Good hunts to all participants tonight!
I don't think anyone got any Los Mantles, but hey, at least we creamed them in record time!
Yeah, no Mantles here.
Desire Sensor is toying with my emotions. (Not to mention I was playing like crap tonight.)
"I want Rathian Mantles."
*Rains Uragaan Palliums*
Good hunts to all participants tonight!
I don't think anyone got any Los Mantles, but hey, at least we creamed them in record time!
Actually...I got 3 in those runs. And of course, I wasn't really looking for them. Oddly enough, I'm one Azure lash short of making the set. Good hunt though tonight. I'll be down next time if you guys want to do los runs again.
Clearly, this is retribution for my luck last night with Cloudy Moonshards.
I don't think you necessarily need to break his beard. First time I did it I stuck to his horns with a hammer. I'm pretty sure I didn't break his beard. I still lost, however, but only because I ran out of time.Okay no seriously, fuck this bullshit quest. If I didn't look up on the internet what I had to do I would have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Apparently I'm supposed to "break his beard". Where is that ever hinted at? Cha-Cha says something vague like "attack to make him weaker", which is super helpful, that's only what I've spent the entire game going. And if you don't you suddenly fail fifteen minutes in with the descriptive message "you failed to rout the elder dragon"? Why? Fuck if the game's going to tell you.
I had to go to the internet to learn that I had to break his beard of all things (his horn I might have at least attempted, but I never would have given the beard a shot) and to learn that damage carries over between attempts. Without those two pieces of information which the game does not give you I might have just put the game down here and now and said "I don't feel like figuring this utterly arbitrary pile of bullshit out"
I don't think you necessarily need to break his beard. First time I did it I stuck to his horns with a hammer. I'm pretty sure I didn't break his beard. I still lost, however, but only because I ran out of time.
The truly inexcusable one in my eyes is not telling me that damage carries over between attempts. Without that I would have probably tried twice, maybe three times, and then said "I never even make visual progress, I just can't do this"
The truly inexcusable one in my eyes is not telling me that damage carries over between attempts. Without that I would have probably tried twice, maybe three times, and then said "I never even make visual progress, I just can't do this"
Okay, with the Caedeus fight does actual incremental damage carry over, or is it just discrete things like "horn is broken"?
This stupid thing is not fun. I have played the actual Caedeus fight with friends, and its decently fun. This long ass, slow ass, "have to do it a half dozen times" ass chase through the trenches is not.
I'm trying. I can't! I wail on him with my horn four like for straight attempts that conclude in failure and still nothing. I'm sick of doing this with no visible progress. It takes me thirty seconds to get in position to make like two attacks and then his goddamn fins knock me back into my slow ass "oh noooo I got touched by a fin I'm going to hang in the water for six seconds" animationJust break his beard,
grab ballista ammo, hit him with it til he enrages, dragonator, then repeat ballista until dragonator recharges.
No seriously, this sucks. It is not fun. It is not interesting. It controls horribly. My hunter has amazing amounts of trouble swimming up and down, even while holding B. There is not one redeeming feature about this. I dare anyone to defend this shit, on any level. I dare you. Do it.
Move camera to the underside or overside of your hunter, press forward. You are now swimming up or down. No, it's not easy, and no it's not going to get less clunky. After a while though you'll be swimming circles around monsters underwater... Until you have to dodge, then you'll just go the direction that is most inconvenient.
If I move the camera under my hunter pressing any direction should move me up and in that direction. Pressing back on the circle pad should not cause me to swim down.
Just stop attempting the fight, and do something else. Build an armor, collect some resources, do some mining.I killed Diablos in like 30 minutes on my first try. I'm hardly underequipped for this fight. And yet I have now spent six attempts wailing on his beard with my Lagia horn and NOTHING.
I am wasting my time
Technomancer, I take it you're on the 3DS?
I don't know what to change. My armor is fine. I'm using basically the strongest electric weapon I can equip at this point. My tactics are "swim up alongside his beard and hit it" and I really don't see what else I can doJust stop attempting the fight, and do something else. Build an armor, collect some resources, do some mining.
Then, watch a YouTube guide on Ceadeus.
Then, consider anything - a weapon change/upgrade, maybe some tactics, maybe a change of venue in which you play to make yourself more comfortable.
Then attempt it again when you feel ready.
When I stopped him, I don't think I cut his beard. I think I just broke one of his horns. I may be wrong.
I feel so cool in my artian armor
Hey man, try the psp iterations of the game and you'll be immensely thankful for the hitboxes we have now.
Some people can be assholes on line! I created a Hollowed Jhen room name it "need quest" cause I dont have it yet, this guy post quest, we are ready to go and as soon as he knows I dont have the quest he laughs and abandon the room! I have killed HJ several times I just dont have the quest yet.
Why did you leave, ryz? I wasn't angry with you at all! Just mad that we got close enough to victory for it to be painful.
People sure have trouble spelling Ceadeus.
It's not hard if you remember it as Sea Deus considering how much sense that makes.
I've heard people pronounce it as Kaydus ffs.
So, I just got this game. I'm a complete novice, never played any Monster Hunter before this one. Any tips?
Be very patient, especially when learning how things work in the game. Don't hesitate to ask here whatever you need to know, no matter how dumb the question might seem, when I started I didn't even know where to go to start a quest. I know I wouldn't have gotten this far without felow gaffers advice.So, I just got this game. I'm a complete novice, never played any Monster Hunter before this one. Any tips?
People sure have trouble spelling Ceadeus.
It's not hard if you remember it as Sea Deus considering how much sense that makes.
I've heard people pronounce it as Kaydus ffs.
lol it's all in good fun, we were just messing around. You get coins as rewards for arena fights, one of us thought he had gotten some but then he could not find them anymore somehow. Since your name was Mario something, we decided you obviously took them cause, well, Mario collects coins, everyone knows that! Don't take it personal, we were just dicking around!I ate before an arena quest and somehow stole coins or something. I'M TERRIBLE!
Can someone please help me? I recently bought a 16gb SanDisk Ultra Class 10 SD card, and the save times are up to 15 seconds! Is there something I can do like formatting the SD card to fix the save time? I know it shouldn't be taking this long to save
When I googled it like the first ten results all said "break his beard", so that's what I've been working on. I have to assume at this point that "damage carries over" means "discrete breakages" and not "numerical damage" because there's no fucking way that his beard is supposed to take this much sustained damage.
There's a ton of things that's just "established" in Monster Hunter and the game never bothers to tell you, like damage to Elder Dragons carrying over between quests (for Ceadeus, that's damage sustained in the second phase of the quest).The truly inexcusable one in my eyes is not telling me that damage carries over between attempts. Without that I would have probably tried twice, maybe three times, and then said "I never even make visual progress, I just can't do this"
Good luck! Don't be afraid to ask or look up stuff online if anything is unclear.So, I just got this game. I'm a complete novice, never played any Monster Hunter before this one. Any tips?