People will catch on eventually, you have to mix it up with roll sweeps.
Wow. Getting the Perfect Stride achievement with a 20-second run through the Mines was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in a game. In those scant few seconds, I was legendary. An insurmountable force of grace, efficiency, and brain-gouging brutality.
On the other hand, that fucking Clouds map can be infuriating. The swords should at least darken some as the sky becomes white to provide even a slight amount of contrast. Oddly, I don't take as much issue with the sword-obscuring grass in the Wilds, though it would be nice to see--if only briefly--some hint of your character/sword between the blades. Perhaps if the grass swayed in the wind so as to reveal momentary slivers of the action, that would be enough.
What's the controller support like on this? Anyone using xpadder or something similar?
Do people really find the divekick annoying? Just hold your sword high if you're facing a jumpy opponent, they'll just jump into it.
Yup. Aim for the head. Thank you Divekick for the training!I still find properly placed jump kicks say "fuck you!" to the sword, regardless of its positioning.
Like some said earlier there's still a problem with dpad support. I tried it with a stick and 360 controller. In the control options menu it works fine. The problem is within the real game modes there are already wonky controls mapped to the dpad. Left and right are up/down and some other weird stuff. Try it out with the default controls. When you map movement to the dpad in place of the analog stick the game will try to do both commands at once or possibly the wonky controls have priority. It's possible to play like this but you can't do certain moves like edging forward and your sword will go up and down on it's own.
you don't need to go back to neutral to cartwheel. you just need to make sure you tap down quickly, then go back to running.
so →↘→ in one motion, like performing a special attack in a fighting game
Nice. I've been using analog too. It works well. Some things are more difficult to do like rapidly changing sword height. Dpad will probably be my preferred control method once it's fixed.Yep, I observed this as well. I'd definitely like this to get fixed as it's gonna push me back to analog sticks for now. On the other hand I was able to beat the entire single player mode with this happening, lol.
It really is pretty mindblowing watching all the acrobatics unfold as you can just barely keep a vision of intent. Unfortunately most of my online matches consist mostly of slice and sprint. I think its probably a latency thing maybe but I rarely find myself actually fencing up and close and personal. Its a lot of jumping fake-outs and sword throwing.
Is there anything an unarmed person can do in a tunnel against someone that is just holding their sword at the lowest stance? Obviously there doesn't have to be something, since you just shouldn't lose your sword in a tunnel.
Is there anything an unarmed person can do in a tunnel against someone that is just holding their sword at the lowest stance? Obviously there doesn't have to be something, since you just shouldn't lose your sword in a tunnel.
Is there anything an unarmed person can do in a tunnel against someone that is just holding their sword at the lowest stance? Obviously there doesn't have to be something, since you just shouldn't lose your sword in a tunnel.
Street Fighter II, Super Smash Bros, GoldenEye 007: some games are written into history indelibly for their competitive multiplayer. To play them is to have battle upon battle seared onto your mind, branded there by the white-hot thrill of matching wits and reflexes against your peers. Prepare to add Nidhogg to the list.
It really is pretty mindblowing watching all the acrobatics unfold as you can just barely keep a vision of intent. Unfortunately most of my online matches consist mostly of slice and sprint. I think its probably a latency thing maybe but I rarely find myself actually fencing up and close and personal. Its a lot of jumping fake-outs and sword throwing.
I'm not sure if this has been posted in this thread yet. I haven't seen it.
I also haven't read it yet.
At one point, the moveset was kind of exploding I was adding things like the crane kick from Karate Kid and Yoshis ground pound. They were fun to pull off, but it was just too much to think about as a player, especially with the limited number of buttons. Some of that stuff might make sense later as another character we want to keep adding stuff as updates after release.
Doesn't seem to be many players online in LondonHave only seen like 1-3 people online at any one time. I played it with some friends yesterday though and it was a total blast, local MP is definitely the way to play this game. They picked it up almost instantaneously and after the first couple games they totally understood most of the mechanics.
Really in love with this game but I just need more people to play with!
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Some punk just quit right before I was about to get eaten by the Nidhogg. We had an epic back and forth and then I ran basically all the way across the map and poof back to the matchmaking screen.
Excellent news.
Excellent news.
What a miserable douche. More so than most any online game I've played Nidhogg does a very good job of conveying a sense of shared experience that you get from a great local MP game. Luckily, all of the people I've had great matches with seem to be good sports, with lots of "gg" and even a couple friend requests.
Almost to 100 wins!
Am I missing something? I can't seem to matchmake, says only 1 person is online.