I initially skipped the linking option, then I went and created an arc account and now I can't find the code I'm supposed to input? Any help?
I don't know about late game areas but I have noticed massive drops in the main hub. Smaller areas are a lot more stable but still suffer from nasty drops.Is the ever-decreasing framerate normal? I feel like I'm hitting single digits even in low player count areas, it's almost becoming unplayable.
So tyrannical lockboxes can only be open with enchanted keys that cost 125 Zen each? And Zen is purchased with real money only?
I have about 50 boxes just sitting in my inventory.
Also cragmire dungeon is brilliant.
I think it's in the options, Start- tab right Options check there?
Or logout check the menu screen
You can also buy Zen with Astral Diamonds in the Exchange but the cost fluctuates.
I don't know about late game areas but I have noticed massive drops in the main hub. Smaller areas are a lot more stable but still suffer from nasty drops.
Xbox version go down too? PC servers are hosed.
I read on SomethingAwful that the price right now (<110 AD for 1 Zen) is a remarkably good rate compared to PC where it's about 500 AD for 1 Zen. Now is the time to dump whatever AD you have, because eventually the rate is going to become a lot less favorable.
Are you a current U of M student, CeeSaw?
You can probably check the wiki or official forums for help. I would recommend just going with the flow of the game, while checking the queues menu every few levels for new dungeons/skirmishes.I've never played an mmo for longer than a month.
Is there a good noon guide? I want to know what things I should he dabbling In at what level and so on.
good game so far.
I had to click the menu button then click on where it says heroic encounter or whatever. It gave me loot. I'm not sure if that was because I had the quest or not.Just did the heroic encounter charthaxis before grabbing the quest for it. Wondered why I didn't get any loot for killing adragon
It says 10 is the recommended number, but we did it with 6. Just took a little while longer than it should have.How many players are needed for Charthaxis?
I tried that but the system is telling me there is no character by that name. Are you sure this is correct?
I initially skipped the linking option, then I went and created an arc account and now I can't find the code I'm supposed to input? Any help?
I think it's in the options, Start- tab right Options check there?
Or logout check the menu screen
lvl 35 Hunter Ranger
my character's name: Diablo @ab x Killer
class: Warlock
I didn't get an invite.
Guild update, I've had a chance to look at the guild options. I've updated the guild description and found out how to send invites out. And that is the problem. We can send guild invites to people on our friends list who are also playing the game at the same time or we can send invites to your mail box, in game, I assume. But to send to the mail box I need to know your characters name. The format the game is looking for is "character@handle". Bit of a pain. I'm going to add everyone who is on the players list and if we are on at the same time I'll send over a guild invite. In the meantime if you can let me know your character's name I can update the list and send you a guild invite in the mail.
Sorry about that. Invite just sent. Also sent invite to the last group of people asking.
Log out and it's in main menu, in options if I remember correctly. There isn't many tabs so should be easy to find.Checked both places and I can't find it lol
Log out and it's in main menu, in options if I remember correctly. There isn't many tabs so should be easy to find.
Oh, I stand corrected. Shame for those who can't do it.Its a bug...some people arent able to access it...so no linking for those of us who cant.
I'm on the list, but not in the guild yet.
Sen Mouroutaru@Mouroutaru
Finally did the cloak dungeon yesterday. I don't know why it is so much fun with others, even when they are randoms, but it really is.
Sup guys. In love with this game so I'm down for a guild invite:
Sierah Vilmande@Ascenion
I'm a level 31 hunter ranger
Also, while I hate to be a bother I have a friend I've been running through the game with since launch. I don't wanna abandon him but he's not a GAF member. Can he get an invite too if there's room?
A level 26 trickster rouge
Thanks in advance guys!
I don't see any reason not to allow close friends in the guild unless there is some sort of size limit.
That's just this mans opinion.
I don't see any reason not to allow close friends in the guild unless there is some sort of size limit.
That's just this mans opinion.
Friends of GAF is totally fine as long as they are not a problem. I see it as more potential people to group up with.
I'll echo Diablohead, Do the dailies. I traded in some astral diamonds yesterday for 70 Zen. I won't be buying the tiger mount anytime soon. But at this rate, I might buy a lockbox key or two.
I keep trying to do the Cloak Tower but I am always infinitely queuing. I have only been able to do it one time. Well, and then that time I tried it solo which didn't go great. lol