 6-7 star quests, Arzuros is my armor of choice because I get DefUp L plus food DefUp. It's probably not the ideal set I could use, and definitely won't be what I'll use in the future, but so far it works great.
I see what you mean, but I'm using this on purpose to spend more time learning patterns rather than just rushing in. I spend time choosing skills after I have learned them.Not exactly optimal though. Those skills don't help at all for non-combat farming. If you're farming monsters... you'll definitely want to improve your fighting so you can get more offensive skills to cut your farming time.
Haha, I was playing with some gaffers last week, and I kicked a Sand Barioth in the teeth. He fell over and died. We laughed too hard at that.
Water element will break the mud slightly easier. It's a pretty low chance for the shiny to be fertile mud iirc. Capturing will give you a chance at it, but I bet most of what you get will be a quest reward (top box). Try eating for Lucky/Ultra Lucky cat.
I remember one of the locations you can send the fishing boats tends to bring back fertile mud, but it might be the level 3 hunting one which could be problematic.
OT2 title is even better than the first one!
Good hunts last night, Kyzon and Mileena; it was hilarious to hear Mileena complain about someone not being around to cook food for him, lol.
Getting a Mantle off that last Rathian hunt was preeeeeeeetty awesome; now that I have it, I expect that I will need to kill about 50 Rathalos to get his Mantle for my Rathian GS that has an unpronounceable name.
It is. I crafted it tonight and you need +4 charmer. I only have +3 but its still great for gathering until I get a better charmer talisman