Are there Miiverses for Wii U Ware games as well? What about WiiWare and VC?
It reminds me of SSHD a lot, except not mind-numbingly boring.Is this WiiU's SSDHD? getting a big similar vibe from it.
After watching gameplay i can't believe it's that small.Wow, 50MG, those germans are technical wizards.
I must be thinking of a different download.In my data management it reads 49MB + 256kb of save data.
I'm interested in this. Waiting for NNiD migration confirmation.
I will be getting this when I receive my console, Eric over at Negative World seems to love it.
Just trying it out for the first time, will post impressions in a bit!
EDIT: weird problem. When I start this game, my left stick doesn't work going left. I rebooted the system with the same result. Every other game/menu works fine with the stick. Anyone experience this?
I've had this happen a bunch of times. Thought it was because of my distance to the Wii U. Fucking annoying. Seems like a bug. It fixed itself after a couple restarts.Just trying it out for the first time, will post impressions in a bit!
EDIT: weird problem. When I start this game, my left stick doesn't work going left. I rebooted the system with the same result. Every other game/menu works fine with the stick. Anyone experience this?
<-><-><-> Shin'en Interview For More Information
<-><-><-> Watch The Trailer Here!
<-><-><-> Watch Some Girl Play The First 3 Levels in 720p!
Will check for more updates tomorrow morning. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy your Nano Assault Neo!
I've had this happen a bunch of times. Thought it was because of my distance to the Wii U. Fucking annoying. Seems like a bug. It fixed itself after a couple restarts.
Cool ill try that if it happens again.I had this happen earlier and it went away after I restarted a few times. Looking in the Wii U operations manual now though, it seems you can reset the sticks by holding a, b, +, and - for a few seconds.
Most impressive WiiU game, seriously.
Post vids guys!
im planning a big bump whenever a review comes in, but i hardly see any. :[Need some leader board competition? Then add me:
NNID: Spacehawg
Put "nano" in the message if you please.
*trying to keep the thread alive*
Also, how do I add points to my WiiU? (I assume it uses points) I still have some Wii points, can I use those?
Aren't they Austrians @ shinen?50MB, how is that even possible?
dat German engineering.
I assume this'll be a European launch title, good. I want at least one digital title to test out how that stuff works, this is by far the most appealing candidate I've seen so far. Also makes a nice twinstick shooter trifecta with Geometry Wars on 360, Super Stardust HD on PS3 and Nano Assault Neo on WiiU - beautiful.
Also, how do I add points to my WiiU? (I assume it uses points) I still have some Wii points, can I use those?
Seriously. Those pods that explode into bullets suck.I unlocked the Sigma cluster the other day. Omicron 1 is a bitch
Fairly certain they're headquartered in Munich.Aren't they Austrians @ shinen?
I really hope this is a launch title too, I'll buy it as soon as possible (Friday I hope)
Wii U does use real money in the eShop as does the 3DS. I'm not quite sure about the Wii Points. I think I read here on gaf you can use those. I have 3000 left as well
Don't have a 3DS. Eh, I'll figure it out.Money system like 3DS eShop
Don't have a 3DS. Eh, I'll figure it out.