Canis lupus
I finally bought the game! And damn lol, the texts are so small!
I'm currently working on the encyclopedias. Can't figure out which monster I'm missing - currently I am lacking 2. I know that one of them is left for concluding the quest with the princess, but does anyone know which monster no. 54 is (in the list after Mandoragon and before King crab onii)?
It's the Tropical Dragon - he's orange - not sure where he is on on the map (think there's one in a hole somewhere iirc) but you can fight one in the 'four dragons descend' challenge quest
There are still quests but they are repetitive.So what is there to do after beating the 'story' apart from the encyclopedia?
When does DLC kick in?
Are you in US? there's been many DLC releases. AFAIK only the princesses outfits are exclusives to the pass, the other items are just handy shortcuts to items attainable ingame.
I mean when do they show up in game?
No idea, have you downloaded all the items from the store?
Reading a bit more, there seems to be some gear that is exclusive to the DLC while the other is attainable in game.
Oldmario pointed out that @konamiuk is giving away digital copies of the game.
I assume just uk ones?
It's on hold due to RO. I intend to finish, but I'm not sure about going for platinum.I really want to get back into this game, I just got too overwhelmed with all the upcoming gamesI really love it too, I intend on platinum'ing it. How is the status of your platinums guys?
I really want to get back into this game, I just got too overwhelmed with all the upcoming gamesI really love it too, I intend on platinum'ing it. How is the status of your platinums guys?
How is the DLC? Worth the $?Er, I bought the Ultimate Pass or whatever but wasn't prompted to download anything.
Edit: Oh, apparently I had to manually download everything from the PSN after getting the pass lol.
I really want to get back into this game, I just got too overwhelmed with all the upcoming gamesI really love it too, I intend on platinum'ing it. How is the status of your platinums guys?
How is the DLC? Worth the $?
BTW what can you equip Corobo with?
I've got two lists left, the records (last 3 jobs needed, which I know how to get) and the food. I can't find Crazy Meat anywhere and none of the help online has been any help.
Anyone know where to find it?
So I just realized something. My current save is right before you talk to Azul to start the final sequence of events... so therefore I can't take on more quests. Does this mean I'm screwed with finishing the other stuff towards my plat?I have some of the princesses side quests initiated, but not all.
I figured I can get all their affection maxed out, do all the encyclopedias that I can and then start over if need be to finish up the other stuff. I'm just really, really bummed out that it just happened suddenly and I had no warning/option to just work at the side quest stuff.
If I remember correctly, you can continue your sidequests after finishing the game. The only missables are princess related trophies, if you dont save before talking to Azul (and if you dont maxed out their affection)
I don't recall where I picked this up, but according to someone on the forum these are dropped by the cow-carrying worker oniis outside Sobamanjaro. Maybe you already saw that though and it was wrong. I got lost a lot and killed everything in sight and just naturally found most of the food that way so I can't confirm.
Have you tries the citizen list? You can add/remove citizens then call them.I'm really loving this game. Is there an easier way to add people to the royal guard though? it all seems a bit tedious the way I do it.
Have you tries the citizen list? You can add/remove citizens then call them.
I had a question about the citizens list. Usually, I just check statuses in the main menu - can I see if a princess has her affection maxed out in the status menu/main menu? I'm at the point right before the point of no return so I can't sit on the throne to look at the citizens list![]()
You've probably tried this but you could try to access the citizen list from the podium where you summon your guard. I think that's the only way you'd be able to check the affection levels aside from the throne menu (citizen list smiley faces).
I completely forgot about that rofl. Sigh I just think it's so boring to get their affection up, mostly because of the fact that I can't do quests right now and that I'm right before the point of no return, and you have to get their affections up before you enter the point of no return.
To get their affection up, what I did was go to the princess room with one in my guard so she was following me, and then I'd prop something on the camera thumb-stick so the vita wouldn't go to sleep. The affection would go up just based on time spent with them, so you can just set it up, do something else, and check back in a couple of hours. It's still tedious and time-consuming, but at least you don't need to be directly involved.
Has the framerate issue been patched yet? I loved the game on the Wii and would equally love to play it portable
I'm also wondering about this. I'm sold on the concept, but I don't want to play an entire game at 20 fps.
Edit: I actually had another question in regards to the princesses' affection levels:
Can anyone confirm if theis all you need to know, when working towards the harem ending? I wasn't sure if the only affection levels were :| and
... I was just worried and didn't want to start on another princess without finishing the previous one.
Edit: Oh and just in case you weren't aware, make sure you leave one princess unmaxed while you're still doing the individual endings - I think it's possible to get locked into harem.
Oh wow, thank you for pointing that out LOL I would've been totally screwed. I'm definitely going to make sure I don't do one, and then do all the individual endings - just to be safe. I can't wait to be able to finish up all the encyclopedias and side quests.
No prob, I had a near miss with that myself. It'd be a pain to have to go out and get a princess KO'ed so she went back to :| and you could avoid the harem ending. Also, depending on your save, it might not be possible to go and do more quests at that point. I'm not sure how hard it would be to kill one off intentionally.