lol Those are my pics. Back up dem saves people.
I'm sorry that happened to you. It's worse that 2K is ignoring its customers. Only in the video game industry does this type of blatant anti-consumer mentality fly.
lol Those are my pics. Back up dem saves people.
Which Jump Shot do you guys use? I suck at them and I don't know why. Never had problems with those before.
I agree. I actually really like playing defense in these games most of the time, but it feels so weighted against you. There are times where I'll switch to someone to cover a blown assignment, and even though I'm pushing the thumbstick to get into position it bogs down for 2 seconds so that whoever just blew by gets an easy shot anyway. Really annoying.I honestly don't think it's possible to play tight defense in mypark. I'm one of those people that enjoys playing D, but it feels like I'm sliding on ice and the server lag...smh. 2K14 was better but maybe once server issues are worked out, the handling will get better, maybe.
lol Those are my pics. Back up dem saves people.
I had a 10 point lead with 2 minutes left and I only lost the lead because drew gooden missed 1 put back and 1 wide open lay up, while they hit two contested threes in a row, then missed a 3, got the offensive rebound, and hit another. Stupid game.
I still love playing it.![]()
fuck yeah im on the rockets . its easy as shit to get on the team you want to in Free agency
if this team sucks then im quitting HoF
That's where I want to go... But I doubt I'll be a starter right away as an SG, so I may end up staying at the Bucks. We rule right now.
Playing on PC (still can't get rid of the stutter with an i54670 at 4.4 and a single 780) and man this game is hard! I can't play D at all. One dribble move and the cpu is past me. But if I'm on offense they are all over me like a rash. In past years I was perfectly happy playing on all star but this time around I still can't win on pro.
this game cut out for me for no reason in the 4th quarter again. luckily i was getting plastered so I ain't too mad, but does that waste contracts for myteam players?
im thinking about just making a PF or center for myplayer now since post defense is much better than perimeter in this game...are any of the stat categories trap stats? like rebounding, is that stat really helpful or am i just better off making a really tall, long armed guy? are there actual cons to doing that in this game? like longer arms, will that make my possible max handles lower, or dribbling worse like it should? or does this game just have the positive aspects?
like isn't training the athlete box or whatever instead of rebounding be a better choice, or do those stats actually matter more? Because the athlete one has vertical which seems like it'd help in the same vain but also has like ten other stats it affects, so i feel like those are the best bang for the buck, or did they actually balance these stats well?
Looks like it Apple user here :-/
does that technique work with the bluestacks thing? also will it fuck up the good mynba2k15 team i have saved on IOS if i use that? earning vc in this game is so broken, you get like six points for a good myteam game and thats all i want to play.
I'd like to use that to get my lost VC back, but don't know how 2K feels about exploits(if you can call it that).
can anyone confirm if this works
Just got rolled by 27 points in my GM. My bulls just got taken apart by the cavs. Pro/sim.
Not much fun when the cpu seems to score at will. I have a few questions.
1. How do I in bound the ball quickly? I'm mashing the pass button to no result but there are times I see the cpu quickly inbound, race up court and score before my cpu team mates are even set up. Feels cheap as hell.
2. How do I learn the advanced moves? I'd love to use gasol in the post but all I can do is pump fake and shoot. And I'm struggling to get rose into the driving lanes, even off screens so I need to learn some ISO moves I guess.
3. Does the pick and roll even work at all this year? Every single time I try to pass to the player cutting to the basket its intercepted.
Edit. And I'd just like to emphasise that I'm not a noob. I've put hundreds of hours into these games since 2K7 and the past few years I've had fun, competitive games on allstar. I can see that this is a deep, very well made game but it's not showing me much love at the moment.
I love that the cpu is hard and seems to be smart. I just need some hope that I'll be able to compete!! I can't even imagine the ninja skills it takes to win on the higher difficulty levels.
Its insane. Its also hit and miss. I havent been able to connect for about a week but I have a bud who is in the same region, same ISP and he gets in fine.Its such a great game, but what 2k did to there servers is really bad.
For 3 days now iam not able to play online or to start an online MC player. i can see my VC but i cant connect to the 2k sever.
I still have not recieved my preorder bonus from PSN an bought 15000VC and did not recieve them either.
I have one ticket from sony that they are looking into the preorder bonus and one ticket from 2k that they are looking into the purchase on PSN. That was 3 days ago.
I really hope the update the server soon.
Is this Legit?
1. You can't do it.
2. You need to go to the practice arena for that, maybe watch some Youtube tutorials
3. Bounce passes are way better in the lane, keep X/A pressed longer
Tried and didn't work they must've fixed it already.
Rented this. Played about 4 games so far. Visuals are even better than last years. They have fixed allot of the flow in animation transitions and loving the missed dunks and such.
But damn 2K....still have some of those legacy issues I can't get past. Menus are worse than last year. Is it me or does it feel like the games are a tug of war that you don't really have control over? You can pinpoint every time there'll be a momentum swing. The shot system feels like it's a coin flip.
Eh...I'm content with skipping this year. It's worrying that, while it's improving in areas, the areas that aren't up to par are so far behind it's making this game a chore to play. 2k get it together.