Finished my first marathon. Hardest pickup in a while!
Finished my first marathon. Hardest pickup in a while!
Congrats! One of the best feelings in the world, isn't it?
I installed my bees yesterday. This is my first attempt at bee keeping, really excited to see how things play out this season!
I would LOVE to keep Bees. Not sure my garden is big enough though and I'd be worried about children in the garden next door etc.
How did you only burn 1700 calories (assuming that's what "cal" stands for)?
How did you only burn 1700 calories (assuming that's what "cal" stands for)?
That's a lot of calories. He/She burnt through 1700 in about 4 hours not to mention the calories he's/she's going to burn naturally for the rest of the day.
That's quite a bit. I have to walk a mile to campus twice a day and I usually burn around 360 calories by the end of my 14 hour day.
Finally the 13 year long wait ends.
Now I just need to make room for it.
Finished my first marathon. Hardest pickup in a while!
congrats, is the calorie burning accurate? I'd figured it would be much higher
Finished my first marathon. Hardest pickup in a while!
My fiancee bought me The Art of Naughty Dog. For the other ones, I have been trying to build up my collection of physical books, but still read mostly on my Kindle Paperwhite. So I've been scoping out good deals for used versions of the books I really love or, occassionally, ones I am planning on reading. Here's what I've got recently. All of these (disregarding The Art of Naughty Dog) were under $5 shipped, and no mass market paperback. Either hardcover or trade paperback.
Nice going with The Wise Man's Fear; I love the Kingkiller Chronicles. Still waiting on The Doors of Stone, Rothfuss.
How much did you spend?
This thread has one of these almost every month it seems and it always makes me want to bring mine out of the vault. I never beat the game *ashamed*
$240 CDN shipped. Was very hard to find one where shipping didn't completely kill the purchase.
Finished my first marathon. Hardest pickup in a while!
I must have been real shitfaced last saturday because I really don't have a recollection of order these, not complaining. Really quality frames too.
I love huaraches, haven't seen those yet. Nice.Today's pickup: Nike Air Huarache Run SD
Not pictured: HC copy of the Kingsman comic series
Batman, Claptrap, Majora's Mask, Francine... You have excellent taste. I like you. (and your pickups!)