Kickstarted just over two years ago. Really happy to see this arrive today.

Few of my preordered MP's arrived. Still waiting for a couple more...
Exhaust! Nice! I'm waiting for mine to make it over.
My pickup this week... this monstrosity:
That's a Cayman, not a 911. Why am I telling you this, lol
What monitor is that?
the only problem I have with them, in terms of comfort, is that the headband would hurt the top of my head after a while but that seems to have subsided recently. I haven't really used them extensively but the low end has a nice presence and good impact, they're pretty good for rock/metal but not so great with orchestral but the mids and highs seem good as well regardless. All I can really compare them to right now are the Sennheiser HD229 (which have been replaced by the 350p) and the Sennheiser HD558. I like them quite a bit more than the 229s as the sound isolation and sound are better but I wouldn't say they're quite on the level of the 558 although the lows produced from the 350p can sometimes outshine my 558s.
I've never heard the ATH-M30X so I don't know how they stack up compared to those, sorry >.>
Toad amiibo to tie in to the new content for Treasure Tracker:
And not game-related, but last week's sad news prompted me to fill out the collection that I should have sorted out a good while ago. Reaper Man is on its way too, but inexplicably is due to take two weeks to arrive.
It's Arabic.Look at the platform banner with Arabic (excuse my ignorance) or something on it.
Beautiful! I just got into Discworld for the first time this week starting with The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, and I am now reading Guards! Guards! I am hooked. They are very dangerous books to read in public because people will give you strange looks for laughing so much.
Its here guys! Got here yesterday.
Now I'm ready for Bloodborne! Can't wait!
Maybe even play with some of you guys.
picked it up just for testing and trying the homepass and other thing
picked it up just for testing and trying the homepass and other thing
anyone have any idea how to connect the modem to this router ?
i think i done something wrong and its not getting any internet
important question: is it right- or left-handed?
i don't get this question
do you mean the antenna on left or right ?
put your silly hat on, then consider what type of forum you're on.
it's a joke
i don't usually get the jokes here , maybe because where i live is very different
The ATH-M30X is a set of headphones created by Audio-Technica. They are decent but just not comfy for my head.