could never
I REALLY need Revenant Jax (I don't have a second controller).
Yeah this is me, I don't have a second pad also so I'm hoping there's another secret way to acquire him.
I REALLY need Revenant Jax (I don't have a second controller).
And it worked! got all the stuff. Thanks for the heads up.
Reaching into other peoples online pockets mang, feels good.
<--- noob
What are you guys talking about?
How many skins are there to unlock?
I got farmer jax, klassic kitana and injustice scorpion from aerogrunt (PC)
Anything else?
How many skins are there to unlock?
I got farmer jax, klassic kitana and injustice scorpion from aerogrunt (PC)
Anything else?
Do we have solid confirmation on how you get Revenant Kitana?
damn all I need is Klassic Mileena on XB1
but I don't know who has it![]()
There are some who have unlocked the mobile skins, if you go to leaderboards and click their name you'll acquire them too without screwing around with the app lol.
If you're EU PS4, ranked number 10 1v1 SiksoniX will net you the best skins. (jax, kitana, injustice scorpy) just click on him.
For PC people: Add TheJesusFish on Steam. I have all the available mobile unlocks.
There's a bunch of Jesus Fishes on Steam. You have a profile link?
I just got the game. What characters would you guys say are "noob friendly"? Or in other words, which character(s) is the best for getting a good feel of the game before moving on to more execution intensive picks?
I got Kitana, Scorp and Jax from either #47 or 48 on US PS4 ranked 1v1
I just got the game. What characters would you guys say are "noob friendly"? Or in other words, which character(s) is the best for getting a good feel of the game before moving on to more execution intensive picks?
Kung Jin
Liu Kang
Full Auto Jacqui
These 5 are all pretty easy to use.
Getting good with Bojitsu KJ will teach you everything you need to know about the game.
Yeah I really really want this costume. Love Kitana since MK2Do we have solid confirmation on how you get Revenant Kitana?
I just got the game. What characters would you guys say are "noob friendly"? Or in other words, which character(s) is the best for getting a good feel of the game before moving on to more execution intensive picks?
Oh man :[ I'm tempted to leave work early because I still fear this could be the one time we get a bug fixed in time, lol.
Thanks. BTW, is Sub-zero any good in this game? He's the one I'm looking to main.
If you play on PC you've probably got until the next character is added to do this. The consoles might actually get a patch to fix it though.
Well, they can push patches out real quick on Steam at their discretion without all the approval process stuff on consoles.
There's a mini patch currently being worked on it seems:
SiksoniX, number 10 on the EU ranked PVP leaderboard just got me Klassic Kitana, Farmer Jax and Injustice Scorpion. Kinda weird because I think I checked that profile before and didn't get anything the first time.
FA Jacqui is pretty execution intense imo.
You'd think that would be the case yet we were around 2 or 3 patches behind the consoles up to the release of Jason (and then the whole save erasing patch kurfufle). I have no hopes or expectations from High Voltage even if it's something that is in their best interest to fix and not something that negatively affects the players.
Thanks. BTW, is Sub-zero any good in this game? He's the one I'm looking to main.
Don't think there would be that much dialogue from Jason though.
But yeah, i'd also want to see Englunds performance through MKX.
It just takes some time to trigger.The leaderboard bug doesnt look like its working for me on PC. It worked the first time but after that I haven't been able to get anything.
Unlocks weren't unlocking for me on PS4 until I went to gamefaqs and found a name. Ranked 1 vs 1 look for Grumpysenpai for US region. Current rank of 47 I stayed on kombat history and flipped between each section for about a minute then exited to leaderboard type selection and everything started unlocking. It was instant but if it's not I'd hang there a few moments.
Edit I see someone already mentioned the name guess I'm way behind on reading heh.
Sad thing is I just only had a few matches to go to get Scorpion using the app right before this happened. What a waste.