Man, this thread went fast from "Kirby Fan Club" to "Not worth $20." Bunch of crazy Europeans in here... Don't complain later when Kirby is ignored by NOE! This is one of the best Kirby games, period. You should be hoping it thinks you're worth it for $20.
Man, this thread went fast from "Kirby Fan Club" to "Not worth $20." Bunch of crazy Europeans in here... Don't complain later when Kirby is ignored by NOE! This is one of the best Kirby games, period. You should be hoping it thinks you're worth it for $20.
Next month.Is the Outrun 3D Classic out in the UK 3DS eShop? I couldn't find it
Next month.
An excellent game at a price cheaper than what it's going for anywhere. The problem is obviously elsewhere.I totally expect NOE to take from this that Kirby is the problem and not €20.
I'd sell it now before it hits, just in case the going price falls. You know it's coming for sure, so it's not like you're risking anything.I dunno how rare it is in EU but here it's $50 and up so $20 is an incredible deal for one of the very best Kirby games. I plan to sell my disc copy and switch to digital as soon as it arrives here.
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting you correctly, but Europe is pretty much the only region that doesn't seem to "get" Kirby. It's no wonder the series is not a priority for NOE and it sucks for the people that love it over there.They might even delay a Kirby game in Europe. Hmm.
You'd do better explaining what's good about this game, to be honest. No interest in co-op.
I don't buy the argument that it's a good price because people are selling used copies for more because of how rare it is. That's not something I really take into consideration. Especially here where this is the standard price of Wii games, so Sin and Punishment will also be £18.99 but I can get a used copy for £5.
Now, if the game itself is just worth £18.99, that's a whole 'nother matter. And perhaps it is!
Not used but new. How much is the Kirby game new in the UK? As I've told you before you can't find it for less tan 40 here (Spain) and it seems like in other places the situation is similar.
The thing about Kirby games is that unless there's a specific USP or gimmick, they're kind of samey. What differentiates Kirby's Adventure Wii / Return to Dreamland from Nightmare in Dreamland, Kirby's Dream Collection, The Amazing Mirror, or even Kirby's Epic Yarn?
Plus I managed to get Triple Deluxe for £20 a week ago, so my need for a Kirby game has been satisfied for now, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case for other people too.
I haven't seen new Wii games for sale in years over here.
Yeah it's really sad, especially because physical copies are also quite rare. Those bi-weekly $15 Etrian sales in the US are a damn tease![]()
The thing about Kirby games is that unless there's a specific USP or gimmick, they're kind of samey. What differentiates Kirby's Adventure Wii / Return to Dreamland from Nightmare in Dreamland, Kirby's Dream Collection, The Amazing Mirror, or even Kirby's Epic Yarn?
Not used but new. How much is the Kirby game new in the UK? As I've told you before you can't find it for less tan 40 here (Spain) and it seems like in other places the situation is similar.
So if you can't find a new copy for 20 then 20 becomes a great price (and yes, S&P2 for 20 is not a good price because there's dozens for 10 in retail everywhere).
I bought Shovel Knight on Wii U and have the same NN ID linked to my n3DS, so why isn't it 33% off?
I'm assuming NA will get DKCR this week, while Europe gets Kirby
Since Kirby WiiU is coming to NA this week and not Europe
and NOA will also start the flow of DKC games
That promotion ended when 2014 did.
So how come it's still advertised on both 3DS and Wii U?
This might not be the right place but I'm adding some new games to my backlog and I'd like to know how many hours it takes to beat (not 100%) the following games.
For the Layton games I usually only do about 95% of the puzzles. For Virtue's Last Reword I will probably only do two playthroughs max. I loved 999 but I couldn't stomach more than two playthroughs.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright 3DS
Phoenix Wright 5 3DS
Virtue's Last Reward Vita
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future DS
Professor Layton and the Last Specter DS
So how come it's still advertised on both 3DS and Wii U?
This might not be the right place but I'm adding some new games to my backlog and I'd like to know how many hours it takes to beat (not 100%) the following games.
For the Layton games I usually only do about 95% of the puzzles. For Virtue's Last Reword I will probably only do two playthroughs max. I loved 999 but I couldn't stomach more than two playthroughs.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright 3DS
Phoenix Wright 5 3DS
Virtue's Last Reward Vita
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future DS
Professor Layton and the Last Specter DS
This might not be the right place but I'm adding some new games to my backlog and I'd like to know how many hours it takes to beat (not 100%) the following games.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright 3DS
Phoenix Wright 5 3DS
Professor Layton and the Last Specter DS
This might not be the right place but I'm adding some new games to my backlog and I'd like to know how many hours it takes to beat (not 100%) the following games.
For the Layton games I usually only do about 95% of the puzzles. For Virtue's Last Reword I will probably only do two playthroughs max. I loved 999 but I couldn't stomach more than two playthroughs.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright 3DS
Phoenix Wright 5 3DS
Virtue's Last Reward Vita
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future DS
Professor Layton and the Last Specter DS
The nearest I saw was on the Facebook page about a year ago to which they responded that EOIV wasn't one of their games, they were shot down stood corrected saying they had got that muddled up with SMT IVHas anyone asked NISA why they don't seem to do eu e-shop sales?. They're not shy about discounting vita games on psn. I panicked bought the millennium girl last week despite being only 10 hours into EOIV since the prices seemed to be creeping even higher and e-shop is always full price.
On the Layton front, I'd say 20ish hours a piece, maybe a bit more.
Can't comment on Layton but Phoenix Wright takes about 25 hours if I remember right.
In general, can give you an idea of how long games are. The three above I have in my activity log, so:
17:39 (some of the bonus episodes too)
23:42 (including the DLC episode)
14:57 (all puzzles and bonus games, some of London Life, possibly some downloaded puzzles but it's been 3 years)
Hope that helps.
Virtue's Last Reward will probably take you around 30-40 hours for the true end. The multiple paths are way easier to get and less repetitive compared to 999, since you'll not need to play the same puzzles over and over again, so nothing to fear there.
I thought the ubisoft sale went through today. I just loaded up on eshop cards to get me some raymans and they're all full price. What gives?
They ended today. Lists them as through "today". Means that the sales end by noon EST of that day.
And woops! Looks like I'm ending my game's sales a day early by mistake too next week. Oh well. haha.
Sounds dodgy. But here's the banner on YCG's site.
Ostensibly a puzzle title, its incredibly atmospheric and uses the Wii U Gamepad in the way you wish more titles would. While the triggers and analog sticks controls your ships movement, lights and scanners, the vast majority of the ships systems are controlled via the touchscreen of the Gamepad.
It was soon obvious how well it worked as it attracted a crowd of players all offering their advice on how to advance in the game and remarking at how . I dont remember many demos where after handing over the controller the player would stay and chat with the next person in line, but thats just what happened. Absolutely cant wait to see more of this one, as its exactly the kind of game the Wii U needs.
Just got word from my Japanese publisher that Gunman Clive 2 will be released in the JP eShop on March 4 (as Gunman Story 2), and if I recall correctly it'll be 300 jpy.
So this game called Paparazzi hit the Wii U eShop today. The only reason I have any clue what it is is because I read the PS4 release list. I don't know if it's any good because the only Miiverse post is some jackass bragging that he's "First!"
Anyone else having issues with the MM3D collector's edition/hardcover guide? I've never had Amazon tell me extreme weather/natural disaster is preventing a shipment before...
Children of Morta is just several K away from hitting it's Wii U stretch goal too.Strenght of The Sword 3 Ultimate is just $10k short of the Wii U stretch goal and there's still 20 days to go on the Kickstarter, I'd say they've pretty much locked it already, right?
Looks really cool, much better than the original PS3 game