What time you planning on getting on Marv?
Anyone else wanna play tonight as well?
I can be on in about 2 hours
What time you planning on getting on Marv?
Anyone else wanna play tonight as well?
Another week. Another banner.
OTP released today.
Not going to lie. Its a ton of fun. Its a shame there is no EASHL cause you would all love it. Going to upload a clip but I absolutely decked someone who then went right into my guy who was chasing him.
How is the lobby system for it, similar to NHL14 drop in games, like the community lobby system or something different?
Just wondering about the ease of getting into a game with a friend
Interested about the lobbies as well. Also does it boot you back to the main menu once the game is done?
edit: oh and is it the OTP where you have players from the actual team or a be a pro character?
From what you are saying and the blog posted on operationsports today OTP in 15 sounds like total shit, which is not surprising coming from these devs...
Was thinking about MAYBE picking this up in a B2G1 sale down the line, but these impressions and Antti's from the OT confirming the offense is even more OP have swayed me to continue the boycott
I've heard mixed impressions, but I probably will still pass on it unless I see some cheap as fuck price somewhere. Maybe 16 will be better since they won't have to worry about jumping up a generation of consoles.
Damn thats gonna make it even more tempting lol, gonna keep an eye out for future deals for sure. I am a little disappointed but not surprised that its just the regular OTP without your own character, but I guess its better than no OTP at all. Thanks for the heads up aces
Don't listen to aces. He's just trying to deal that canadian snake oil.
Be strong Brother Swim
Aces had to buy the game, it's in his tainted Canadian blood. You are a great American who doesn't have to settle for less... BOYCOTT NHL15
Be strong Brother Swim
Aces had to buy the game, it's in his tainted Canadian blood. You are a great American who doesn't have to settle for less... BOYCOTT NHL15
Don't listen to aces. He's just trying to deal that canadian snake oil.
You're a terrible person, aces.
Maybe we will get back together for NHL 16.
Right guys?
No we have fully transitioned to GAF status where we aren't playing the game anymore but will post in here to complain about it instead
I know man I'm so tempted to get it since I have like 2 games on the ps4. Then again Dragon Age is right around the corner...Have I ever mentioned a certain NHL 15 for next-gen consoles?
*runs from Viz and Marv*
But guys, they are dedicated a full EASHL Team (whatever this means) for future NHL titles that will have EASHL. So you know it'll be improved...
I know man I'm so tempted to get it since I have like 2 games on the ps4. Then again Dragon Age is right around the corner...
I know man I'm so tempted to get it since I have like 2 games on the ps4. Then again Dragon Age is right around the corner...
Isn't that what we always do?![]()
That means they have the janitor write EASHL down on paper 10,000 times. Then Rammer shreds the paper and throws it on the floor. Before the janitor can go home, he has to clean up all the shredded paper.Have I ever mentioned a certain NHL 15 for next-gen consoles?
*runs from Viz and Marv*
But guys, they are dedicated a full EASHL Team (whatever this means) for future NHL titles that will have EASHL. So you know it'll be improved...
This is from a survey people are asked to filled out for NHL 16. It includes possible game modes. Posted from EA_NHL subreddit.
Can you imagine Zamboni Racing in but not like an owner mode or eashl?
Zamboni racing? What the fuck EA. Man this sucks cause Im going through NHL withdrawals but I dont wanna buy this half baked shit =/
I fail to see the problem with this proposed ice girls mode.
they need to get NHL going on the Battlefield engine so she can explode out the back of the net
Um....online is broken enough already in the NHL games.
I'm greatly offended you'd dare bring reason into a club thread.
I challenge you to a duel!