It's really useful for jump extension. If you use it at the right time, you can get more distance out of a jump. If you complete a triple jump and do it, it gives you even more air time. Really great for hitting the top of the stage-ending there any point to the shake/shoulder button spin move, except when using baby yoshi/tanooki suit?
Is it me or the secret exits are REALLY well hidden in this one?
yeah this is weird to me. Why not show level progression or other info
Couldn't post on Miiverse due to Wiimote. =( But I did it.
*edit* Found a workaround. I have to not use the games built-in thing. It may not show up as good as that, but least I can post it.
This gimmick makes more sense in a vertical level IMO.
It's really great that NSMBU is a hit with people who did and didn't like previous games. Means that Nintendo is actually refining and improving the NSMB formula and the game's goodness isn't just some fanboy illusion.I absolutely hated NSMB for DS and Wii.
I absolutely love this game.
That's really all I have to contribute to this thread.
It's really great that NSMBU is a hit with people who did and didn't like previous games. Means that Nintendo is actually refining and improving the NSMB formula and the game's goodness isn't just some fanboy illusion.
That said, I'm surprised you HATED the Wii game but enjoy this one. I do think NSMBU is better but it doesn't feel like it's necessarily in a different league.
Just did the final battle, all star coins. Still have to do star world and tackle challenge mode. According to the activity log, I have played the game for 15 hours and 59 minutes, only an hour or so of that being in challenge mode. Reviewers saying this is a five hour game are crazy.
In the case of waggle jump, you lose precision for no benefit whatsoever. Accidentally spin-jumping myself into a pit happened often enough in NSMBW to be irritating, and as the batteries got low you had to shake the controller harder for it to register, making it inconsistent. It was just a glaring flaw in an otherwise great game, and another example of Nintendo just having to be different for no good reason.I don't get why everyone is so down on the motion controls in some games. For DKCR I can understand since I hate them too, but in games like NSMBW and SMG1+2 they feel so natural.
Wii always felt like a forced multiplayer game to me. This seems like a single player game with the option of playing with multiple players.
This game has solid level design that actually has some difficulty behind it. While the standard world themes needs to be looked at, the design ideas in each of these worlds is much better than the rest of the series from what I've seen. I also enjoy that the flying power up doesn't break the game (ala raccoon tail in 3D Land). At the end of the day, while it has some hand holding, it's a difficult game, and that's what I've missed most from 2D Mario titles.
Have you played like the first world of NSMBWii only? NSMBU's first world appeared a bit better to me. But the rest of the Wii game is top notch level design and it really isn't a forced multiplayer game, it's the same thing as NSMBU. Actually, having played both, the Wii game is a bit harder actually. Also, each level in NSMBWii is distinct and with its own particularity (or gimmick) and in MANY levels there was even gameplay I've never seen in any platformer ever --- I am a platformer freak, I play like all of them. There's a bit of stuff repeating in NSMBU but I'm still impressed they could come up with good new ideas. Both games are great, your perception of the Wii game seems all kinds of wrong. You sound like someone that dissed the game after 2-3 levels in the first world. The game really is an amazing single player experience or 2 players, just like NSMBU. I hope you'd play it sometimes because really, you seem to have no idea what you're missing. You're not alone in this thread though. Its like everybody on GAF skipped NSMBWii or something. lol
NSMBWii(outside the last 2 worlds)
Pick one.
and I really liked that game
NSMBWii(outside the last 2 worlds)
Pick one.
This game is brutal. I'm finding it really challenging, which is a nice change - though I am going obsessively for every gold coin. I must suck at platformers![]()
I definitely don't remember the Wii game being harder. I think it took me a bit longer to hit 99 lives but it was at most on the level of NSMBU. But even after all of my experience with Mario games I'm finding NSMBU's stages to be less forgiving.
Having not played all of NSMBU, though, I'm not sure where it tops out. NSMB Wii's World 9 was definitely a good challenge for a Mario game, and I'm not at a point to say if the new game has hit that level yet, but five worlds in and it's certainly ramping up to that point much more quickly.
I am glad wii u doesn't have an achievement system, because one would probably be "beat swim for your life without taking damage" and I would cry.
Beat the game, working on the last handful of Star Coins. Very much enjoying it!
Can someone teach me how to use the twirl? Is it only for getting a higher bounce off of an enemy killed with the twirl? I just don't understand it,so I don't use it, and that feels weird. Help!
I am glad wii u doesn't have an achievement system, because one would probably be "beat swim for your life without taking damage" and I would cry.
Beat the game, working on the last handful of Star Coins. Very much enjoying it!
Can someone teach me how to use the twirl? Is it only for getting a higher bounce off of an enemy killed with the twirl? I just don't understand it,so I don't use it, and that feels weird. Help!
Twirl is also good for forcing Mario to go slightly horizontal and cancel his vertical momentum.
Really good when, for example, you need to jump between two pincering Piranha plants.
Run for It was my worst level. SSR got progressively easier though, something in my brain kicked in that ramped up my Mario playing i guess.