Mobile Suit Gooch
Grundle: The Awakening
I could write a better story?
Oh yeah. Doujinshi and fanfic.
I could write a better story?
Oh yeah. Doujinshi and fanfic.
-It's all a Genjusihu
-Movie flopped b/c it's Naruhina
-Kishi is a shit writer
Missing something?
What do you mean?
It's that simple. $$$Just use a random word generator:
Naruto is a total asshole that should die
My post got deleted and now I'm blocked.
Just like howI don't remember their names anymore.The actors for the big girl and the guy with the cross had no idea there was a romantic subtext between the two until the episode where he died.
What did you post?
when naruto and hinata kiss the second time, are those sakura trees in the background
Do I need to say any more?Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
A lot of Yuri Doujins (sfw and nsfw) I read tend to have these sakura trees and their petals faling in the background as X girl does Y verb to Z other girl. I think it's a rromanitc thing for japan.when naruto and hinata kiss the second time, are those sakura trees in the background
Random word generator?Just use a random word generator:
Naruto tackles Sakura. Should Naruto turn after Sakura? Around a libel strays this unsupported loophole. The drip disrupts the numeral energy. How can Sakura work?
When will the confined smoke ascend within the criminal? Can Naruto jam beside TenTen? Why can't TenTen crash beneath the representative? A green coffee complements Naruto throughout the ruin. TenTen rewrites a wind. The recovering wealth pokes TenTen above the leadership.
Below a bridge coughs the rid worship. The guy studies Hinata. Hinata disappoints the outgoing attendant. Hinata undergoes the vegetarian inside the elementary lark. Hinata answers Sasuke beside a diameter. A shifting pitfall supplements a routine cylinder.
Naruto believes next to a revealed concerto. Naruto feels Hinata. Naruto experiments in Hinata. The circular pats Naruto next to the deaf.
Kishi is good at creating characters and his universe.
I don't think anybody would call him a master story teller.
I think he's better than people give him credit for. But his style would probably be better suited for short stories.
Man I sometimes relly wish this was a shojo manga
In serious :3 I feel like this movie could of been done better in the manga ...the final arc if you sat so ... If only kishimoto wasn't so embarrassed about romance.
..I wonder whose idea was it to make naruto kiss sasuke in part 1/lol
Takl said:both visuals and sounds were great. Robot company did a stunning job as always.
i don't dig the art in the endroll but i wont complain.
its the best naruto film so far and doing great at the box office as well.
-It's all a Genjusihu
-Movie flopped b/c it's Naruhina
-Kishi is a shit writer
Missing something?
The ninja world war is over, but the shipping wars only intensify.
I'm most intrigued by Lee actually seemingly doing something in the trailer.
So the official volume for "the last" is out in the wild right?
Nobody? D:
I would be disappointed if there was no NH Canon because of hinata's characterMan. This the most petty group of shippers I have ever seen. lol
I wonder if this was the other way around, would the NaruHina guys do this? Doubt it.
Anyway, could we flag those comments for Spam?
Edit: This was the trailer where Sakura comically joked on why Hinata is now the main heroine for the movie
but of course this character is alive and is truly showing her frustrations
well do you hate lairs too GAF?
well do you hate lairs too GAF?
seems like a new meme is always made when something else they made up gets debunked
new preview, featuring massive spoilers....kinda includes the ending:
the sad thing is that they make up these things and then eventually try to force it down other people so much that they themselves start to believe it
you should just see how triumphant they are that they are reducing the user score for the Last on that site
claiming it means anything)))))
Also that tumblr theorist is still going strong (she must be a troll)
you got to give it to them that they'd have enough dedication to go and make a Japanese account just to bash on the movie
when we think they are done they find some other thing to do....... it is not even concern anymore that I feel for them just amusement
Edit: This was the trailer where Sakura comically joked on why Hinata is now the main heroine for the movie
but of course this character is alive and is truly showing her frustrations
So who are in the middle?
the funny thing is that they pit Sakura against Hinata when in reality those two have no hint of hating each other
What's really funny is that Sakura is probably the biggest NH shipper in the narutoverse.
What's really funny is that Sakura is probably the biggest NH shipper in the narutoverse.
new preview, featuring massive spoilers....kinda includes the ending: