The Silver
damn, Naruto tryna smash, Hinata too damn scared.
I love Kishi's art style. This might be my fav art of his.
i hope they explain why naruto wears that stupid arm wrap forever
Inojin doesn't look human
It looks horribly animated.
Whyy is Inojin wearing a Root Anbu outfit if he is still in the academy? C'mon Kishi.
God damn it Naruto, I know ye ain't the sharpest knife but that was the best ye could come up with? a cup of ramen??
Typical. fucking. Naruto. then again, don't help hinata so shy.
Let's be real. All he wanted to give her was the cup of ramen. lol
This is the worst part too. Naruto is Son Goku levels of dense.
NaruHina kiss scene from movie floating around
muh parallelz! (shamlelessly stolen from NF)
How else can Naruto make the moves? The ramen is the gateway.
And that kiss scene. They should go on top of a tree just to fuck with people.
nah cuz otherwise what about dem parallelz?
Naruto finally has fangirls. Finally getting dat proper due.
I find it amazing that Naruto hasn't even contemplated the groupies for a microsecond and only kissed hinata.
You ever watch some of the fillers?
If Naruto was like Jiraiya he'd have a harem bigger than Solomon.
lol at that leaked scene
they're going all in for that scene
according to some guys @ NF, the wedding scene was leaked but no one managed to salvage it before it was promptly deleted from 2ch.
I wanted to see hinata's haircut :\
Wow, a whole new world. eh.
Harem is real.
Should be in the OP, and be the only thing in the OP.When the movie is out Ill gif the kiss scene, and a flashing "CANON" caption
It'll be my answer to everything, in any situation
Naruto working on that harem:
When the movie is out Ill gif the kiss scene, and a flashing "CANON" caption
It'll be my answer to everything, in any situation
Are they going to mention why Tsunade stepped down as Hokage? (Is she going to appear in that movie at all? lol)
Should post it to that chicks blog.
Its all a genjutsu man.
Madara won. Didn't you see the bottle? Its all there. Naruto would never drink alcohol to feel better about his failed marriage. Kishimoto wants us to think.
2 deep 4 me
Its all a genjutsu man.
Madara won. Didn't you see the bottle? Its all there. Naruto would never drink alcohol to feel better about his failed marriage. Kishimoto wants us to think.
700 is just a genjutsu set on Hinata by Torneri!It's all Hinata's dream!
heh700 is just a genjutsu set on Hinata by Torneri!
not deep enough. you think naruto is smart enough to use a mac?
and when did they skip clunky pcs straight to macbook pros? or even have clunky ass pcs in the first place? I call gengetsu!
It's all Hinata's dream!
700 is just a genjutsu set on Hinata by Torneri!