Can I get an invite too please? Elvisff@skitzyzim
Invite sent dude.
Thanks to Iceman and his buddy last night for helping me out on that dungeon. Was nice to actually talk to people while in a dungeon. On another note, we lucked out on the random that joined our game. He had a mic and never once yelled at us.
Now I have to get my character up to 60. Doing missions with others is where it's at. Seems like epic dungeons will need a lot of cooperation with group members.
I'll send an invite later tonight.Can I get an invite too please? Elvisff@skitzyzim
You bet. Should be on around 7:30.You gonna be on tonight?
Iceman, your buddy is more than welcome to join the guild if he wants.
Thanks. I'll ask if he wants to join up. Just a warning he has like 4 characters, so you might have to put some overtime into inviting him.
I'll send an invite later tonight.
You bet. Should be on around 7:30.
Iceman, your buddy is more than welcome to join the guild if he wants.
Invite sent dude.
So now that I'm Level 60 there are a few things I don't understand. Neverember gives me a Daily Skirmish, but the skirmishes he gives me aren't in the Queue. Also what happens when my EXP reaches full after I'm level 60?
Anyone else having login issues? I was playing and in the middle of a mission and got booted. Now I can't even retrieve my characters or log into the game.
edit: servers were down. they are back now.
Really need a guild 60 dungeon run as PUGs are doing my head in.
Wow, 90% off Character Slots and other sales along with the Double XP, Double Diamonds, Double Refinement and Double Enchantments and Runestones.
80 for two slots.So how much Zen do character slots cost now? May have to convert some astral diamonds...
Holy shit that's cheap. 80 for 2? I'm not at home atm, but is the exchange still roughly 1 zen = 150 astral?
135 atmIt was 1 : 139 last night before I got off. It probably went back up with double diamonds back again
Are queues borked for anyone else? Just finally got into a Dungeon and when I got in, another notification popped saying it was ready. I accepted and it ported me outside and I had to accept yet once again. Got into the dunegon, this time I declined the next notification and booted me out and no longer in queue. lol
This is bogus, Rhix quest said complete any level 60 dungeon but in journal it says on Dread Vault. Why in the world would I do Dread Vault normal instead of an epic dungeon at level 60. Are Rhix's dailies just useless at Level 60. Also though Neverember was supposed to give me a daily but He hasn't offered one since the initial one.
demonkaze, Invite sent your way.
Opened up the blue chest you get that unlocks every few levels. Got 15% off companions. Time to put some money into the game. What is a good companion to get? Or is it based off of what class you are running? Thinking cave bear, tomb spider or acolyte of kelmvor. Any suggestions?
EDIT: My daughter was watching me. I HAD to pick the bear. lol
demonkaze, Invite sent your way.
Opened up the blue chest you get that unlocks every few levels. Got 15% off companions. Time to put some money into the game. What is a good companion to get? Or is it based off of what class you are running? Thinking cave bear, tomb spider or acolyte of kelmvor. Any suggestions?
EDIT: My daughter was watching me. I HAD to pick the bear. lol
The companions are mostly another way to increase your characters stats as different ones provide different bonuses. Looks like you need to be more careful to see who is around before you venture into the zen market next time lol. $40 later zorbs is riding in style on a pink unicorn
Oh damn. I was looking at that too. I only intend to do PvE so that would have been a good pick too.I read that the Stone of Allure is best for PvE. It doesn't actually fight but I think it gives you 100% of it's stats
I read that the Stone of Allure is best for PvE. It doesn't actually fight but I think it gives you 100% of it's stats
lol. You're not far from the mark. If there was a pink unicorn mount I'd probably own it. As it is I have to keep telling them the tiger mount is not free.If I get another coupon for mounts I can totally see myself buying that.
Oh damn. I was looking at that too. I only intend to do PvE so that would have been a good pick too.
Quick question: the companions come with a lesser bonding runestone. Where do I use that? only on the companion? or is there equipment I can put it in?
I read that as well. "As with a stone when summoned it grants all of its current stats to the user." They seem to be the top tier ones as they also cannot be defeated.
Well the one good thing about buying a mount is you get one for every character. I believe runestones are only for companions.
Do you really? The only thing keeping me from rolling another character was I didn't want to spend the zen for another epic mount.
BTW is there default cross-character bank slots already or do I need to buy the first lot from the store? I want to send over some high leveled enhancement things.
Finally caved and started. Can I get a GAF guild invite?
Control wizard (for now)
BTW is there default cross-character bank slots already or do I need to buy the first lot from the store? I want to send over some high leveled enhancement things.