I get that they're tiny replicas, but my brain is still having trouble processing these images.
I get that they're tiny replicas, but my brain is still having trouble processing these images.
that is damn sick, region free by any chance?
That's good to know, but it just feels wrong to me when I don't get the small references, as insignificant as they might be. Don't know why.I only played through the Wii game. Playing the predecessor isn't really necessary imo. There are some references to the previous game, but I never felt like I was missing out on something. The story is fairly straightforward anyway.
Nothing gaming yet, but we picked these guys up
New stuff!
Doesn't actually look bad on the white n3DS.
New stuff!
it's out already!?
it's out already!?
and a pickup for surebeen into watches a long time - traded in the sub and the oyster for the platinum yacht master
Some fancy chocolate from Hungary. I got some bars as a souvenir once before.
Also, a rather big pick-up from last month that I didn't get the time to post: new PC and monitor.
cool setup man just wondering do you set aside your monitor when using the TV behind or doing a dual screen.
Nice Watchand a pickup for surebeen into watches a long time - traded in the sub and the oyster for the platinum yacht master
a couple bigger ticket items I don't want to post but I'll post the gaming stuff when I'm back from Japan
my mini arcade
What's the one furthest back and to the left, next to T2?
Haha, I wish you were local to me. I regret selling my set so bad.I've had Steel Battalion for a while now, but I just had the controller and game -- no box or documentation. Scored a pretty decent Craigslist deal on one with the box this afternoon. I'm hoping that I can sell my extra one to a friend locally because shipping this thing would be a nightmare.
Shoes and socks
and a pickup for surebeen into watches a long time - traded in the sub and the oyster for the platinum yacht master
a couple bigger ticket items I don't want to post but I'll post the gaming stuff when I'm back from Japan
What's the one furthest back and to the left, next to T2?
Non-gaming pick up.
Border collie/cattle dog mix from the shelter. Very cute and about 4 months old.
Have you picked a name for her/him yet?
She's called Tess. She spent 10 minutes this morning barking at her reflection in a window.
She has one blue eye and one brown eye.
Are those available anywhere outside JP?!