I just checked a trailer with one of the voices for your my player, and holy crap the voice acting is HORRIBLE!
I'm not talking about the players doing the voice acting because that's all well and good. But the voice acting for my player...wow. The cheesiness, the monotone, the unrealistic lines to say to other players in the locker room...just terrible effort all around.
And once again they are using head presets for my player. Why are we suddenly going backwards this gen in everything besides graphics? (I heard there is face scan but I don't have PS Camera so that feature is kinda useless for me XD)
I really don't like what I'm seeing with this game nor do I like what I'm hearing. It will of course get great scores all around as usual (whether or not it actually deserves it) but this looks like yet another lazy year for 2K Basketball. I feel like we will never get back the games like 2K8/2K10/2K11 where real effort and dedication was made behind those games. Both from a gameplay perspective and features perspective.
I just hope that they finally fixed the defensive rebounding (like no more balls bouncing off my guy's head after trying to get a rebound), broken 3 point cheesing, defenders on ice skates, and of course, online servers (yeah like that will ever happen).

Otherwise I'm straight up returning that shit and never looking back like last year.