Let me backpedal on that. I likely just missed the option to go to your saves from the handwritten section.You couldn't do handwritten ones before?
Let me backpedal on that. I likely just missed the option to go to your saves from the handwritten section.You couldn't do handwritten ones before?
Not exactly sure where to put this news but this is a good a place as any, just did an interview with porthouse Abstraction Games, for the Wii U audience they did the port of Whispering Willows, they have told me that they are bringing a couple of games to the Wii U(And PS4/XBO) in the next few months.
In March they are releasing Kick & Fennick:
In April they are releasing Devil's Dare:
They are looking at a pricing for both title in the realm of 10 Euros.
That's awesome. I saw a lot of praise for K&F on here. Glad to hear it and thanks for the info!
Are the U downloads packed or why is the "used disc space" number almost twice as big?
Weelllll, Mario Kart 8 & Hyrule Warriors sort of kind of had what you could call "season passes" considering you were buying all of the DLC in advance for a discount & could download them for free once they were released. I don't know if Nintendo specifically called them that, but I know a good amount of people on GAF were calling them that.
they are two different games, can't tell you which is betterIn regards to FF Tactics: I haven't played that one yet, but have been meaning to. Is there is a consensus on which version is better (PSX or GBA)?
In regards to FF Tactics: I haven't played that one yet, but have been meaning to. Is there is a consensus on which version is better (PSX or GBA)?
Hey, thanks for the replies! I was completely unaware they were different games. I do like SRPGs, so finding out there are 2 FF "Tactics" games feels like finding a bonus present on Christmas. I'll definitely pick them both up then.
Actually there's a third one in the series on DS.![]()
I think you can't go wrong with either playing FFT or FFTA first but you would definitely go wrong if you played FFTA2 first.
I think you can't go wrong with either playing FFT or FFTA first but you would definitely go wrong if you played FFTA2 first.
That's another good question: Are FFT and FFTA sequential in story lines, or are they as different from each other as the numbered FF games?
I always found it funny that they called it Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2, because it was released to the DS instead of the Game Boy Advance.
Never could get into A2, don't know why.
That's another good question: Are FFT and FFTA sequential in story lines, or are they as different from each other as the numbered FF games?
It's a very easy one to get into. Even with the restrictions in place due to the law system, it's ultimately a much more forgiving game than its genre peers.I've never even played a FF game (the JRPGs I've played are Chrono Trigger, EB, and Dragon Quest V), let alone a SRPG. The only real strategy game I've played is the first Advance Wars, I'm guessing FFTA would be pretty easy to get into either way, right? It just looks fun and charming but is the gameplay deep enough and rewarding? Good replay value? I actually might be getting the cart to play on my backlit modded GBA 001.![]()
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
FINAL FANTASY EXPLORERS Master more than 20 jobs, each offering unique ways to defeat or even recruit the realms mightiest monsters. Players will have the ability to call upon the powers of eidolons like Ifrit and Bahamut, as well as transform into legendary characters from the FINAL FANTASY series via the Trance ability. Click here to watch a trailer for the game.
Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS
LEGO® Marvels Avengers The best-selling LEGO Marvel video game franchise returns with a new action-packed superhero adventure on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems. LEGO Marvels Avengers features characters and storylines from the critically acclaimed Marvel films, additional classic Avengers characters featured in Marvel Comics, open-world game play and the introduction of dynamic new Team-Up Moves. Click here to watch a trailer for the game.
Nintendo eShop on Wii U
Shadow Puppeteer Invite a friend to explore the strange, yet beautiful, world of darkness and light in Shadow Puppeteer, an award-winning local co-op adventure. Work together as a boy and his shadow, manipulating light to solve puzzles that bring you closer to finding the evil shadow puppeteer. Click here to watch a trailer for the game.
Virtual Console on Wii U
FINAL FANTASY Tactics Advance When Marche and his friends open an ancient magical tome, their small town is transformed into a fantasy-filled kingdom known as Ivalice. In this Game Boy Advance RPG classic, guide Marche and his clan against countless foes, and discover the wonders of Ivalice. Build up your party, master abilities and summons, and learn tactical combat to win in battle.
Nintendo eShop sales:
Nintendo eShop on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS
Its the last week of the Winter Warm-up Sale! Check out this weeks deals and save up to 30 percent off select games. The sale ends Feb. 4 at 8:59 a.m. PT.
99Moves, Darts Up 3D and more games from Enjoy Up are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 25.
Nintendo eShop on Wii U
TNT Racers Nitro Machines Edition is more than 35 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 11.
Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS
Art of Balance TOUCH! is 25 percent off (reduced from $6.99 to $5.20) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 18.
Classic Games Overload: Card & Puzzle Edition is 50 percent off (reduced from $29.99 to $14.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 22.
The Magic Hammer is 40 percent off (reduced from $4.99 to $2.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 25.
Also new this week:
Hello Kittys Magic Apron (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
RV-7 My Drone (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
The Magic Hammer Demo Version (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS)
Joes Diner (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Level 22 (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Crazy Train (DSiWare on Nintendo DSi)
Thought that freeze platformer game was coming out this week?
DSiWare in 2016?
3DS list: Fantasy Life, Virtue's Last Reward, Shantae Pirate's Curse, Xeodrifter (crossbuy), Attack of the Friday Monsters, Metroid and Castlevania.