Everybody's Gone to the Rapture platinum is now mine! I really enjoyed the game, but the platinum...that walking speed really dampens things.
How bad was the platinum? I don't really enjoy the game.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture platinum is now mine! I really enjoyed the game, but the platinum...that walking speed really dampens things.
I gave up on the game once my run got glitched and wouldn't work.
What sort of glitch did you get? My 100% completion run froze three times, luckily the saves with all the story chunks and radios saved me. I also had it freeze the first time I played it, it can be rather finicky.
my save just won't let me run anymore, so I can only go at the pace of a snail, and that's unacceptable.
dammit, and here I thought I had a chance at being first this month.
lol Hannah Montana The Movie, sorry.
Just started playing Rocket League because I hadn't downloaded it until now(I need to be quicker about downloading PSPlus games) Wow! That game is really fun, and most of the trophies seem to be really easy to get, I'll probably be getting the platinum for Rocket League and I may even get the DLC since I want to support these devs moreAnyway just got platinum #69, Rocket League. Very good game but the grind at the end was a pain but very manageable as long as you divide up sessions. Probably gonna wrap up GOW III as plat #70 before Until Dawn at the weekend which only has 19 trophies (most gold) and an easy platinum.
I am sure that this has probably been answered before, but how do you know how many points are accumulated every month? I am on the statistics page at psn profiles and all i can see is how many trophies I have for the month.
The best way (as far as I know) is to look at the trophy progression chart, find the last day of the previous month and add up all the totals of each bronze, silver, gold and platinum, and then compare that to what your current number of points is currently.
I tried really hard this month, I know I won't get first, but this will be my last great month.
This is also the month where I've earned the most trophies ever.
I tried really hard this month, I know I won't get first, but this will be my last great month.
This is also the month where I've earned the most trophies ever.
Just saw your profile, that's a massive tear! Incredible month for sure, are you hoping to crack 400 trophies? You're so close to it now.
Please add me, this year with PS4/Vita/PS3 combo I have been winning a lot of trophies.
Last platinum was LBP Vita, probably the best LBP game. I really enjoy LBP platinums, they have the perfect difficulty, challenging but not overly frustating.[/QUOTE]
Except the last level in LBP1(called the bunker?) was the most frustrating thing ever lol, or dying to the wonky physics.
What we do is go to psnprofiles.com/user/stats and we check the trophy progression bar. E.g for doing this month's stats, I'll scroll to 31st August and multiply the number of trophies by the points they're worth (15 for bronze, 30 for silver, 90 for gold and 180 for platinum). This will give the score the player had by the end of the month. The previous month's score is taking away from the current score to give the number of points scored during the latest month.
Except the last level in LBP1(called the bunker?) was the most frustrating thing ever lol, or dying to the wonky physics.
I don't know which game play next on Vita, Tearaway or Lego Hobbit? I think Lego Hobbit is more suitable to play on the go while I would enjoy Tearaway more if I play it on home right?
Man, the Driveclub grind is insane. I have everything to get the plat but the Game Modes accolade. I did like 60 races yesterday to reach level 5 and now it asks for 150 more. Bullshit.
Funny, I broke 400 this morning by accident playing Dishonored.Just saw your profile, that's a massive tear! Incredible month for sure, are you hoping to crack 400 trophies? You're so close to it now.
I would say Lego Hobbit is more of a on the go game. Tearaway I played once like that and it dampened the experience, so I played the rest of it at home and it was a far better time that way!
Man, the Driveclub grind is insane. I have everything to get the plat but the Game Modes accolade. I did like 60 races yesterday to reach level 5 and now it asks for 150 more. Bullshit.
August so far has been my best month in a while. Got Bloodborne, The Order and Infamous First Light plat (though the last two were piss-easy) and probably will get Driveclub today or tomorrow, and I have Everybody's gone to the Rapture halfway there, I'll get this one on my MGSV breaks next week.
Yeah, just what I thought. Sometimes I have to make long trips to my hometown (6 hours travel) so I'll save the Lego game for that. Next week I'll start Tearaway, I hope I like it.
I have the Driveclub PS+ edition (haven't played it yet). Do you know what I need to buy to be able to get the plat?
You're supposed to be able to get the Driveclub plat with just that. There will be a lot of repetition though.
The grind is insane with the full game, I cannot imagine how bad it would be if you had no tour events (or, way less tour events?). Maybe if you're really into the multiplayer it wouldn't be so bad...
You're supposed to be able to get the Driveclub plat with just that. There will be a lot of repetition though.
I have the Driveclub PS+ edition (haven't played it yet). Do you know what I need to buy to be able to get the plat?
Funny, I broke 400 this morning by accident playing Dishonored.
So let's see if I can get 450 (unlikely)
487 is my best. You are almost there.
Jesus Sez 540 last month, Did you sleep! I didn't when I got 487 lol
I now sit on a 100% completion ratio...
Now I just have to choose games carefully to be able to keep it at 100%![]()
I finally completed The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth!
It's my 12th game completed/10th Platinum. I've been playing that game for about 3 weeks it's a hard game to get the Platinum for, even if you back up your saves like a mofo (which I did, I can't afford to spend 300 hours on 1 game haha).
Getting the item named "Steven" was by far the worst part about it. I would replay the first level 2/3 times a minute to try to get the right boss to spawn (probably less <10% probability), and then try to get the right item to drop (16% probability). That took a solid 2-2.5 hours of mind-numbing retries. I definitely didn't enjoy that at all.
But the rest of the game was pretty fun it's a pretty addictive game and it's such a massive technical improvement compared to the flash version it's not even funny.
It was the last uncompleted game that was on my profile from before I started caring about trophies. So I now sit on a 100% completion ratio. I was never able to do that on my xbox account because I played lots of games (including some that don't have functioning online modes anymore...) before I started paying attention to achievements. Now I just have to choose games carefully to be able to keep it at 100%
But most importantly I'm glad I managed to get this done on time for The Phantom Pain's release. I can't wait to play that game and now that I don't have any other games on the back of my mind I'll be able to enjoy it at 100%![]()