Welcome to our monthly discussion thread focusing on everything related to PS4, PS3, and Vita Trophies along with Xbox One/360 Achievements!
Congrats to Dragonslayer_023 for being the Top April Trophy Winner!
Congrats to <--- Insert April Achievement Winner Here ---> for being the Top April Achievement Winner!
Congrats to Dragonslayer_023 for being the YTD Trophy Leader!
Congrats to <--- Insert YTD Achievement Leader Here ---> for being the YTD Achievement Leader!
Full results are below
We all love games too so feel free to discuss about games as well.
Interested to join the NeoGAF Achievement or Trophy leaderboards?
- Post a linked image of your PSNPROFILES or Gamercard in this thread or PM me if you want to be added to the trophy list. someone else will handle the XboxLive stuff
- Comments and suggestions are welcome, and please let me know if you spot a mistake that I made. This was really hard work and I'm sure i messed something up
Previous Threads:
Winner: Dragonslayer_023
Winner: LiquidSolid
January Winner: LiquidSolid
Last OP was banned so i stepped up and recreated a tracking spreadsheet for the PSN leader board. it took a really long time but at least i learned how to be pretty good at Excel.
Will post a link to a readable file here if anything were to happen to me or if someone wants to handle the June thread.
Useful Links:
NeoGAF Community Achieve Trophies Thread - More places to discuss trophies and achievements! Show your love and thoughts on the games you played everywhere.
PSNProfiles - Most popular trophy leaderboard website. It's free, fast and easy! Create your PSN Profile which updates automatically to show off your trophies.
PSN Trophy Leaders - 2nd to PSNProfiles in terms of popularity. 1st in terms of cheater free leaderboard . Takes your trophy pursuit to another level!
TrueTrophies - At TrueTrophies they believe that the harder a trophy is to earn the more points and kudos you should be handed when you best it. To that end, they’ve come up with a rather elegant formula that adjusts these trophy scores by their rarity!
NeoGAF TrueTrophies Leaderboard - Join us to see your "rare" trophy ranking!
Playstationtrophies.org - A complete one-stop shop of all the trophy guides, tricks, and tips you need.
PS3trophies.com - More trophy guides and tips that might help!
PS3Imports.org - Focus on trophy guides for import PS games
If someone could give me links for Achievements that would be great
Also I will update this once i'm given the xbox stuff. so stay tuned for that.
<--- Insert huge long list of PSN Profile images There's like +200 and then XboxLive Gamercards? Mobile am cry... will only add if requested.--->
Code:PSN ID APR YTD 1 Dragonslayer_023 11100 35775 2 JoniP 10485 12195 3 ckleow 10050 24900 4 Stanng 9870 28305 5 lancem 6885 20745 6 Alexein88 6000 12015 7 Mullet2000 5730 16305 8 Doomburrito7 5595 13470 9 llll-Dan-llll 5595 12750 10 TimodusSnake 5370 25365 11 Returners 5040 21060 12 replicant-uk 4920 8775 13 Goonboy 4470 12840 14 kevinlever 4155 15885 15 haadim 3990 11850 16 Slashkice 3570 18330 17 Klart 3480 10275 18 gotstrangepowers 3450 16395 19 Gorger 3450 16410 20 MaxSanson 3435 16935 21 F1nal 3315 8430 22 LordofPwn 3315 6285 23 hersheyfan 3285 15570 24 CoffeeKillquest 3240 14400 25 coisou 3195 23235 26 mob_skater 3180 10740 27 timothyonfire 3090 13500 28 LordCastamere 3030 22020 29 snow_hawk_88 3030 15945 30 BoxManLocke 3015 11070 31 StevePharma 2955 11145 32 m1tch91 2850 15450 33 neohwa 2820 18390 34 cappie88 2805 15360 35 EggBok 2760 14490 36 MaverickHunterX 2685 13755 37 Dingotech-US 2610 6885 38 LiquidSolid 2610 33885 39 Mchardy23 2595 10890 40 Palette_Swap 2580 13035 41 oggob 2550 11460 42 Vagabone 2490 20490 43 DryvBy 2490 15225 44 DarkParodius 2430 16410 45 Mr-Stephen 2385 9870 46 POEman553 2370 11760 47 meltsi 2340 10695 48 Drayco90 2340 5850 49 DesmaBR 2280 6330 50 poodude 2265 12810 51 StingX2 2220 7605 52 LutherKaine 2205 10005 53 DarkLs1 2190 16095 54 Agressor616 2175 9030 55 meistaheinz 2175 7905 56 Zieghardt 2160 11595 57 JellySoupForever 2160 4065 58 lateralus1082 2160 6420 59 Taylor0786 2145 6420 60 Balphon 2145 9495 61 Gizmo_Monkey 2115 13290 62 Footos22 2100 12780 63 BaraSailey 2070 11205 64 Broadbandit 2055 8985 65 IkonMeKnivet 2055 8685 66 suppadoopa 2055 9060 67 Dthomp 2040 13800 68 AkuMifune 2025 5445 69 Papu_kweh 2010 8295 70 SykoTech 2010 5340 71 big-_-_-_-boss69 2010 11235 72 Daniel_Gonzz 1995 8235 73 superjona97 1950 7380 74 gillettjoe 1935 12420 75 eloxx 1890 10740 76 licbone73 1875 6900 77 RAD27-D 1815 9270 78 almighty-slayer 1785 8715 79 kgtrep 1755 9090 80 DeMarco_1975 1755 13815 81 crp108 1725 13620 82 wkureservedp2 1725 3735 83 deathrowinmate66 1680 9855 84 Mangamaniac71 1635 3450 85 bucyou55 1620 4110 86 Reign_Of_Rain 1620 6855 87 JFDoom 1605 8520 88 zoyosjd 1590 7725 89 brickarts295 1590 8040 90 humbleboy13 1575 4860 91 peanut0423 1500 15255 92 peanut0423 1500 15255 93 Inoa_Kai 1485 4665 94 Pestilence11 1470 7770 95 Netguy503 1455 9825 96 Steroyd 1455 3930 97 sohail4321 1410 6540 98 S1_Winged_Angel 1410 5880 99 bigdaddygamebot 1410 5655 100 sohail4321 1410 6540 101 Starky27 1395 11100 102 IceDoesntHelp 1380 11925 103 Andrefpvs 1335 4620 104 TNH47 1335 9855 105 darthorcrux 1320 5325 106 Gskyace 1275 5655 107 Kingwingin 1260 7110 108 BerserkPT 1230 12180 109 KylieDog 1230 5985 110 ragnorak251 1215 8550 111 smalltroubl 1215 5055 112 TheWrenchNinja 1200 1545 113 I3rand0 1200 8535 114 PapasitoPenguin 1125 8625 115 GothPunk 1110 7005 116 chiliboy91 1110 14370 117 SomaXD 1080 7605 118 Fourbin 1080 11040 119 Uzoki 1050 2295 120 genbatzu 1050 3960 121 xMETATRONx 1035 8010 122 Markitron 1005 4305 123 phoenix9447 1005 9915 124 ReNeGaDe124 960 10710 125 Rtbeoh 930 5700 126 tav7623 915 2445 127 Grandben 870 3645 128 jimflox 855 3960 129 Tobinishi 855 7635 130 radekn 855 5430 131 Telminator-2 825 8055 132 Amazins3354 825 1605 133 le7Samurai 810 6090 134 UnlovedJew 795 7500 135 GuerrillaDawg 795 7995 136 Crotin 780 4950 137 RedshirtRig 780 4320 138 somethingatt 765 4800 139 AST2008 765 7620 140 Weak_Spot 750 7155 141 Darrcyphfeid 735 3915 142 Shinjiru 705 3645 143 RIOGA6 675 3690 144 Alo0oy_Alo0oy 660 4245 145 jonno394 660 5280 146 newrome 660 2385 147 Cilllah 660 4650 148 GibbShift 660 2895 149 Saivania 645 5040 150 Lucianman101 645 2100 151 mcstevens88 645 4170 152 LSB123 630 7365 153 LiquidDom 615 6195 154 LaughingBanana 615 4245 155 crblahblah 600 5265 156 Delusi 585 1965 157 cammy84 570 4620 158 hanmik 525 3645 159 Osahi_be 480 3270 160 Marcin 450 3240 161 falconxcrunner09 450 1845 162 Bromic_LaMonte 435 3390 163 foolishoptimist 435 2805 164 Amazingu 435 11805 165 Grieves1 420 2940 166 xarab4lyfex 405 1530 167 Da_Sloane_Ranger 390 3615 168 GraveRobberX 390 690 169 libregkd 375 8265 170 Cornbread78 345 2385 171 CaptQasiel 345 1485 172 Rosur 345 3540 173 MrNelson92 315 1005 174 ocesc68 285 4095 175 Kraft 285 2865 176 cool_trainer 270 3645 177 cbTang 240 8760 178 giankratos 240 2265 179 SirUltimos 225 2055 180 NeoRausch 210 1890 181 KelticNight 210 1875 182 Storm-Iz-SiK 195 9900 183 Zerokoolpsx 195 2205 184 AlphaTwo 165 1035 185 caayn_ 165 2820 186 TMC2k1 150 3090 187 atomiksuperinsan 150 4980 188 Aerocrane 150 2025 189 stray_dog_strut 135 3150 190 ScarletMyst 135 2235 191 Josh5890 135 375 192 LtLedhead 120 8745 193 zeroskater18 90 5100 194 tahsin_sutcuoglu 90 1770 195 WeTeHa 75 10395 196 Spedfrom 75 1635 197 amandeep1221 30 270 198 Khaos_Knight 30 2115 199 XFreaktionX 15 3225 200 Spycarnegy 15 660 201 SirSmokesAlot69 0 1155 202 theDeeDubs 0 375 203 zebaz08 0 2055 204 RyJonJinn 0 540 205 Dangerblade 0 405 206 manzoman96 0 975 207 VaDe-_- 0 570 208 Smokey_Nice 0 465 209 TheGloomyPickle 0 0 210 Hycran 0 3495 211 michalmarek77 0 0 212 awesomeness5821 0 0