New patch seems to have fucked with the server list, I am getting way less than I was on the day it launched.
click and unclick everything. Other people are saying this. Specifically modded and favorites
New patch seems to have fucked with the server list, I am getting way less than I was on the day it launched.
Is there a way to exit an exosuit?
Oldass gamers Mr. P server is great. I recommend we gaffers hand there (euro gaffers that is!).
Exos are OP.Onos OP lol.
Exos are OP.
I think this betrays GAF's self identified image as "hardcore" gamers, though.
I mean, I'm not quite sure what "hardcore" means, but surely "a love of hard games with complex, distinct mechanics" would be among the qualifications. Similar to GAF's relative disinterest in RTS games or complex strategy games a la Hearts of Iron.
GAF seems to largely prefer easier games (With occasional exceptions like Dark Souls) and games with well tred mechanics that they are already highly accustomed to. I'm not saying that's bad, but it hardly strikes me as "hardcore." Just as it's okay to only play games like Wii Sports and Plants Vs. Zombies (both of which I think are good games, personally), but self identifying as "hardcore" in those circumstances would seem odd.
In short: I don't think I quite understand what "hardcore" means anymore. Most of GAF doesn't personally strike me as such, but I apparently don't strike most of GAF that way, either.
GAF has terrible taste in games. The majority of this forum is always going on about how big budget games are taking over the industry and then spend all their time playing them.
Is there a way to exit an exosuit?
an Ono soloed 3 exos in one of my game in a 1v3. It was ridiculous.
Fun game. The game just runs really trashy.
an Ono soloed 3 exos in one of my game in a 1v3. It was ridiculous.
Fun game. The game just runs really trashy.
but yet I've seen an onos took down by 2 normal marines. I got a score of 70 kills and 6 deaths using nothing but a jetpack and shotgun, I seen several onos die & not one got me.
I've always although natural selection must be the hardest game to balance, because a single good alien can completely destroy the marine team - but most people aren't very good at playing alien.
But personally I think the fade needs buffed![]()
Right now the most frustrating thing about the game is new commanders who, for whatever reason, don't research phasetech or get upgrades. If you have over 100 team res you're doing something seriously wrong.
Right now the most frustrating thing about the game is new commanders who, for whatever reason, don't research phasetech or get upgrades. If you have over 100 team res you're doing something seriously wrong.
tell them what to do and be polite about it. That is what NS is all about! Its community is the game as much as the game is itself.
I try to, it's surprisingly hard to convey that info without a mic though, and a lot of the time they don't seem to respond to suggestions.
Mic costs 5 bucks!Get one ASAP!
Are you euro or north america?
Got another copy for $18 if anyone's still lookin
PM me
They recently tweeted they'd like to add that ability.
I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of things, but I'm dying a lot to do so.
fuck that reselling shit, I'm giving my second copy out for free.
playing as an alien?
Hey! I'm up for that. But I want to give something in return though. Do you want/need a DOTA 2 invite?
What are your settings and what are your system specs?
fuck that reselling shit, I'm giving my second copy out for free.
playing as an alien?
i5-750 @ 3.7
gtx 670ftw
8gbof ram.
AO and bloom are turned off, everything on/high.
i5-750 @ 3.7
gtx 670ftw
8gb of ram.
AO and bloom are turned off, everything on/high.
Are you playing on servers with a low ping?
I know during the beta framerate was linked in some way to your ping (something to do with how the game updates), so if you played across the pond it could be quite painful.
Also check VSync, tearing > low framerate.
i5-750 @ 3.7
gtx 670ftw
8gb of ram.
AO and bloom are turned off, everything on/high.
Do we have some Steam group for this? I've played public but people are terrible. Not fun like in the betas.
Do we have some Steam group for this? I've played public but people are terrible. Not fun like in the betas.
Do we have some Steam group for this? I've played public but people are terrible. Not fun like in the betas.
This would be nice.
That system should be having a much better time with this. I am running 470 SLI with an i7 at 4.2 Ghz and I basically coast at 60-80 wit the worst at about 50fps when it goes to shit. that is with everything ON. Do you have texture streaming on or off?
I blame my 670. I hated the card since I got it.