What stakes could you possibly bring up when free will across planet earth was jeopardized and the God/mother of chakra itself was defeated?
What stakes could you possibly bring up when free will across planet earth was jeopardized and the God/mother of chakra itself was defeated?
About the glasses thing, I have bad eyesight and both my parents and grandparents had good eyesight. I don't see why she couldn't have bad eye sight despite her parents having good eyesight.
Achievements of Sakura this chapter:
Yelling at her daughter
Handling stress/anger poorly (violence) in front of her daughter
Making her daughter cry
Not remembering if her husband wears glasses (that or lying to her daughter)
Destroying their house
Fainting (which happened a lot in the past? what?)
Doing ghetto photoshop to insert herself into a picture where she wasn't at originally.
All in the course of 4 or so pages, I'm impressed. Stay classy, Kishimoto.
There's really no option kishi can take that doesn't make this pairing looked rektdMy theory is that Salad is indeed Karin's daughter, and that Karin died or something while giving birth to Salad. Obviously Sasuke can't take a little kid in his 'redemption' journey so he decides to drop her on Sakura with the promise that he'll come back to get his daughter, Sakura misunderstands this thinking he is coming back to stay with Salad and her, so she gladly accepts to raise Salad, lying to Salad in process saying Sasuke is married to her.
lol Sakura lol
Sasuke probably hook up with Karin multiple times (when he was on his road of "discovery") and she got pregnant. Karin knows she is not suitable to be a mother and told Sasuke.
Sasuke was like, don't worry girl I got this, You know Sakura right? That girl is so dumb that I'll bet she will raise that kid on her own, if I told her she is mine.
Did you read the manga called Naruto....
.... Minus the terrible personality that Cyclops has
You and I can't be friends.
Jesus Christ guys. Sakura didn't do any photoshop. I'm sure that was just the only recent picture she had of Saskue. Kishimoto is shitting on Sakura enough for everyone. No need to pile on.
You and I can't be friends.
Sakura is obviously hiding things from Sarada and what Sarada said cut really deep.
The last two is just Kishi trying to create drama for the sake of drama.
You also forgot her biggest achievement (hmmm).....she took care of Sarada by herself for 12 years or so.
LOL Naruto won at everything.
He is stronger than Sasuke
Beat in battle
Got himself a beautiful wife
Wonderful children
Became the respect leader of his village
Sasuke became a deadbeat dad that hangs in the woods LMAO.
Cyclops is the best guys, you all know it's true, don't drink the Wolverine kool-aid.
Naruto got the most infleutnial female
while Sakura tries to pay of a loan for her house Naruto is living it up with that Hyuga wealth
Plus he probably inherited his mothers Uzumaki wealth while he was at it
Naruto got the most infleutnial female
while Sakura tries to pay of a loan for her house Naruto is living it up with that Hyuga wealth
Plus he probably inherited his mothers Uzumaki wealth while he was at it
Naruto is a golddigger
Do you guys still think Sasuke and Naruto are still the strongest in the village. I wouldn't be shocked it they are
Sasuke would not get with Karin lol.
Naruto is a golddigger
money talksPlus all that hokage money.
They likely are still the two most OP characters in the Ninja WorldDo you guys still think Sasuke and Naruto are still the strongest in the village. I wouldn't be shocked it they are
Naruto is a golddigger
Do you guys still think Sasuke and Naruto are still the strongest in the village. I wouldn't be shocked it they are
Of course. They became demi-gods at the end of the series. The gap between them and everyone else is big.
Pretty much, the only other S-Tier Ninja around are Kabuto and Orochimaru.
Speaking of Kabuto
Could this be his son?
LOL Naruto won at everything.
He is stronger than Sasuke
Beat in battle
Got himself a beautiful wife
Wonderful children
Became the respect leader of his village
Sasuke became a deadbeat dad that hangs in the woods LMAO.
Was only referring to things that happened in this chapter. Not knocking Sakura essentially being a single mom.
if this goes on she could be the co-main character. You'd think Sasuke was the main in Naruto every now and then the way kishi put him up front so often.I know it's only the first chapter, but I got TBH I'm thinking the bastard child is more suitable to be the MC for the series.
Holy shit is their any Shonen with a Female lead?
Note- Popular one at least
This is stupid. I don;t even know where to begin. I don't think I want to...
Yeah and that was one of the things revealed in the chapter and if I didn't know any better I would say you are certainly trying to degrade Sakura.
The way this chapter was set up......if there's one character that is meant to be hated, just like Sarada does, its Sasuke.
I know it's only the first chapter, but I got TBH I'm thinking the bastard child is more suitable to be the MC for the series.
Holy shit is their any Shonen with a Female lead?
Note- Popular one at least
if this goes on she could be the co-main character. You'd think Sasuke was the main in Naruto every now and then the way kishi put him up front so often.
Nah that's just kishi trying to make her look more intense.Better translation was sarada saying she can't remember ever meeting her father.
Actually, saw a theory that pointed out how Sarada's eyes look like Sasuke's when he was going blind
lets just hope we actually get a part 3Yeah, but Naruto and Sasuke's goals built off each other. They changed each other, I don't know if I see that with Salad and Burrito. Then again it's really early
Just take this L bruh.
Yeah and that was one of the things revealed in the chapter and if I didn't know any better I would say you are certainly trying to degrade Sakura.
The way this chapter was set up......if there's one character that is meant to be hated, just like Sarada does, its Sasuke.
Yeah, but Naruto and Sasuke's goals built off each other. They changed each other, I don't know if I see that with Salad and Burrito. Then again it's really early
Was the rumor that Sasuke becomes their teacher true?
isn't a rumour....... the latest Boruto trailer said itWas the rumor that Sasuke becomes their teacher true?