I'd love to see what that line was like in the original localization.Well, this escalated quickly.
I'd love to see what that line was like in the original localization.Well, this escalated quickly.
I'm pretty sure Dragon's Crown has swallowed Vanillaware whole. They just don't have a lot of people to work with...everyone remembers what happened with GKH, right? XSEED couldn't do anything then, and it's unlikely that Aksys can do anything now.Vanillaware said they're still making it but... It's a bit surprising that not even the Nekomata is out in Japan yet. Makes me wonder what Aksys are doing, if anything, about getting the DLC out ASAP.
pardon my ignorance and lack of gaming skills but how hard is this game? i'm an old man and my reflexes aren't what they used to be. this game is downright beautiful and intriguing to me. i have been eyeing it since it came out on wii. seems like a perfect fit to download for my vita (small memory wise) but if it's super hard (like the ninja gaiden series, no offense) i'll just save my money. i don't like to much of a challenge these days (this from a person that beat the first ninja gaiden on nes years ago, that was a bitch) i just like to have fun and enjoy the ride (visuals and story). so muramasa experts, what would you compare it to. once again sorry for my ignorance.
I'm pretty sure Dragon's Crown has swallowed Vanillaware whole. They just don't have a lot of people to work with...everyone remembers what happened with GKH, right? XSEED couldn't do anything then, and it's unlikely that Aksys can do anything now.
I'm not expecting to hear anything about the Muramasa DLC until DC goes gold in Japan, at the very earliest.
pardon my ignorance and lack of gaming skills but how hard is this game? i'm an old man and my reflexes aren't what they used to be. this game is downright beautiful and intriguing to me. i have been eyeing it since it came out on wii. seems like a perfect fit to download for my vita (small memory wise) but if it's super hard (like the ninja gaiden series, no offense) i'll just save my money. i don't like to much of a challenge these days (this from a person that beat the first ninja gaiden on nes years ago, that was a bitch) i just like to have fun and enjoy the ride (visuals and story). so muramasa experts, what would you compare it to. once again sorry for my ignorance.
So do the DLC characters just replace Kisuke and Momohime in the main game?
I just picked up the last copy of muramasa at the local gamestop. They were so understocked that all they had left was the gutted copy (to use the case for display). Does the retail come with anything besides the actual game card? Feels weird to buy a game new but already opened.
Could always go digital.
All Vita games have digital manuals. All that tends to be in the case is the game card.
vanillaware please make more vita games
I thought so. I recently imported project diva f and it had a good deal of stuff inside. The imports are throwing me off!
Well, this little game from them called Dragon's Crown is coming in August.![]()
Anyone have a track listing of the 5-track CD? Kind of bums me out when I get a bonus CD (either pre-order or LE) and it's under 10 tracks, but I'd like to add it to my collection for stuff to listen to in the car along with the CDs I got with BlazBlue CSE, P4 Arena, and Zone of the Enders.
No one reads the OP confirmed.![]()
Whoops, didn't notice it got updated. Thanks for pointing that out.No one reads the OP confirmed.![]()
anybody have any pics of the CE contents besides the stock photo in the OP?
I'm trying the tutorial and I can't get the square button to work, I made sure its not a hardware problem because I checked the button in other games and it works fine. This is a pain.
EDIT skipped the tutorial and it works fine now.
Mine still says "Shipping Soon", but says it will arrive tomorrow. This is pretty strange, never seen anything like this happen with Amazon.
My order said the same thing, but then I got a ship confirmation this evening. Says tomorrow!