The Last Wizard
Yea, still has a delay. Trying to rebound was annoying as hell. Defending in general is delayed.How's the control response? I know last year had a nasty delay with any action
Yea, still has a delay. Trying to rebound was annoying as hell. Defending in general is delayed.How's the control response? I know last year had a nasty delay with any action
Does this game have a tutorial mode like Madden?
Yea, still has a delay. Trying to rebound was annoying as hell. Defending in general is delayed.
I played 4 games, grabbed a total of 5 defensive user rebounds. Really unresponsive. Ugh. I was playing with the bulls and Noah, was in great position majority of the games. Press triangle and there is a couple second delay. Seems to be worse then years past.
How's the control response? I know last year had a nasty delay with any action
Lol seriously someone help me out. I feel like an idiot and I'm getting super frustrated.
I start the game. It goes to the KD screen. "Press X To Start".
It then loads. 0%...........100%
Music starts and I can play as the Spurs vs the Heat, no sounds fx.
I can pause that game and I have options to
Quit Instant Replay Timeout Gameplan Game Stats Options Camera Choose Sides
I choose quit and it sends me back to the KD screen with "Press X To Start."
Rinse and repeat.
That seems like all I can do.
I haven't played a 2K game in a few years and this seriously makes me reconsider my purchase. I remember the last game I played (2K11 I think?) being kind of janky and having really terrible menus. I'm having really bad flashbacks of that.
It's installing'll know when is done when the disc stops spinning. It takes about 30 minutes.
Also my career is already lost due to the fact i get an error when loading the file. It says the vc history associated with this save file could not be downloaded from the 2k sports server.....are you f****** kidding me
It's installing'll know when is done when the disc stops spinning. It takes about 30 minutes.
Yeah don't know why so many people on twitter x fb x other forums are having trouble with the spurs /heat game , game needs to install everything , that's what the percent is for.
So when I first put the game in, there was a loading bar on the game logo/square on the home screen. That took like 20 seconds or something to load.
Then the game starts up and says that an update has been added to my downloads and I'll need to install for network features or whatever. That takes a couple of minutes to dl. I close the app/game and restart and it installs the update.
I've even read the manual. "Getting Started." No mention of install.
So beyond that, you're saying there is an invisible install going on that will take 30 minutes or so that I can't track or have any indication for? I have to listen for the game disc spinning to know when I can actually play my game?
This is how 2K has thought this out?
There is no percent. From the KD home screen the game takes about a minute to load to "100%" and then the Spurs/Heat game starts and no more percentage is shown.
So when I first put the game in, there was a loading bar on the game logo/square on the home screen. That took like 20 seconds or something to load.
Then the game starts up and says that an update has been added to my downloads and I'll need to install for network features or whatever. That takes a couple of minutes to dl. I close the app/game and restart and it installs the update.
I've even read the manual. "Getting Started." No mention of install.
So beyond that, you're saying there is an invisible install going on that will take 30 minutes or so that I can't track or have any indication for? I have to listen for the game disc spinning to know when I can actually play my game?
This is how 2K has thought this out?
There is no percent. From the KD home screen the game takes about a minute to load to "100%" and then the Spurs/Heat game starts and no more percentage is shown.
Me too. But I see that I still have my save file for my character so I'm kinda confused. I guess I am just redoing his aesthetics.I had to make my character 100x because this shit won't connect. This is such a shitty night tbh....
Me too. But I see that I still have my save file for my character so I'm kinda confused. I guess I am just redoing his aesthetics.
So I take it when the servers are down My Career is completely unplayable. What a fucking joke.
Not sure how it works with physical disk, but when you're on the PS home page, press the options button with 2K selected and it should give an 'information' page on the right. Select information and it should give you the status of download. That's the way I tracked it for my digital order, it could possibly work for physical.
So...when you can't connect to the servers, the game forces you to make a new avatar every single time?
I lost my character-_-
This is why games shouldn't the tied to servers like this...
I lost my character-_-
This is why games shouldn't the tied to servers like this...
So I take it when the servers are down My Career is completely unplayable. What a fucking joke.
Oh the servers are down, lovelyfuck you 2k.
I'll make sure this'll be the last 2k I buy for quite a while.
Hopefully they give out VC codes to make up for guys should see all the complaining on the 2k forums... The game is borderline unplayable right now and nothing is saving. People are buying VC and not getting anything. I know it's launch day but c'mon.... This is ridiculous
It's the same thing every year. This is why I decided to wait and see if it was worth buying this year. Thanks for confirming I made the right decision.
How you have a basketball game with 400 black players and dont have a ceasar option as a haircut.
So when I first put the game in, there was a loading bar on the game logo/square on the home screen. That took like 20 seconds or something to load.
Then the game starts up and says that an update has been added to my downloads and I'll need to install for network features or whatever. That takes a couple of minutes to dl. I close the app/game and restart and it installs the update.
I've even read the manual. "Getting Started." No mention of install.
So beyond that, you're saying there is an invisible install going on that will take 30 minutes or so that I can't track or have any indication for? I have to listen for the game disc spinning to know when I can actually play my game?
This is how 2K has thought this out?
There is no percent. From the KD home screen the game takes about a minute to load to "100%" and then the Spurs/Heat game starts and no more percentage is shown.
Eh. If you can get over the typical Visual Concepts 2k Crappiness at launch, the on the court action is AMAZING. I don't regret my purchase despite these problems. Just played a quick match of Cavs vs Heat and it felt really good. If anything wait for a price drop, or wait for the server issues to get sorted out but it is definitely worth a purchase based on gameplay alone.
Lol. To be fair, my white myplayer speaks in ebonics and the only other speech option makes him speak ebonics in a deeper voice. When he said to the GM of the Pistons "it's in my DNA, yo" I almost cried of laughter and embarrassment.
B2g1 deals from target and toysrus should be happening soon.That's what I'll probably do. personally though I think it's BS that this happens every year. It's the only thing that hinders the franchise.
Lol. To be fair, my white myplayer speaks in ebonics and the only other speech option makes him speak ebonics in a deeper voice. When he said to the GM of the Pistons "it's in my DNA, yo" I almost cried of laughter and embarrassment.
This was original plan to get this but my October got destroyed by delays.B2g1 deals from target and toysrus should be happening soon.
B2g1 deals from target and toysrus should be happening soon.
Online and Offline MyPlayers.
Simmer down, fellas.