Hello my friend.
It's me, Nidal Nijm. WOW, thanks for the amazing support towards my game. I am not sure if I know you from other place, or from twitter, but trully thanks man. There is a loooooong time I did not login here on Neogaf, because I love this site too much, and it was not easy to get an account here, so for that reason I decided to don't post about my game here, because as you all know, this game is very controversial, and may start some flame wars here, and I don't want to be banned from NeoGaff.
Yeah, my game is almost finished, I have 60% of the campaign finished, and as you may have noted, I changed a LOT of things on the game, for the sake of making it better and more acceptable among the community. With the help of my father, an ex-fighter of palestinian resistance, we changed the game overal theme from a too much religious style, to a more Palestinian Nationalist Style, including the game's soundtrack. This alalowed my game's videos on youtube to dont be deleted, like the old videos. So now my game is kinda 'acceptable' around the web, and the proof is that, as you may have seen, it was already showcased on many important games festival, specialy the Independent Games Festival. Even tough my game was not among the winners, but, having my game forever there on their website, as one of the few selected for this competition, it is indeed a BIG achievement.
I am now finishing a new demo to release on Steam, so people can test this new version of my game, much better than the old Infiltration Demo, and the oldest Headshots Demo. I think until next week my game will be on steam, as I already paid the steam direct fee.
Yes, I am confident, that despite all the controversy around my game, it will be one of the big indie games this year. Ian Boudreau's comment on my game made me trully believe even more on my game's potential. As commented here, the political plot of my game is just kinda background for the gameplay, otherwise I would be making a game on which an arab kills jewish soldiers. But whenever you get to play, I am sure it will remind you of the great times of Counter Strike, Insurgency, and specially, Goldeneye 007 for the eternal N64. Yes, many people who tested my game in private, as I gave them a beta with the first 5 campaign missions, said my game is kinda Arabic James Bond with a spice of Max Payne
I wont publish links here, but just search on google
fursan al aqsa and you will see all the information about my game, my game's website and all social networks, specially Tik Tok, as my game is becoming viral there.
Yes, this is not just a game, for me it is a looooong life dream which began there in 2009. Since I was a kid I always dreamed to make a game with kinda Arabic Rambo as a protagonist. This is a long journey and too much love and sleepless nights spent on this game (my wife knows it well

but she is very patient and supportive to me). Alongside this journey, there is my own port of the UDK Engine, which I did port to PS3 and Xbox 360. It was a very hard journey, I thought on giving it up many times, but the palestinian blood in my veins told me that a true fighter never gives up. I am sure my game is something big and very important as it breaks too many cliches, specially the cliche Arabs = Terrorists.
No muslim, no arab game developer had the courage and steel balls hahaha to make a game like this, and I know my game will blow up on steam very soon

About the consoles, the first attendant of Sony developers support gave me an incorrect information. Yes, sony accepted my game, but for PS4 and PS5, as they dont have more the PS3 Dev Portal online, so it is impossible to officially release on PS3. But I will release it as a commercial homebrew game, on both itch.io, gamejolt and on my own small e-commerce (for brazilian users, because neither itch.io and gamejolt sell in Brazillian Currency, and as brazilian I can only sell, on paypal, in brazilian currency).
As for the PC Version I will sell it on Steam, even tough their revenue share is of 30%, but it is worth indeed, as steam is not just a store, but a complete game platform for distribuition.
So for me releasing this game on PS4/PS5, it will depend on people's reception, specially steam sales. If this game sells very well on steam, and I have great hopes it will, Insha Allah - God's willing, so I will remake this game from scratch on Unreal Engine 4, and release it on PS4/PS5.
About Xbox One / Series X, unfortunatelly, Microsoft did not approve my game's concept, so I will release it only on the Xbox 360 as a commercial homebrew, just like the PS3 version.
I still did not decide the price, but will be around 15-20 bucks, the default price of many indie games nowadays. I plan to make, on my own, kinda collectors edition, one custom printed DVD-R with the 3 versions (PC/PS3/XBOX360), and a custom 3d printed statue of the game protagonist, as i have a friend here in brazil which prints in 3d many game characters as a decoration objects to sell, so i will make just one edition, show off around the web, and make a google form to see how many people will have interest, so I can produce before hand some units to sell via ebay.
So thank you all.
Cheers from Brazil.