After 1 day of owning and playing it...these are some of the worst 50 euros I've ever spent on a game.
Maybe there's some new enemy placements here and there but, for all intents and purposes this is Sigma 2 with gore using UE5 and...that's pretty much it, a quick and dirty® "remake" that doesn't deserve the "Black"subtitle since it adds absolutely nothing new and the few things that could have been added aren't there...
- No score at the end of each chapter (why?)
- No timed encounter challenges : on OG and even Sigma 2 (I think) you could have either the combo counter displayed or the encounter timer which would reward you with extra essence if you managed to complete it under the specific time.
- No tests of valour like in Sigma 2, WHY ?
- Enemy redesigns like the Dogs, why are they now just...plain ol' Akitas ? The ninja dogs were way cooler.
- Werewolves don't throw body parts
- Maybe I'm wrong or crazy but landing essence UTs don't reward you with extra multiplied essence ?
- Empty upon empty upon empty hallways...where the fuck are the enemies ?
- Graphics/environments which thanks to UE5 feel even more sterile and generic, Christ, some parts feel like they're straight up lifted from an UE library or some shit, absolutely soulless and lazy stuff...
- No photo 2025
Fucking hell, I know I should have waited but the hype got the better of me - and it's not because i'm a "purist", it's just that this game looks, feels and plays like a quick cash grab from the moment it could have been so much more, it's completely undeserving of the "Black" monicker and its MSRP, this should have been 30 Eurodollars TOPS or, just a subscription service title, the 50 Eurodollars pricetag is a friggin' joke for what it does and offers and personally, I utterly regret buying it, i could have spent some extra money and actually get - say - DW Origins which is a proper good game apparently.
If you're a fan of the franchise and you don't have Game pass as to play it for "free"...just stay away, it doesn't look that much better, it doesn't offer anything new and the few things that could have been added from OG NG2 aren't there.
This remake is pure marketing bullshit preying on the unsuspected, starved fans (like myself).
What an unneeded, worthless and ugly entry to the franchise, 5/10 and that's being generous